The Olympiad

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CHAPTER ELEVEN The Olympiad Nights had a measure of day in them in Atlantis, and this night in particular could boast of wearing brighter robes than day. Kaila was seated in the most glamorous section of Grendel’s Dragon Stade, one of the numerous wonders of Atlantis. It was a floating stadium of magnanimous dimensions, built over water. It was located in Blitch, a small community in the outskirts of Atlas, the Priestly and Supremal Capital of Atlantis. Named after Grendel Pahlke, one of the heroes of the fiery sport of Dragon Skiing. The glassy wonder of Atlantean architecture hovered in good alignment with the winding course of river Blitch. The crescenting stadium was opened at its ends, while its two curved sides were fitted with heart shaped crystal plates for spectators to sit on. Clusters of fluorescent light crystals hovered every few hundred meter or so. Kaila could still see them extending beyond the stadium, and into the night. The result was that the clusters of light crystals made the region around it as bright as day. Also incorporated into the glassy stadium were large glossy screens that projected images or holographs in three-dimensional forms. Kaila as not looking at any of these screens, but down at the stadium floor, which happened to be the surface of river Blitch. Some dwarfed creatures were drawing applauses and shouts from the crowd. “Dwarrowdelfs.” Muriel said noting Kaila’s fascination. She was the baby-faced aide of Virgill and had become a very wonderful asset to Kaila, since, they both got stuck at the back of the gliding car on the short trip from C. Palace to Blitch. She had told Kaila so much about Atlantis in that journey and about the sport they were going to watch; Dragon Skiing. Kaila was not sure he had heard most of what she had said, Atlantean night had turned up more spectacle than the day had. However, his frequent foolish questions had given Muriel the illusion of being listened to and kept her talking throughout the journey. Of course, Virgill had travelled with her husband in another car. ‘Good for them’ Kaila had dismissed the useless ideas that had come to populate his head. He could not hide the fact though, that he wished beyond all things that she was seated next to him, in Muriel’s place. “Are they human?” Kaila asked as he watched one hit another’s head with a hammer. The head went inside the body. The creatures were also walking on water, and the heavy metals they carried too did not sink. “So they argue, though legend has it that they hatch from the maggots of Psauro flies.” Muriel explained. The crowd burst into cheers. The head of the dwarrowdelfs had returned and more of them were emerging from the water. Kaila caught Virgill’s eye, she was seated next to Igor at the front of the compartment. Kaila as about three seats behind them. The intervening seats were occupied by people Kaila reckoned to be the ‘who is who’ of the Atlantean society, Priests, if he was not mistaken. A very fine music Kaila had never heard before began to play and the dwarrowdelf began dancing to it. Their body movement was so adept, and in such harmony that Kaila thought one large piece of fabric was being troubled by a purposeful wind. From time to time, they climbed onto one another. One dwarrowdelf could carry up to four at a time. After a lot of beautiful dancing that elicited more applauses from the crowd of spectators, the dwarrowdelfs began to form patterns. Kaila could not make out most of the patterns and Muriel did not explain, she too seemed to have been captured by the dwarrowdelfs. “Thirteenth Day.” Kaila finally made out one of the beautiful patterns on the surface of the water. “Yeah, today is the penultimate day. The Olympiad is a fourteen day event, and is held quinquenially, every fifth year of Poseidon.” Muriel explained, she was about to go further when she noticed another number pattern. “129th Olympiad.” Kaila voiced. Muriel looked lost, the atmosphere was thundering with applause. The dwarrowdelfs were disappearing into the water and the clusters of light crystals which had sunk low enough to flush the water in blinding light was drifting back towards one end of the stadium. Kaila was trying to calculate just how long the Olympiad might have been around, when a very loud voice crackled to life. “Welcome, welcome to the penultimate day of the one hundred and twenty-ninth Olympiad in this year of our lord, Poseidon.” He paused for a short while. “My name as always remains Aimes Bilbury, and joining me today in the box is Rowold Littleton. You’re welcome Rowold.” “Thank you Aimes.” “Welcome everyone, especially those watching us from home.” There was a pause. “What the hell are you doing at home on this beautiful Martius night?” Aimes shouted into the microphone. The screen had stopped streaming adverts. The camera feeding it was now moving across the stands, showing the spectators. Kaila could see Virgill whispering into Igor’s ears and his spirit dropped. “Oh there’s our stand.” Muriel said excitedly pointing to the screen. “There’s you and... me.” Kaila was still gloomy but managed to put up a bright face for Muriel. Kaila remembered the giggling Phylie; they had left the fairy behind at C. Palace. There was definitely something funny about him that really turned on the creature’s fancy. “And here they come!” It was Aimes. The screen had cut to a location outside the stadium. Kaila could count up to ten dragons. The monstrous serpentine winged creatures were hovering over a glimmering