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  The woods were peaceful, with a few woodland creatures running around going about their daily lives when a flock of ravens took to the skies cawing warning all residents of the woods of the impending danger.   ‘ROOOAAR’ a loud roar soon followed after, the roar originated from a beast so massive it seemed like a small mountain, the beast had a resemblance to a bear with its snout and facial features alongside its general body shape but that was where the resemblance ended the beast had massive spikes of ice growing along its back with it eyes giving of a demonic glow.   This beast of massive proportions was now being challenged by an individual who seemed so insignificant in comparison but was holding their ground against the beast. The individual was draped in greyish silver armor with a head full of silver hair, the warrior rolled away just in time avoiding a swing from the bear who was determined to maul him to death, before trying to cut into the monster but an ice coating appearing on the beast’s body stopping his silver broadsword and sending him a few steps back.   The warrior and the beast stared each other in the eye, before rushing each other once more. The beast got up standing on its hind legs before smashing down after coating its fore arms in ice, the warrior was quick to react raising his blade to block the attack.   ‘ROOOAAR’ the beast let its head down coming close to the warrior’s face, letting out a roar trying to frighten the warrior before it, “oh shut up!” the warrior smashed his fist right into the beast head forcing it off of him. The beast shook its head trying to shake of the disorienting feeling it was feeling.   The beast turned to face the warrior letting out a roar of anger before a faint glow could be seen emerging from within its maw. “want to end things huh, was thinking the same thing.” The warrior straight at the beast with his sword at hand, as the beast let out a frost beam at him. The warrior avoided the blast by taking to the ground sliding under the beast and sending his word through the beast’s underbelly appearing behind the best.   Standing he wiped the blood which had splattered on his face, turning to look behind himself the massive beast and once overlord of these woods was no more.   …… A certain town was going about their duties with commoner children running along the cobblestone paths without a care in the world when they came to a halt, their attention drawn to a figure making its way to the town.   The guards at the town gate had their attention focused on the figure as well. The figure was too far away for the them to have a clear view but from the massive size they all saw they reached out for their bows and quivers believing the figure to be a monster.   As they figure came closer though they realized they were only half right, before them was a warrior who rode upon a horse dragging the corpse of a massive beast behind himself, what drew the attention of the guards was not the corpse of the monster but rather the warrior himself who wore greyish silver armor stained in blood alongside an absurdly large broadsword, looking absolutely terrifying, his head full of silver hair, alongside his greyish silver armor and broadsword as well as the beast behind him gave away his identity to all, the man before them was none other than a Huntsman.   The huntsman drew the attention of all the townsfolk as he made his way through town, the townsfolk had never seen such a massive monster in the entirety of their lives, they whispered amongst themselves with some of the braver ones pointing at him.  The children couldn’t hold back anymore rushing towards him coming close to touch both the steed and the monster it was dragging.   The huntsman came to a halt looking down to see a young child right by his side who looked up at him with nothing but curiosity in her eyes, the huntsman gave the child a smile which the child returned before being carried away by a woman who he assumed to be her mother rushed to her side and whisked her away, all the children who were close to him were taken away by their parents and before him was a group of knights.   The leader spoke up with a tone full of strength, “leave now huntsman! There is nothing for you in this town”. The huntsman looked at the knight with a stoic look on his face, “As you can see, I have things to sell” the huntsman used his thumb to point behind himself, “after I have sold what I came to sell I would be out of your town.”   The knight and Huntsman shared a look before the knight left alongside his men. The huntsman continued on his path arriving before a bar heading straight in with all eyes on himself.          
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