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After five whole days of riding non stop through the woods, in the bitter snow storms Prince Adonis and his Legion had finally arrived at the borderlands and would soon reach the former village.   Adonis and his men came to a stop a reasonable distance away from the village and set up camp. The men set up the tents and began to feast whilst talking to one another, Prince Adonis and his friends had gathered in one tent and began discussing their strategy.   “I say while we have the advantage of the night, we rush in and squash those lizards down to the ground and show the rest of the continent our might” Riley was the first to speak up. “that doesn’t seem feasible, although it might sound like a great plan do not think every man is as monstrous as the lot of you to go five whole days without food nor rest and be at tip top shape.” Geoffrey spoke up as well showing the flaws in Riley’s plan of attack.   “Mhm, I agree with Geoffrey I have six of these and I’m still starving. As I always say don’t fight on an empty stomach.” Bjorn spoke as he devoured a turkey leg, the others all stared at him speechless. Riley began scolding Bjorn “starving! Empty stomach! Starving my foot! We all came in here together when in the name of the gods did you have Turkey legs in fact where did you get Turkey legs ?!”  Riley questioned the source of the turkey legs and although the other two didn’t say anything they had the same questions in their mind while looking at that massive Turkey legs.   “none of your business.” Bjorn spoke while attempting to protect his turkey leg as though they would snatch it from him any time, his actions just stunned them all the more. “okay, Geoffrey’s right the men are tired let them rest, first thing tomorrow we head for battle” Prince Adonis spoke up ending the meeting.   The three men then walked out of the tent, the prince watched them walk out then moved out as well looking up at the night sky, he saw the moon and the countless stars in the night sky. *sigh* ‘I’m sorry father. I disobeyed your words… but I’ll show you, I’ll show you I was right, after we show our might to the world no one will dare to invade our lands ever again’   Dawn soon arrived. Prince Adonis stood before his men, looking at every one of them he took in a deep breath then began, “I know, I know that even though you marched out here with me there is still a tiny amount of fear in your hearts. After all this is what they call the age of empires, people claim this is their era and that we the kingdoms will eventually fade into oblivion…” as his said these words the hardened expressions o this men began cracking. He took a good look at each and every one of his men, they had followed him countless times into countless battles and to him they were as close as brothers.     “But I say who gives a damn! So what if they say this is the age of empires! I say so what! History has always been written by the victors, and today… victory is ours. Today we march once more against our enemies, with no fear! For they are but mere men, even if the gods descend against our kingdom with our lord Fenrir behind us, whom shall we fear!” “No one!” the men shouted “if men come, men we shall slay. If monsters come, monsters we shall slay. If demons come…” “DEMONS WE SHALL SLAY!” “if even the gods come…” “Gods we shall slay!” with their shout thunder boomed in the clear skies as though to say it had acknowledged them.   “For the strength of the wolf is the pack!” “and the strength of the wolf is the pack!!!” the men shouted once again their morale at an all new high. The three friends looked at Adonis “I always wondered how he does that” Riley spoke once he saw the scene around them “Its simple,” Bjorn began “ He has the majesty of a King.”   “CHARGE!!” the prince shouted as he led his men into battle. The men charged right into the village ready to begin the s*******r but the sight that greeted them was not one they were expecting.   The village was empty with no signs what so ever of the enemy camp. The silence was deafening, all the knights began looking around at the ruins wondering where the Hades the enemies were. Prince Adonis felt all his hairs stand and knew something was wrong, he rose his hand signaling his men to be alert. All was silent for a minute but then an arrow fell from the sky sending a man down, this was the beginning the sky went dark and it began raining arrows.   “Shield!” the prince called out to his men who rose their shields in response some men were not fast enough and still lost their lives. Adonis grit his teeth as he watched his men fall. Immediately the rain of arrows came to an end men began charging from all directions not giving the Legion the slightest breathing room. “Brace yourselves!” Adonis shouted at him men and prepared for the clash.   Adonis fought with his sword showing the strength the Horwich family was known for, like a wolf amongst sheep with each swing of his sword a new soul was delivered before the gates of the underworld. The knights of the Drakon empire watched the scene in fear, they were told the king would not be here and so they thought they had nothing to fear but now… Before them was a man just as or even more terrifying.   Adonis men saw this scene and recovering their rapidly dropping morale they charged with him holding nothing back, they were a pack of wild wolves and they were out for blood. The pace of battle shifted in favor of the wolves and at this moment victory was in their sights.   “sorry…” Adonis heard him and turned around to see a sight he never expected to see. Some of  his men had unexpectedly betrayed him, even killing Riley “No!”  Adonis saw red and turned charging at the traitors.   “watch out!” before he could get far someone shouted once more , he turned around to see Bjorn with a sword through him, turning to the source of the blade he unexpectedly laid eyes on Geoffrey. Countless questions appeared in his mind but only one word managed to escape the confines of his lips, “why?” this one word contained countless questions and emotions, words alone were not enough to express what he was feeling.   “I am sorry Adonis but I have to do this. If there is a next life I will serve you to atone for my sins my prince.” Saying so he charged at Adonis but was stopped by Bjorn, Bjorn shocked them both. They simply couldn’t comprehend how he was still moving with a sword sticking out his back.   Bjorn spoke up, his teeth bloody “run… Adonis, you have to return *cough* someone set a trap and we fell for it *cough* but you, you have to return no matter what *cough* you have to return and warn the king”   Adonis wanted to argue but he knew Bjorn was right and with Bjorn loosing that much blood there was no way he was leaving here alive. He called for his wolf and rode into the woods,  
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