water surface along a white line in the air. Kaila tried to pick out the commentator from the opposite stand. He caught Virgill’s eye a second time, then quickly dropped his eyes. “What do you think Rowold, with Lenon out?” Aimes asked. “With Lenon out? I think we are gonna see McNeal come out of his shell, and Donnelly, they are both great flyers. There’s this other new flyer in the grid, Nathale. He’s also an excellent guy. I think we’re gonna have a great game today.” “Well quickly Rowold, the officials are marching out. Was that a foul for you?” “Lenon’s?” “Yeah.” “I can’t really say. We see these things happen every time, we see flyers use all sorts of underhand methods to gain advantage. The IDSA has made it clear that the rules of the game are not that rigid. It boils down to the officials of the day to define the foul during the game.” “But some would argue that he denied McNeal a chance of progression. I mean pulling a flyer back and ramming a five hundred ton monster into him against the stands does look like a foul to me. I think there’s a rule somewhere that says a flyer must not deny an opponent a chance of progression.” “Yes I’ve heard of it, but you could say that McNeal could still move after the impact. In fact, he even came third.” Rowold argued. “Well, one thing we can’t rule out is that it was a controversial call, which has raised too much dust in many quarters. There have been more calls to the IDSA to set definite rules for the game. “That’s right, they have to do something about that.” “I guess wherever he is now; Lenon would be biting his nails that he didn’t get away with that trick. Oh, there he is...” The screen had panned to a part of the stand, and Kaila could see many faces. One was however brightest, it was considerably older and bearded. Kaila knew it had to be Lenon’s. The man seemed quite relaxed and was speaking to a lady beside him. His face showed no remorse or regret. He was enjoying himself as a spectator, as he would have enjoyed it as a performer. “But I must admit Aimes, the man has not really been at his best this Olympiad.” It was the throaty voice of Rowold. “That’s right Rowold... Well, there you have it. The officials have finished inspecting the dragons. I can confirm to you that Lenon Endrich, the seven time Olympiad champion and current world record holder would not be taking part in the finals. he was disqualified in the final qualifying round two days ago, for a foul on McNeal, who was clearly a favourite for the finish line.” Aimes paused in his usual way for some effect. “But hold onto you seats gentlemen and sizzling ladies. Bookmakers, and sport analysts have tagged this finals with red inks.” He paused again. “And with the likes of Antari McNeal, Nicholas Penting, Damian Donnelly, Austin Nathale, Thomas Corduroy, to mention but a few. I can assure you that this is going to be a final of a lifetime.” The screen focused on each of the ten contestants and their dragons, one at a time. “Oh, there’s their profiles.” Aimes said. The screen had shown the names, state of origin, personal best, and season best of the competitors. McNeal who was from Mineseus had the personal best and season’s best record of Thirty minutes Twenty-three second and Thirty minutes Twenty-eight seconds respectively. The closest to him was Nathale, with a few minutes added to either. “Information just reaching us is that McNeal might have picked up an injury from the brush up with Lenon. This is really gonna be interesting, what do you think Rowold?” “Well, that’s bad. I did notice that he was wincing a bit as his Shortsnout sprawled across the finished line. I do not think that would deter him tonight. I mean Lenon won the Olympiad before last with a rib injury.” “Well we are gonna see what stuff McNeal is made of tonight. Many have bet their bottom Quinta on his balding head, even me. He had better not put to shame, the brave and bold brows of his forefathers.” “I thought you were from Amphyn?” Rowold observed. “I still am, but since neither c**k, nor bull of Amphyn made it through the first round, my support has become democratized. Well, here comes the blast of the whistle. One word Row, who do you think would win.” “Nathale.” “Nathale for Row. Well you there, I hope you were as wise as Rowold?” Kaila saw Igor raise a tight fist in happiness, he deduced the obvious. Igor had placed his bet on Nathale, while Virgill might have placed hers on McNeal. “Who do you think?” It was Muriel’s electrified voice. She was shouting over the noise of the crowd. Kaila heard her though. “Would win?” He asked. Muriel nodded. “This McNeal guy sounds like a good flyer.” “He is.” Muriel asserted. “But the injury. I wish he would win, he’s played second fiddle to Lenon for too long. Now, the only one chance he has at claiming the trophy, injury.” She looked devastated. “You know, he’s billed to retire soon, and without a single major, because of that slam dung cheat.” She really loved the game, Kaila thought. He wanted to assure her that somehow McNeal would pull through, but what did he know about the game of dragon skiing. “You know, that Lenon of a guy’s a big cheat. Everyone knows that but the IDSA keeps feeding us with that old wives tale of a phrase ‘irrigidity of rules’. The other time, he turned his dragon on Antoin, because the poor guy was gaining on him. Antoin was almost burnt to ashes. And the IDSA bought his bullshit plea that he was doing a back flip maneuver to soothe his aching back. It was after the incident that the IDSA introduced the oil of the Ray nut. “Oil of