1005 Words
"Going out with someone,' I said again, repeating what she had just said. She nodded. "Yes, I'm in a relationship. We've been going out for months, and he loves me so much that he even said, he would like to see you too?' She grinned as she stated this. This is ludicrous; I don't know what to say. She's been dating someone, but she's never admitted it to me. It seems creepy to me. I don't blame her, but this is the first time I've seen her act like this. She appears to be in a pleasant mood. I'm still uneasy, but that's not a terrible thing right? She might as well get married to him in my absence, why now? "Um...I don't want to meet him right now. Perhaps next time, Mom?' I quickly replied. "But he wants to see you, and why don't you want to meet him?' She enquired. "I'm busy, and I want to meet up with the others tonight,' I responded hastily. This is still shocking for me. I don't want to meet whoever is dating her and say. Good evening, my name is Johan. It's nice to meet you, my mother has told me a lot about you, and then I stretched my hand for a handshake. And then he extends his hand to shake mine and says. "It's also good to meet you, you know, your mother has told me a lot about you too, and he smiles at me. I don't want that kind of introduction right now. "Meet up with the others,' she said with a grimace. 'Why?' She inquired. 'It's because we're hosting a karaoke party, and the entire school is coming.' I elaborated. "Isn't it a little risky?' she explored. "No, Mom,' I say. "It's not dangerous, believe me. Everything will be fine, and I will arrive before 10 or 11 p.m. Don't be concerned about me, and relax your thoughts,' I comforted her. "You…you don't seem happy about the news.' "What news?' I frowned. "That I'm dating someone, you look upset about it.' I sighed. "Mom, whoever you are dating is not my business, you said he wanted to see me and I said I was busy." I shrugged. "Doesn't look like I'm upset.' She smiled. "I will be waiting for you, but just know that I want to be happy and I met that person who accepted me for who I am.' She laughed. "I will always love you no matter what, Johan.' "I will be going soon.' I muttered. "Fine, please be careful.' she added as she held me tightly. "You're maturing now, my boy has grown,' She said this while smiling warmly at me. "I know, mum, and take care of yourself as well.' I said as I smiled at her. Then she stood up and exited my room, closing the door behind her. As soon as I lay down. She pushed open the door once more. "Johan, where is Elsa?' She inquired. I raised my head and said. "I haven't seen her since I returned. Perhaps she's in her room,' I said, and she nodded and shut the door. I'm not upset or let's say I am upset and it's not because she loves someone, it was because she held it away from me for a long time, concealing the truth. That's pissing me off, she might as well not tell me at all, I hate stuff like that, it's quite annoying. The time was 6 p.m., according to the clock on the wall. So I still have two hours to go. I fell asleep after just a short nap. "Johan,' I heard someone yell at me while hitting me across the face. However, the hand was small and uncomfortable. "Big brother.' I'm still hearing that person's voice calling my name. I turned to the other side of the bed, expecting Elsa to leave me alone, but she followed me there and began hitting my face. I stood up and glared at her, irritated. "Stop Elsa, it's not humorous, and could you please, for crying out loud, let me sleep?' I grumbled. "I don't want to bother you, but Charlotte said I should tell you to come downstairs right now, sleepyhead,' she murmured, kneeling on my bed in front of me. "Who is that?' I sighed and yawned, not getting what's being said. "She's your girlfriend. Charlotte,' she rationalized. "Right, girlfriend,' I muttered as I was about to fall asleep again, and then I realized something. I sprang to my feet and yelled. Holy crap! I got out of bed and began putting off my uniform; I had forgotten that Charlotte had invited me to a party, and here I was sleeping. "I'm going to meet Charlotte, and please make sure I leave the room before you start changing your clothing the next time. Don't be a pervert?' I was taken aback by what she said. 'What!!!! Elsa, can you come back here?' I yelled, but she laughed and rushed away. Children nowadays learn so quickly and retain so much of what they hear in their brains. They don't seem to care if what they're saying is harmful or not. That's why they're children in the first place. She's only seven years old, yet she already knows the word "pervert." That continues to astound me. I quickly changed into my clothes and combed my hair, soaking it with my hair lotion. I sprayed my mouth to remove any odors, not because my breath is horrible, but just in case. I sprayed some perfume and took my phone on top of my bed. Only to see, 10 missed calls from Ava, 25 missed calls from Jack, and 50 from Charlotte. Shit!!!! I'm a dead meat. Charlotte is going to kill me; what kind of sleep was I having that I didn't hear them calling me? I slid the phone into my pocket and checked myself in the mirror to see whether I was looking decent. Now it's time to go.
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