Chapter 1

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Skylar's POV It's Friday morning and I woke up to my 11 month year old son crying. "Baby shhh don't cry, mummy is here." "Momma." He said and lifted his cute little hands. I absolutely love my son, I would give the world to him. "Are you hungry Nico?" "Hungy." He repeats after me. His full name is Nikolai, but I almost always call him baby or Nico. His father is not in the picture and will never be, he made that pretty clear when he called attorneys and he gave up all rights to me saying he doesn't even want the child to know about him. Of course I signed everything, but at the time I was heartbroken. His name was Jake and we were together for four years. It's my luck that Nikolai is exact replica of me, he doesn't have one trace of his father. The day I told him about me being pregnant I lost my boyfriend and my parents, since they disowned me. So I haven't been in contact with them for almost two years. I was then 22 and now I am 24. But life brought me good things too. When I moved to New York I met my now best friend Lilian. I even got a job as Junior Editor in Elle magazine. So I focused on my then unborn baby, work and best friend. No other man needed. After me and Nico finished breakfast and got dressed I drove to work. But not before I leave Nico at daycare. From our mini but pretty apartment it takes us 10 minutes to daycare and 10 more to my job. I kiss my baby goodbye and then decide to call my best friend. On second ring she answers. Hey Sky. Hey Lily, how are you? I am fine, getting ready for doing a photoshoot. Oh great, so celebration is still on for tomorrow? Yes, it starts at 12. But there will be nothing big. Just my and Jeremiah's parents, you and Nico and Jer's best friend. Jeremiah's best bro? I didn't even know he has one. But ok, I gotta go now, see you tomorrow. Bye. Lilian is married to her high school sweetheart. They have been together for 8 years now and have a little girl named Yara, who will be 4 tomorrow. She is really sweet. Lilian is a professional photographer, so we often work together. That is how we actually met, for my task I had to find new photographer and we instantly clicked. She helped me a lot during pregnancy and was even there at birth. ~~~~~ My work goes quickly by and now it's time to pick Nico up and then go to shop Yara presents. As soon as I step in daycare Nico calls me. "Momma! Momma!" He somehow slowly wobbles to my feet. Yes he is almost walking. "Hey baby. Mommy missed you." I pick him up and kiss his cheeks. I say bye to his day carrier and we go to shopping center. I put Nico in a baby carriage so it's easier for me to shop. Yara is obsessed with Disney's Sleeping beauty so I buy her some jewelry and a doll and some dress. She is like a niece to me and I spoil her rotten. As I am picking up which dress someone runs into me. " I am so sorry." I quickly apologize to this man, I must say he really is handsome but my rule stands no man needed. Nico is the only boy I need in my life. "No I am really sorry, I should've watch where I am going." He says and then his eyes land on Nico. "What a handsome little boy." He comments. Nico made his baby laugh at his comment, but I sweetly smile at him saying: "He really is." "Well I apologize again for running into you, but I should go now, before little monster gets hungry." I add. "The fault is all mine Mrs. ..." He trails off. "It's Miss Skylar. Mr. ..." I trail off too, not knowing his name. "Elijah. Well I should quickly choose my niece a present and get going. It was nice meeting you." I say bye and quickly get out of the store. Of course after buying presents. By the time we make it home, Nico is asleep in his car seat, so I gently carry him to his room and go to cook us some lunch/dinner. It's already 5pm. When Nico falls asleep at 8pm I wrap Yara's presents, take a nice relaxing bath and clean the apartment a little bit. When I am about to fall asleep I think of that man, Elijah, but I quickly dismiss the though. ****** Now it's Saturday and I am buckling Nico in his car seat. Today he didn't wake me up, so we slept till 9am. Which is awfully long, Nico almost always wakes up at 7am. Although he slept two hours more than usual, he is really tired and grumpy. I pick him and presents up and ring the bell. At the door are Lily and her family. "Yara honey, happy birthday!" "Thank you Auntie Sky!" She beams. When she sees what I am holding she starts squealing: "Presents yaaay!" "Yara let them in. Hi Sky, hello Nico." Lilian's husband Jeremiah said. We call him Jer. "Hi Jer. Say hi, Nico." But Nico stays quiet. "Sorry, he is really grumpy today. Right baby?" All he does is buries his head in my shoulder. "Where are your parents?" "They both went home, you are a little bit late Sky, you know." Jer says teasingly. "Oh, I know, sorry. Nico wouldn't let go of me so it was hard to get dressed or shower." I apologetically respond. Just then the bell rings again. "Oh than must be for you babe." Lily says to Jer. "Jer you still have to explain to me how on earth am I only finding out now that you have a best friend." "Yeah, yeah just let me get that." "So now that he is gone, any new boys Sky?" "You know me Lily so the answer is no." Nico has fallen asleep on me. I hope he wakes up happy and not grumpy. "Oh come on Sky! You are gorgeous, I bet there are tons of guys after you. Just pick one and have a one nightstand!" "Lily!" I exclaimed the same time as familiar voice said: "Who needs a one nightstand? Thank you for reading!
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