Ray nut?” Kaila asked. “Yeah, it’s an oily substance extracted from the seeds of the Ray nut. It is highly resistant to fire and is used by all flyers before any event. Before it, flyers just had to rely on sheer luck and near misses to avoid dragon fire, the hottest fire in the world. And dirty flyers like Lenon would not waste time releasing one.” She really hated this Lenon, and probably, the regulatory body, the IDSA. And yet she loved the sport, even if the Lenon she hated had dominated it for more than a quarter of a century. Seven Olympiads meant Thirty-five years, and that is if he won it seven consecutive times. “Isn’t that McNeal in the leading pack?” Kaila asked hoping, Muriel’s sympathy for McNeal had reached him. “That’s Donnelly, and Nathale, and Corduroy right behind. You sure this is the leading pack?” Muriel asked. Had to be, he could not see anyone else in the screen. “I don’t know,” Kaila replied. Muriel looked more devastated, he had hoped to raise her spirits. Kaila kept his eyes on the screen with the hope that anytime soon, the camera would cut to McNeal either gaining on the leaders or trying to overtake them. “And there’s Donnelly taking over, as I rightly predicted yesterday.” It was Aimes’ boastful voice, Kaila laughed in spite of himself. The man who predicted that Donnelly would lead bet his money on McNeal. Kaila turned to search their part of the stand for Alvarez. He found the young Latino looking man seated just behind Igor, his eyes were fixed to the compartment’s screen. Kaila could see him motioning Donnelly to go faster, to lose the others. The monstrous beast Donnelly was riding soon filled the screen, the other two had fallen out of view. The dragon was a huge lizard-like monster. It could have measured thirty meters in length and might have weighed up to fifteen tons. It had a large bird-like head with big rounded eyes, and firestones for pupils. Below its long yellowish sword-like beak was a tuft of brownish hair, its scales glittered like wild gold, and its strong feet ended in saber-like talons. Most importantly, were its thick fan-like wings with brown and yellowish plumage. The ease with which the creature glided through the air and the way it stroked its wings to maintain height and speed, made it look very terrifying to Kaila. Muriel was not at all happy. Wait a minute, it was not even Lenon that was in the lead, and she was still not happy. Inner sense told Kaila that she was probably having a crush on the Sports star, or they were already going out. Kaila knew, he had to grow up fast in Atlantis. Two familiar eyeballs were watching him above someone’s head, from one end of the VIP stand. The eyes were glassy and distinct, and got a tad brighter when he kept his own eyes locked onto it for a few seconds. It had to be Elizabeth Fille, he had not yet met another person with such glassy blue eyes. “Hello Kyle,” Elizabeth mouthed without sound, her head had appeared behind the head that was hiding it. She was wearing a scarf, which had the claws of a dragon. “Hi Liz,” Kaila imitated her and waved. “Wait a minute! There is the fire! Nathale is catching up!” It was Aimes excited voice. Kaila turned immediately to the screen. Nathale was almost head-to-head with Donnelly. “Oh, they are head to head. This is interesting, Rowold, I saw it coming.” “I’m sure you did Aimes, though you didn’t mention it. I think this is gonna be interesting for the sport. If not for anything, it’s gonna change some part of its norm. At least one doesn’t  have to wait for half a century before breaking into the top ranks.” “Donnelly is pulling away again!” Aimes shouted. “I knew he had that in him.” Kaila could hear the fluttering of wings. He looked out at the stadium, and from the western end, he could see them. Monstrous creatures flying towards the stadium. Kaila had never seen anything so big and scary all his life. Fire was jetting out of the creature’s mouth and it was beating its wings to get away from another one equally as scary at its heels. And that could not be Donnelly or Nathale. It seemed the wings of the massive beast was going to crush them. They did not even measure up to the expanding wings of the creature. This is not a sport for the faint hearted, Kaila thought. A bell rung. “And that’s the first lap.” Aimes shouted. The dragons and their flyers negotiated the necessary turns within the stadium as the crowd cheered and applauded. Within seconds, they had jetted into the distance. Right behind them was a third dragon that was equally awe-inspiring. But the dragon’s white feathers and scales made it look a little more friendly, and less scary. And here comes Thomas Corduroy. The number four seed in this tournament. He’s trying the full three sixty degree flip. Look at that Rowold.” Kaila turned to the screen; some people in front of him had risen so he was not seeing well. He could not believe it, the dragon just did a full circle in the vertical direction and fire was spewing from its mouth. “This is excellent stuff Aimes!” Rowold exclaimed. “Do you know that it has been proven that turning a dragon like that, helps to spread endogenous substances produced under conditions of stress to the needed areas of the animal’s body. The IDSA have just proven that these substances are performance enhancers. They are believed to spur the dragon to full action.” “That means we will be seeing more of these maneuvers in the future?” Aimes asked. “I believe so, though I must admit that it is a very dangerous maneuver to perform. In fact, not many flyers have been able to do