Gay Butterflies

2360 Words
The bell finally rang, signaling the end of the class. Students slowly filled the hallway. hoping to get as soon as possible to the cafeteria. Tanch brushed off some people just to get to Sarah and Lacey's room, it was already vacated so she just assumed that Sarah and Lacey were at the cafeteria already. Frowning, she just started walking towards the cafeteria, gripping the straps of her bag tightly. "Hi, bebs." Tanch announced her presence as she sat down and put down her tray at the table. "Hey, Tanch. Where's Lacey?" Patty, her friend asked. Tanch was about to answer when she heard Lacey's high-pitched voice. "Here I am." Tanch looked back at her and saw the girl that's occupying her mind from the very first moment she saw her and up until now. "Hey, Sarah." Tanch sweetly called and Sarah reciprocated her smile. "You can sit here." Tanch said while tapping the chair beside hers. "How about Lacey's?" Sarah asked as she saw there's only one chair available. "Don't worry about her. She can grab her's." Sarah sat at the seat beside Tanch's as Lacey got a new chair and sat beside Sarah. "Wow, we got a new girl. Your name is?" Patty asked. "I'm Sarah, Sarah Jane Riveria." "Nice meeting you Sarah, Patty is the name and this girl is Aria." Aria just nodded her head and smiled. "Same here." "Are you two in the same class?" Patty asked Lacey. Lacey just nods because she's too busy to eat. "Is she the reason why Principal Smith called you to his office?" Aria addressed her question to Tanch. Tanch swiftly nods while munching her food. "Principal Smith wants me to assist Sarah for one whole week." She added. Aria just nodded her head again and focused her attention on her food. After a few more talks, Sarah got comfortable already with Tanch's circle of friends as she has a very pleasing and funny personality. They talked and talked about different nonsense things. Well, that's how girls hooked up, right? Share everything they see, hear, and think. That's what makes them closer. And Tanch being Tanch, caught herself staring at Sarah every once in a while. I can't just take my eyes off her. If I do, I feel like I'm missing a very important point in my life. "Hey Sarah, want to hang out later after class?" Lacey asked as they walked outside the cafeteria and started walking towards their room. For one good reason, Tanch wanted Sarah to say no, she's not available, she can't, anything to turn down her friend's offer. Tanch secretly smiled when she heard Sarah muttered "Sorry, I can't." Then look apologetically to Lacey. Tanch was being selfish. She knew that. She's aware of that but she can't do anything about that. For unknown reasons, she wants Sarah's attention to be hers only. She wanted Sarah wholely just for herself. She doesn't want to share Sarah. She wants Sarah and she never wanted something or someone like this. During Literature class, Tanch was not listening to the teacher as she busied herself staring and observing every reaction or action Sarah made. And when Literature class ended, she can't do anything but stare only at Sarah's back walking with Lacey towards their next subject. Sarah waved at Tanch as she walked inside their classroom and Tanch just smiled as she entered her room. Tanch wanted to be close as possible with Sarah. She wanted to hear Sarah's voice. She wanted to hear her laughs. She wanted to stare at Sarah's cute little face the whole day. But she can't. Sarah will probably find her creepy and will suspect that something is wrong with her, and the situation is helping her. Tanch sighed up to fifteen times already as she listened to the teacher. Classes were boring without Sarah here sitting beside me. Her mind wandered about Sarah again. Her face. Her smile. Her eyes. Her lips. The way she smiles. The way she laughs. How she looks at me. How she fight off the sleep. How she tries to be serious. Is there anything about her that doesn't seem so beautiful? Students happily stood up from their seats as they hear the final bell ring. In a swift move, Tanch shoved her things inside her bag and walked outside to meet Sarah and Lacey but only found Lacey walking towards her room. "Hey beb. Where's Sarah?" "She left already. She said she needs to do something." "Oh." Tanch try to fight off the disappointment and sadness creeping out on her face. She didn't even wait for me or bid goodbye to