lost world

1090 Words
After a whole month of intense studies a lot had happened in the outside world but I was oblivious to it all, my mind was occupied solely on the next trial but from the intense tutoring I received from Gareth I could guess that it would be tough and my chances of survival were slim but I had made it this far and there was no turning back.   Gareth led me down the halls of the academy not letting anything slip about where exactly he was taking me to and so I focused on the walls, the walls gave one an ancient feeling as well as a mysterious one. The mystery feel it gave separated it from the other halls in the academy.   We soon came before a door, it was a door made of mahogany but for some reason seeing the many locks on the door made me curious as to exactly what was behind the door and my curiosity would soon be satiated as Gareth moved to the locks and began opening them one by one as he began to explain the next trail to me. “A huntsman life is never easy, there will be times where you have nothing but the clothes on your back and your survival would depend solely on your knowledge and skills, this trial will test your ability to do just that.”   With his words Gareth opened the door but unlike my many fantasies there was nothing, and I don’t mean an empty room no I mean a black empty void that seemed as though it would suck my soul, before I could ascertain more information about this trail I was pushed into the void leaving nothing but my screams. … I was falling for gods know how long, after an hour or two of screaming my voice was hoarse and I could scream no more. At that point I was no longer scared but wondering just how much longer this fall was going to last, just then I could see something below. I squinted to have a better look and realized it was water an immense feeling of joy washed over me but it was soon replaced by fear as I realized I was about to make contact any moment now and so my screams resumed “aaaagh”   *splash* there was a huge splash as I made contact with the water and by some miracle I survived. I swam up to the surface taking in a deep breath before I started to take in my surroundings, there was nothing but water in sight except at the sought where I made out a faint outline of what looked like a beach not wasting much time I began swimming for shore. I was close when  felt the water around me  begin to move with more ripples appearing on the surface, it was at this moment I knew that there was something in the water.   I swam even more furiously hoping to make it to shore quickly but the creature seemed to be even faster as the distance between us continuously kept shrinking, with each second my heart began beating faster and I felt as though my heart was my in my throat. I looked behind me and I regretted it, the beast was now partially above water with its mouth wide open revealing rows and rows of sharp teeth and just as I was a minute away from being eaten a scene I would ever forget occurred the water became unsettled and massive waves appeared from no where carrying me away but I managed to catch  a glimpse of it.   I managed to catch a glimpse of the creature that caused this, it was an absolute monstrosity, the beast was huge, as for how huge? I had n idea but from what was above the water the creature was definitely over thirty feet long just by the sheer size of the creature I was sure I was not enough to fit the gaps between its teeth.   The behemoth looked down at me with a clear look of disdain before slowing going bac into the water, the encounter with the behemoth was enough to disperse the seed of arrogance I had began to form after my training. No matter how many of me were there I had no doubt the beast could defeat me with one move.    Arriving on shore I began to kiss the ground, never have I been so happy to be back on land. After regaining my bearings, I took in my surroundings spotting a large rock with something inscribed into it in the archaic tongue, reading through it I had a rough guess as to where I was from the info given on the rock I was in another realm all together I was in ‘the lost world’. … In the academy Gareth was watching the events unfold, before him was a magic table with a reflective surface in which he observed Tyler. His heart was in his throat when Tyler was confronted with the black lake lord. Gareth knew how many of his brothers he had lost to the black lake lord.   “hmm… now that is unexpected.” Gareth jumped when he heard that grabbing his sword and entering his battle stance. He was stunned however when he saw who it was, “you scared me” the person began to laugh “ the great Gareth of the north scared… hahaha”   Gareth watched her placing his sword back down, “I was not expecting you Salma.” Salma was an enchanting lady. She wore a tight fitting red dress showing of er curves which only served to increase her charm. “no one ever does love..” she replied as she moved to take a seat, “so to what do I owe the pleasure pf having the jealous witch of snow visit.”  Gareth spoke with as smirk while Salma groaned. “don’t even start, I hate that title… it makes it seem as though I can only perform ice spells like seriously also…” she vanished appearing before Gareth with a sweet smile “…do I need a reason to see my beloved.” Gareth leaned in to land a kiss on her lips, parting lips he gave her a loving look which she returned but all of a sudden she gripped his throat with her eyes filled with killing intent.  
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