it over the years.” Corduroy and his white monster had already disappeared into the distance. Kaila wondered how long they’ll have to wait before the chasing pack arrived. Not long, as it seemed. “Oh, here comes the chasing pack!” Aimes announced. The screen was now focused on the group of about five dragons. One was pitch-black and ugly, it looked more like an overgrown crow, and its eyes were blood red with a black gem inside. The expanded head of the dragon had something like a crown and its back was covered in spines. Some lock of white feathers made black and white patterns on the wings. “The Xittan Crownhead. It is the most wild and dangerous dragon in the world, it does not hesitate a second to attack anything on its path. A native of the Pinder forest in Xitt, it is one of the few dragons in the world that cannot spit fire beyond a quarter of a meter, or for extended periods of time. But what it lacks in fire, it makes up for in venom. Legend has it that the dragon used to live among others, in colonies. Something that cannot happen now. They were not as black as they are now, they were ash in color. Because of their protean temperament, a big quarrel soon led to a very big and fiery dragon war. In their rage, they set the whole forest on fire, and the fire ended up burning them to death. Only one of their Chief’s wives, Ashrod survived, though she was badly burnt. When the burn wounds healed, all her feathers became black. She was pregnant when she left that forest, and gave birth to two dragons as black as herself. And thus, the lineage had continued.” She looked up at Kaila “Wondering how we knew right?” “Yeah.” “The Crownheads are capable of Human speech. Ashrod passed the story onto her offspring before she passed on. From her offspring, or offspring’s offspring, we got to know. Here they come.” The chasing pack had arrived at the stadium. “Oh, here they come! Vera Flisters is leading the charge! Oh she’s doing the gravity punch Rowold!” Aimes was spirited. “Helps quite well to gather speed and distance.” “And she’s leaving the pack. I’ve said it many times that this gal have got what it takes to be in the top ten!” “Think you are right there Aimes. But just look at Penting, he’s going for the Pedigree.” “Hold on to your seatbelts gentlemen, and ladies...” Kaila noticed a green dragon turning round and round, spilling fire everywhere. The other dragons were trying to avoid its fire and in the process fell behind it, only Vera’s dragon was more advanced. So women also went dragon skiing, Kaila thought. “That worked Rowold, it worked!” “It wasn’t a very nice thing to do.” Rowold mused. “Now look at how Lutor is breathing behind his back.” “That black old wrinkle, what can he do other than shoot out a few venom.” Aimes said. “That’s not a nice thing to say. By Poseidon’s horse, you are on air.” “Well, I’m only speaking the truth. Is that not what freedom of information means?” Aimes said defensively. “But look at Vera ascending. My, my! This is excellent stuff. Don’t you think she’ll make some good home mate Rowold. I heard she’s still single.” “I will think she has her reasons...” Kaila turned to Muriel who was watching without much interest or any trace of displeasure. “Which of them is McNeal?” “He’s not among them,” she said in a feeble voice, “’must have fallen out on the way.” “No, he hasn’t fallen out yet!” Kaila did not know the basis for which he was making such a statement, but somehow, he knew it was true. “We would have heard. He’s still in the race, and this is the first lap.” He did not even know how many laps there would be. “You are a good man Mr. Maentel.” “No one’s good Muriel, we...” Kaila stopped in midsentence, he could hear the fluttering of wings. The chasing pack had disappeared into the distance. “Did you hear that?” Muriel asked. Kaila did not have to answer; the overexcited voice of Aimes Bilbury was already on the rise. “Oh, here comes the lion!” He shouted at the top of his voice. Kaila looked up; the screen had already picked up a silver-scaled dragon that was crested on the back. McNeal was rocking on the back of the dragon, he was in pain. “Wait a minute, the dragon is flying him. He won’t make it!” Aimes sounded devastated. Muriel was a lot more devastated, she could not even brave the bold stare of the screen. Her voice whimpered when she wanted to speak. In fact, if Kaila had never suspected anything. He now knew that there was definitely something between Muriel and McNeal. “How many laps are there?” Kaila asked hopefully. “Ten, in honour of the ten kings.” That had not been the news Kaila quite expected. Maybe something like four or five laps. Not ten, there was no where McNeal was going to hang onto that beast for that long. “Come on Tiger, hang on in there! My money is on you! I know you can do this.” Aimes, Kaila mused. Character beyond measure, the man just was not concerned about anything other than his damn Quinta. “Yes, he’s picking up!” Kaila looked up at the screen, McNeal and the dragon were negotiation a turn and going into the distance. “They’re not gonna give up.” Muriel said, Kaila looked sideways to catch her innocent eyes. “There’ve been cases of dragons taking control when their flyer is injured. A dragon, which has often finished at a somewhat privileged position, would not want to finish anywhere less. It would fly to protect its pride, and Silverbeard Shortsnout is the bravest and proudest dragon there is in all Atlantis.” The big question was, could McNeal hang onto the end. The Shortsnout did look like a dragon whose pride was