me. Lacey kept talking about some funny nonsense things while Tanch was not even paying attention to her. She's practically dragging her feet to the parking lot. She wants to go home already and lay on her bed while eating ice cream to ease the sadness of not seeing Sarah before she left school. "Hey, Tanch? Are you even listening?" "Ah sorry beb. What is it again?" Lacey stopped walking which caused Tanch to stop also. "Beb what's wrong? Why did you stop walking?" "Why do you look so sad?" Tanch caught her breath at her throat at her friend's question. "What are you saying? Why would I be sad? I'm just tired." Tanch silently prayed that Lacey will believe her oh-so-good alibi. Lacey creased her eyebrows but decided to shake it off. "Okay then let's go." Tanch sighed as Lacey walked past her. I need to compose myself. I don't know why I'm so sad. I don't know how Sarah managed to make me feel and act like this. Act normal, be normal Tanch. "Hi, mom." Tanch kissed her mom's cheek as she entered the kitchen and found her mom cooking. "Hello, sweetie. How's school?" "It's awesome Mom. Ahm. I met a new girl. She just got transferred and Principal Smith asked me to assist her in her 1st week at school." She opened the fridge and took some water. "Is it cool?" Tanch giggled at her mom's question. "Believe me, Mom, it's more than cool." Tanch smiled at her mom remembering Sarah's cute little innocent face. "Okay sweetie, then what's her name?" "Her name's Sarah." "Sarah. Hmm. Sounds like a very sweet girl. Her name sounds like a princess to me, is she?" Tanch laughed at her Mom's question. "Yes, Mom she looks like a princess. I want her to be my princess." Tanch mumbled silently the last sentence, she doesn't want her Mom to hear that, or is she? It's weird, right? Making someone your princess if you're also a princess? "What did you say, sweetie?" "Err I said. She looks like a princess." "Then I would like to meet her." "Soon Mom." After tasting her Mom's cooking, she walked upstairs and lay on her bed. Felt like heaven. Oh shoot, I forgot to ask Sarah's number or even social media accounts. Maybe I'll just find it. Tanch reached for her laptop and pushed the start button. Hmm. Sarah Riveria, not her. Sarah Riveria still not her. "Sarah Riveria. Sarah Riveria." Tanch busied herself scrolling on the search results. There are too many people named Sarah Jane Riveria. I can't find her. Does she have f******k? Twitter account? or IG? Tanch even tried to jumble the letters like this 'haras airevir', you know I don't know why other people find it cool to reverse the letters of your name. She searched all the possible names or usernames Sarah's maybe using on social media accounts but still couldn't find her. Tanch sighed and laid her back on the bed. Sarah. Sarah. Sarah. What did you do to me? You never left my head. I think I'm going crazy. Tanch closed her eyes hoping to calm her mind from thinking about Sarah and her heart from beating so fast for Sarah. I should get some sleep. "Good morning Mom, Dad, and to the little one." Tanch greeted her parents and her little sister then kissed on their cheeks. "You look so excited and happy today sweetie." Tanch's Dad said and squinted his eyes. "Dad what are you saying? I'm always like this." Tanch nervously replied and took a sit to grab something to fill her stomach. "No, you're not always like that. There must be something or maybe someone that pushes you to be this kind of happy and excited." "Dad you're overthinking it." Tanch's dad was about to rebut again but her mom interjected. "Dad, don't bother her anymore just eat or you'll be late." Tanch stuck her tongue out her father and her father just give her a your-secret-will-be-revealed-soon look. Once she's done eating, Tanch kissed them once again on their cheeks then grab her things to go to school already. For the last time, she looked at the mirror and checked her reflection. Tucking some strand of her hair. Once she's contented, she smiled then goes out of her car. Tanch hummed at the song that was playing on her phone through her earphones. Her Father's right. She is happy and excited, to meet Sarah again. Sarah brought new hormones to her that makes her do things with extra care and effort. Just seeing Sarah makes her more alive and refill her energy. Spotting the girl that's been occupying her mind since yesterday, she sped up her