Chapter 4

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"How do you mean why Pearl? You are beautiful, kind, passionate, a fighter, loving and on and on. Who could have not liked you?" Elijah answers this like I have grown another head, like it's obvious why he likes me. "I have a child Elijah." I deadpan. "So? I absolutely love the kid. Why are you so insecure Pearl?" Gosh this man is reading me like a book. His gaze was so intense. And he is really staright forward, I like that about him. People nowdays always have some hidden intensions. "Liking me, being with me is being with my child. Leaving me is leaving him Elijah. I can not have him grow emotionally attached to a person who isn't going to stay." Thanks god Nico is now asleep in his stroller. "And why do you think I am not going to stay?" "Elijah please. Let's talk about something else." I like him too, but he can always find someone else. "No, let's talk now. Why do you think I would leave?" I sighed when he didn't give up. "Elijah you can always find younger, more beautiful girls. Girls who will provide you with just your children, not from someone else." I whisper the last sentence but he heard it clearly. "Pearl I don't care about other girls. And I love Nico as my child, besides he already calls me daddy." "Yes, now you don't care. But in I don't know, a year or two or five who knows. Nico will be attached to you. And you can decide just to walk out of our lifes and I will be there to explain to Nico why his "daddy" isn't coming home." It's seems like he broke my walls and now I am pouring all of my insecurities to him. "Pearl please. I will not walk out on you two! Look let's just start dating ok? We will go on a couple dates and you will see how it goes. But if it is for my decision, I decide to stay." "I need time to think okay? I will call you. Bye Elijah." I don't know what to do. I always grow too attached. And I know once I say yes to dating him there is no going back for my feelings, which I try so hard to neglect. Maybe I should call Lily as Nico is still sleeping so we can talk in peace. Hey Sky Hey Lily Oh-oh I know that "hey Lily", what is it that is bothering you? What would you do in my place if there was a guy, who liked you and your kid and he would told you he wants to stay, and won't give up? First of- you met someone and didn't tell me! But for your question, how long do you know each other and how you feel, but truly feel, about him? We have know each other for a little bit over a month. And I like him I do and Nico basically loves him, but I am scared Lily. I can't lost trust and hope again. You can take slow steps maybe? Sky you have to risk sometimes so you don't miss something in your life. What if this guy is the one? And because of your fear you will miss your chance? Is it worth it, missing happiness because of fear? I guess you are right Lily. I will think some more into it. So what is his name? I thought she will figured who I am talking about by now. Umm.. Tell me Sky now! It's Elijah... I whisper in my phone Elijah, Elijah? Jer's bro? I knew you would be perfect for each other! Lily calm down, we are not getting married. Well not yet obviously. Lily this conversation is getting pointless. Thank you for your advice, I got a decision to make. Bye Sky, give the man a chance. Bye. Just as I hang up my phone Nico starts waking up from his sleep. "Hey baby. Did you sleep well?" "Momma!" He smiles at me, I swear to god he is my sun and my strength. "Hey baby are you hungry?" "Hungy." "Okay let's go, I made you your dinner baby." I tie him a bib and start feeding him semolina. I motioned spoon in front of his mouth but he didn't want to eat. "Nico." I warned him. "No momma. Dadda." Great he already is attached. I will just have to play along. "Nico daddy is not here, please eat. Daddy will give you to eat next time ok?" He didn't answer but just open his mouth instead. After dinner I bathed him and put him to bed. "Night momma." "Good night baby." I was sitting in living room relaxing and thinking about Elijah, Nico and me. I agree with everything Lily said. I started to drift to sleep when buzz from my phone interrupted me. From: Lily: I will tell Jer tomorrow I am pregnant if you give yourself and Elijah a chance. To: Lily: Lily you can't persuade me like that! He is your husband, father to your children he should know. From: Lily: I know I just thought it might work. You do deserve love Skylar. I didn't reply after that. I laid on couch and started thinking of all the possibilities what could happen. The good scenarios and the bad ones. I know I am a coward, but will I ever met another guy who accepts Nico and me? So kind? Will I ever got a new chance if I denied Elijah? What will happen if he leaves me? How will Nico be? What if he will want to stay in contact with Nico? He claims he loves him? What harm could possibly one date do? Maybe just maybe I should give him a chance... Those kind of question went on and on, I was awake till 3am. I am lucky tomorrow is Sunday. At 3.16am I made my decision. To: Elijah: Are you free tomorrow for coffee? I guess we have a conversation to finish. What surprised me the most? I got his response right away. From: Elijah: Of course. Is 1pm fine for both of you? I just want you to know I really like you a lot, you both. To: Elijah: It's fine. Good night Elijah.
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