at stake. “Look at this Rowold, he’s already gaining on the chasers. This is going to be interesting!” Aimes shouted. The screen was still on McNeal. Kaila could not quite see what Aimes was seeing. “Well, he’s making progress... Oh that’s the stressing!” Rowold said. “Come on man, I know you can do this! The pride of Mineseus and my Six Thousand Quinta is at stake here.” “Six Thousand Quinta!” Muriel exclaimed. “That’s some money, the man has got nerves.” Just how much was a Quinta worth in Dollars? Kaila thought. Muriel noticed his expression and guessed his thought. “You are wondering how much that is worth where you come from?” Kaila smiled. “That would depend, I hear you people have as much currencies as there are people.” “Earth is a big place.” Kaila defended. “I do not believe that size should be a basis for differences.” Muriel expressed. “Take Atlantis for instance, I was taught it’s a quarter of your earth. We have five Provinces that are more United than the wings on Poseidon’s horse.” She looked intently at Kaila. “Good, we are all different. We understand and appreciate that fact, but we cannot let it be a hindrance to growing together. You must be aware that our beautiful Accadian tree cannot propagate without the much hated hazel crow.” Kaila knew what she meant even if he did not know any of the items she was referring to. He knew she was right; no one could really grow alone. We all needed the people around us to grow. It was not denying the fact that people were different, or that tribes existed, or that the phenomenon of Sovereignty Consciousness had been deeply entrenched into the human spirit. The undisputable, unchangeable fact was that we all needed one another. Bitter as it may seem, we were actually meant to be different, but beyond being different, we were made to be parts of one body; humanity. There was nowhere a functional body was ever made up of one part; it was made of many parts. A hunter would need a gun maker to be proficient in his field of endeavor. The gun maker himself needs a steelmaker, and a steelmaker needs a miner. The hunter might also need an automobile maker in order to be able to move his kill. The automobile maker would need the oil producer to give vision to his invention. And thus does this ‘Web of Need’ extend, entwining us all to a common goal; making a better human society. “Why are your people so concerned about the differences in them than the similarities?” Muriel asked. “I don’t know Muriel.” “I wouldn’t expect you would, you’re just a baby after all.” Muriel said. “What do you mean?” “How long have you lived?” “Twenty-two years.” “Then you’re still a baby, but a grown one, I must admit.” “The age of maturity is eighteen...” Kaila was getting high. “I forgot that you don’t last longer than the day on earth.” “So just how long do you guys live in this place?” “We don’t exactly count years, we count centuries, and I’ve already lived two and a half.” Muriel replied smiling. Two hundred and fifty years! And she looked as if she was just eighteen. There was no chance of this place being real. It was either a dream or some joke, which was getting less funny each minute. “And what have you been doing all those years.” “Not sleeping as you can see. Our age of maturity here is one, but I’ve been one of those highflyers. I was head of Ringtown Academy of Nature for a quarter of a century before I was appointed Aide to her highness the Supremese of Atlantis.” And that was achievement? Well, he would rather live the seventy years plus of a normal human, and achieve as much, than live for centuries and achieve nothing. “Besides the two high profile employments. I have been a core member of the N-Voice, a group that fights to make sure Atlantis does not become as poisonous as the earth.” “Who says the earth is poisonous?” “You’re not only young, you know too little,” Muriel observed pitifully. “Test samples brought from the earth shows very high levels of the toxic gases of carbon and other elements. Most shocking is the recent hike in the levels of epichondride. Epichondride is a very dangerous gas linked with the extinction of earlier inhabitants of the earth. In fact, it is still a wonder to us why humans still survive on earth to date.” What the hell was she talking about. “What humans of all ages have failed to understand is that the earth cannot care for itself. You have to care for it, just like we care for Atlantis. And you don’t keep bombarding it with obnoxious gases in the name of development or industrialization. Our Priests postulate that it is these obnoxious elements that makes a normal man on earth so weak and prone to diseases, and perhaps, death.” “Are you saying that the people of Atlantis do not die?” Kaila was not getting informed anymore, he was getting confused. “When we want to, or by accident, we do not just die before we know our names.” Kaila could hear the fluttering of wings again. Muriel looked up to the screen. “...Oh here they come again.” It seemed Aimes had been entertaining himself as well as a pocket of the crowd. “Hold on! Nathale and Donnelly are still head to head!” Kaila turned a look outside the stand; someone’s head had been blocking him from seeing the white line above the water below. “Donnelly is going for the hammer!” Aimes was still spirited. Kaila could see the tail-end of Donnelly’s golden dragon lash sidewards towards Nathale’s. Nathale was almost thrown into the stands, then his dragon sloped down, losing height, and returned ahead of Donnelly’s. “What a neat trick by Nathale, he’s taking over!” “And