walks and shout her name when she's near enough for Sarah to hear her voice. "Hello Tanch, good morning." Tanch heart beat as fast as it could when she saw Sarah smiled again. Her smile alone can kill me. "Did you have breakfast already?" Tanch asked while walking with her Sarah. "Ah, not yet but I'm still full." "How could you be so full if you're still not eating anything?" Tanch stopped at her tracks that makes Sarah stop too. "Err, breakfast is not my thing so I don't eat breakfast." Sarah shyly replied. "Oh come on Sarah, don't you know that breakfast is the most important meal?" "Ah yeah, I knew that. But still-" Tanch grabbed her wrist and walked opposite to their rooms. "Come on, we'll grab you something to eat." "Ah no. You don't have to Tanch. I'm still full." Tanch didn't reply and just continue dragging Sarah. "Tanch, we'll be late for the first period." Tanch glanced at her wristwatch and saw that they still have 30 minutes before the class starts at 8:00. "No Sarah, it's only across our school. Come on, no buts, no ifs." Sarah sighed and surrender to Tanch's will. "Irresistible." - Sarah thought as she smiled at Tanch's hand holding her wrist. "Hello, ladies. What could I give you?" - says a middle-aged woman who was the owner of the place. "Hello, can we have 2 pieces of walnut pancakes and a chocolate hot drink?" "Of course. I'll make it right away." Tanch mouthed thank you at the woman and get their receipt. "You know, you don't have to do this Tanch," Sarah muttered as soon as she sat at the chair across Tanch. "Yeah, but I want to." Tanch sincerely said and look at Sarah intently. Sarah just nods and wait patiently for the food. "Here's your food ladies. Enjoy." The smell of the pancakes enveloped Sarah's nostrils that make her stomach growl. "Come on Sarah, eat or else you want me to feed you." Sarah just giggled and grab the utensils to eat. Demanding Tanch is a turn-on for her. Tanch took advantage of the opportunity. She observes Sarah's every move but still makes sure that Sarah won't find her creepy and still normal. Is there anything that won't make her cute? "You want some?" Sarah asked and put a piece of pancake on the fork. Tanch just shook her head at Sarah's offer. "But I can't eat all of these. Help me finished these. Come on Tanch, please." Sarah begged and held the fork with pancake closer to Tanch. Tanch sighed and reached out for the pancake. "How is it?" "It's-" Tanch caught her words at her throat when she realized something. It was an indirect kiss! Tanch blushed in embarrassment and felt her stomach being full of beautiful gay butterflies. Sarah reached out for Tanch's red ears and gently rub it. "Tanch, are you okay? You look-" "Ah yeah. I'm okay. I'll just ah-- go to the restroom, right. I'll be back in a few minutes." Tanch didn't wait for Sarah's reply and stood up. She walked towards the bathroom with her hands on her cheeks. Trying to compose herself so she won't collapse. As she reached the bathroom, she looked at her reflection and found it amusing, her face, ears and even her neck turned to light red. She never blushed like this. She never really blushed. It was only an indirect kiss! Everyone-- I mean it's normal for girls to share food and yeah have an indirect kiss. It's normal! But I'm acting like I'm not normal! Tanch splashed some water on her face. Trying to wash off the blushed. I badly needed to cool my head and my hormones. Tanch spent a few more minutes in the bathroom, making sure she's now normal. She found Sarah looking at the scenes outside, just looking at the cars passing and people laughing together. "Hey Sarah, are you done?" "Yeah, you took so long in the bathroom. Are you sure you're okay?" "Yeah. Err-- I just met some people I knew and we just ah talked for a moment." What a lame alibi. "Oh is that so, okay. Then, I think we should head back to school now. Because we only have 5 minutes left before the first class." Tanch looked at her wristwatch to confirm if they really have 5 minutes only. Actually, it's only four. Crap. We'll surely be late. Tanch and Sarah walk very fast on their way to school. 3 minutes after the bell rang when they finally reached their respective rooms, glad that their teacher was not there already. Before entering her room, Sarah mouthed thank you to Tanch and Tanch just smiled. Lucky.
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