great maneuver too.” Rowold concurred. “Donnelly is right behind him! He’s not gonna give up without a fight!” Kaila saw a black and white checkered flag wiggle in the air and the bell went off. “Eight more laps to go ladies and gentlemen. This match is already living up to its billing.” The third dragon came into view, Kaila tried to remember the name of the flyer, but could not. “Lazy moon-eye is already tired of keeping up with the pacy Donnelly.” The dragon turned and sprayed fire towards the other end of the stand before continuing. “Whoa, whoa, whoa boy! Cool off!” “You should really watch your tongue Aimes. This protective glass will not be here one day.” Rowold advised. “There is the oil of the Ray nut. But tell me Rowold, what dragon falls out of the lead after just one lap?” Another dragon was approaching. “Oh here comes the sumptuous and finger-licking Vera Flisters. What can a man do that Vera Flisters would not overcome?” It was Aimes; his voice was getting more throaty. The crowd applauded Vera. “She’s been in excellent form of late.” “Excellent? She’s been perfect. Go on girl, flip over that lazy moon.” “Aimes!” “What? What?” Aimes asked in pretense. “I mean, isn’t she gorgeous? Come on girl, Mooneye has got no feet.” “Stop it Aimes, don’t you know the flyers can hear you.” “Look! Look! She’s doing the Z dance. This lady’s bag of tricks is just too full today.” Kaila saw the zigzag maneuver, which Vera’s green dragon completed with perfection. He was loving the sport of dragon skiing more and more. Maybe he might even try it someday. “They say it’s only female dragons that can do the Z dance Rowold?” “I haven’t come across that yet.” Rowold replied. Muriel had gone quiet, Kaila noticed. She was probably anticipating the arrival of the lagging pack with her beloved McNeal. And soon, the arrival was heralded by the typical beating of fan-like wings. “Wait a minute! McNeal has caught up with them! He seems to be managing just fine!” “What an amazing recovery!” Rowold posited. “My, my! My Quinta is alive!” Aimes shouted. Kaila watched both the screen and Muriel alternately. Colour was flushing Muriel’s baby face, making her look quite like an animation. McNeal was about a foot ahead of Lutor, who was bearing down the neck of his black dragon, under a hood. “Duff them boy, save my sweet Quinta!” “Can you think of anything else to say, apart from this Quinta of yours. You are supposed to enlighten people about the game of dragon skiing.” “Oh look! He’s doing it.  I knew that useless injury would not stop any brave heart of Mineseus!” Aimes was shouting at the top of his voice. Apparently, McNeal was edging away from the lagging pack. Truth was, it was not only Aimes who had put money on McNeal, most of the spectators had. And beyond their Quinta, they had also bet their faith. Kaila knew that McNeal would likely not disappoint them. It seemed the cheers and shouts had gotten to McNeal. He was consolidating on his gains, putting some considerable distance between himself and the lagging pack as he negotiated the turns in style and shot into the distance. Several long minutes passed in quick succession. The match was truly living up to expectations, Kaila agreed. He ducked away from the four eyes that had been keeping watch over him for most of the match. Aimes was still being bluntly ridiculous and Muriel was even laughing at the much biased commentator. Aimes had by now drawn a battle line with two of the flyers. He got a good spray of fire, smoke, and venom whenever Corduroy and Lutor made the rounds. Of course, it was what usually added the flair to the game of dragon skiing. Muriel had explained after a good bout of laughter. In fact, Aimes was one of the reasons most people took to dragon skiing. The truth was that, the man was always taking sides and not just taking sides, he made enemies, which he provoked whenever they came round. Accordingly, McNeal had once stopped and sprayed his glass box for as long as it took to melt. Aimes had been saved by the timely officials. And there was this lady who was injured just before the tournament, Aimes kept singing her love songs during games. Now Aimes was boasting of how his excellent brain cells directed him to bet on McNeal even if he knew the chap was injured. Of course, most people knew he was exaggerating and adding some measure of lies. People could not help laughing though or shouting at him to comment on what was happening in the match. Rowold had not spoken for quite a while, it appeared the senior sport analyst was tired of calling his friend to order. All the flyers had made nine laps by now and their constellation had been drastically rearranged. McNeal was finding it difficult to get past Vera Flisters who had tattooed herself to the third spot. Donnelly and Nathale were still battling for first spot with alternating foot advantages. At the other end Lutor and Penting had broken off and inched away while Corduroy had settled himself among the lagging pack. Things could not get more interesting than that, as the final lap and finish line, loomed. “Oh here they come!” Aimes shouted. The camera seemed to have changed focus so the screen could contain all the first four flyers. “There’s Donnelly! Seems to be stepping away from Nathale... Not without a dragon fight I must say.” Kaila’s eyes, and probably, the eyes of most spectators was on McNeal. The guy was struggling to cope with the pain but the dragon was having none of it. The beast was matching Vera’s green dragon thrust for thrust. “It seems the injury is really getting to him.” Rowold observed. “Hang in there buddy! Where is the bravery of Mineseus when you need one?” Aimes threw at whoever cared to listen. “In Six Thousand damn Quinta!” Someone in Kaila’s part of the stand shouted back. “I say where’s the strength brave Mineseus tapped from to fight a thousand Elfian army with a bone?” Kaila could hear the characteristic fluttering of wings. The dragons soon loomed over the Southern horizon. Aimes was as spirited as ever. “Go on boyo! She’s only a gal! And that Mountainback is a she!” The dragons were already heading for the finish line. Each was increasing its tempo. “Come on Silverbeard, you are the fastest thing on wings and Six Thousand Quinta is at stake!” Donnelly crossed the line and the bell and checkered flag went quite mad. “That’s the final lap!” Rowold shouted. “Yes boyo! You’re doing it! Let boys be boys!” McNeal had finally uprooted Vera from the third spot, but he did not last in it. Vera pulled up a couple of tricks and within seconds, she had reclaimed it. The camera cut to the chasing pack. They seemed to have closed the gap on the leaders. One flyer whose name Kaila was yet to know had joined up bringing the number to three. The lagging party had to be further behind. Soon, the camera confirmed that, as it brought them into view on the screen. It was apparent that none of them had any hopes of claiming the coveted spot; first. Kaila turned a look to Muriel. The final lap had animated her as much as it had animated everyone else in the stadium; including the dragon flyers. Kaila looked sideways and straight ahead. The four eyes that kept throwing glances at him were looking somewhere else. The cameras soon brought up the leaders on the screen. Nothing had changed; Donnelly still had a few feet advantage. Nathale was right behind, biding a good opportunity to overtake. McNeal was still trailing Vera by what seemed inches. “Wait a minute, the officials are moving in! Someone is spinning out of control!” Aimes shouted. “That’s the Duckbeak. It’s Mr. Nicholas Penting!” The screen shew Penting falling into the water while the dragon flew wildly away. “Play that again!” Aimes ordered. He was probably talking to one of the control technicians. “There! Can you see Lutor’s hand going for the soft balls.” The replay was up on the screen. Kaila could not see what Aimes was talking about. “I can’t really see anything.” Rowold said. “Use your head Row, Lutor is a wizard. He magically touched the dragon’s softballs.” But what did that have to do with the dragon spinning out of control and throwing its flyer into the water. “Dragon soft balls are the most sensitive part of a dragon. It is believed to contain a dragon’s heart. And is one of the most vulnerable parts of a dragon.” It was Muriel who had come to Kaila’s rescue again. “This is just coming in... I can confirm to you that Lutor has been disqualified for using magic in the arena.” Kaila could hear the fluttering of wings again. He knew the leaders were close by now, but not close enough for him to hear them normally. His extra lobe was working, according to Igor Fleming. “Oh here comes the leaders! This has to be it!” “It sure has to be!” Rowold concurred. Donnelly was still with slight advantage over Nathale, McNeal was still a foot behind Vera. “This is it Neal. I know you’ve got it in you! For the honour of my Quinta! For the honour of Mineseus!” Kaila closed his eyes and said something even he could not understand. He was aware of Muriel’s eyes on him, but he did not care. The only thing that mattered to him at that moment was McNeal and his Silverbeard. “Wait a minute! What is McNeal doing?” Aimes shouted. Kaila opened his eyes. The camera had zoomed in on McNeal. He was pulling at something. “He’s pulling at the dragon’s spine with bare hands!” “Poseidon’s horse, what’s he thinking of!” The dragons were already in the arena but Kaila could not peel his eyes away from the screen. “I have never seen this in my entire life!” Aimes said. There was a very loud sound that caused most of the light crystals to scatter. “What the hell!” Aimes exclaimed. “The dragon’s caw!” “McNeal is advancing! He’s already past Vera Flisters! Donnelly and Nathale have parted for him!” “Watch it!” Rowold shouted. They were near the finish line. McNeal was hanging onto the dragon by what appeared to be a couple of fingers. “Almost there! Is it going to be Donnelly! No Nathale! Wait! Wait! McNeal has overtaken... And it is McNeal who gets his first Olympiad title ever!” The whole stadium erupted with shouts of joy. Nobody was sitting anymore. Even Kaila was on his feet, not exactly in the same jubilant mood like everybody else around him. “Your prayer Mr. Maentel. It worked!” Muriel said, hugging him again and again. When did he pray? “Wait a minute!” It was Aimes again. No one wanted to listen to him again, he spoke nonetheless. “Antari McNeal has just fallen off his dragon into the water!” The whole crowd fell silent, as if Aimes had just set off a very powerful bomb that had the ability to sedate. The chasing, then lagging packs seized the opportunity to cross the finish line. Only a pocket of spectators noticed their arrival. “We do hope he will be okay.” Rowold started, capitulating on the silence. The screen was now showing the still water where McNeal was believed to have disappeared into. “We do hope so Row, but can you believe what we just witnessed.” “My, my Aimes. I’ve never seen that trick used to any flyers advantage before.” “They say the dragon’s caw has weight and travels in a straight line.” “We just witnessed its effect in the game of dragon skiing.” On the screen, officials on flying scooters were descending onto the water. Before long, a head popped out of the water. “Oh there he is Row. I knew nothing could hurt the bravest seed of Mineseus.” The crowd had erupted again with shouting. McNeal was hauled onto the scooter of one of the officials, he was taken out of sight. The camera feeding the screen brought up the final standings. McNeal topped with a time of forty minutes, thirty-two seconds. Donnelly and Nathale were six second apart from each other, with Donnelly in second place seven seconds from McNeal. Vera fell short of the awardees by fifty seven seconds. A Laark Sordus came in fifth, Louis Bourbon sixth. Seventh place was taken by Thomas Corduroy, eighth by Ian Baulwark. Nicholas Penting did not finish and Lutor Becroft was disqualified. The crowd was still wild with ecstasy, and together with the screen kept Kaila from realizing what was happening over the surface of the water. The dwarrowdelfs were putting together a podium for the winners to be honoured. The circular podium was made of glass and appeared to float on top of the water. The podiums were three in number, the middle one for the champion with gold edgings. The other ones had brass and a kind of reddish metal edging for the second and third place respectively. The dwarrowdelfs were now dancing to a song that could only be made by them. They formed many patterns, which Kaila could not tell. Muriel was too deep in some wild ecstasy to remember she had taken a job as Kaila’s interpreter. “The presentation ceremony is underway... And here to present the medals is our divine Supremese, Virgilla Osborne.” At the mention of Virgill’s name, Muriel sprang to her feet and bounded forwards. Two other men from the row in front followed Muriel to Virgill. Virgill stood up, her pink gown glowed like one of the cluster of light crystals as she descended a nearby flight of stairs. Kaila followed her down the stairs with his eyes to the river. The dwarrowdelfs had formed two embankments on either side of the crystal walking platform laid on the water. The awardees were already on their respective podiums by the time Virgill arrived there. Even McNeal was there and did not seem to be in that much pain. Kaila’s eyes seemed glued to Virgill’s lean body, he did not notice someone take Muriel’s seat. “You’re enjoying your stay then in Atlantis I would suppose.” A familiar voice drooled. Kaila was startled but did not turn his face. He knew who it was; Elizabeth Fille. “I don’t think every visitor to Atlantis is quite as lucky as I am, to meet a sport of this magnitude on their first night.” “The Olympiad is a quinquennial event.” Elizabeth said. “So tell me, how’s your short time in Atlantis been?” The medal bearers were making their entrance from the other end of the riverbank. “Great, one could never hope for better hosts than the Suprema and Supremese.” Kaila noticed something beside the medal in the tray. It was a corona made from a kind of fluorescent leave. He wondered what it was. If only Muriel were around, she would read his mind and tell him what it was. Elizabeth followed Kaila’s eyes down. She had been busy looking Kaila up and down. Kaila thought she was sizing him up for one of the cabinets in her room. “She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” “The Supremese?” Kaila asked. “She is. And you won’t believe this, she looks exactly like my girlfriend.” “Your girlfriend? How is she?” “Actually I don’t know. I believe she was kidnapped before I left.” Kaila said. “That must be terrible for you.” “I believe her mother would have found her by now.” “I believe she would.” Virgill had presented all the medals, and placed the corona on the heads of the winners. “So what are your plans for Atlantis?” “I don’t have any for now.” Kaila said. Three different flags had appeared at different levels out of nowhere. “You will remember this day wherever you are. Antari McNeal is the dragon skiing champion of the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Olympiad!” Aimes bellowed into the air. Virgill was walking back towards the stands, with Muriel and the two men who followed right behind her. She was chatting with a man Kaila reckoned must be one of the head of the IDSA. “You might want to get out of that confinement of a palace for one day. I will come pick you up, if you don’t mind.” The offer looked very enticing to Kaila. For one, he wanted to start spending less time around Virgill. After the deadly attraction, he had experienced between the two of them. He knew it would not be a very good idea to spend time around her, especially, when no one else was around. But he was just getting to know Elizabeth too, it did not seem right to jump on the offer. “I don’t know what my host and hostess have for me tomorrow. But let’s see if there’s a loop, I’ll let you know.” “Now if you’ll all stand. We’ll take the anthem of brave Mineseus.” Kaila stood up along with everyone else. Elizabeth was slithering back to her seat because Muriel was coming back. “Wasn’t that Elizabeth Fille, the Foreign Secretary?” Muriel announced her arrival with a question. “She could have stayed.” Kaila remembered that Muriel had just met the love of her life out there. Whether secret or not, he knew that she felt something for the young sport’s man. Actually, Virgill’s magnetism had not allowed him watch the exchange between Muriel and McNeal, that is, if there was any. He was sure however, he did not miss much. “So how is he?” Kaila decided to be poke-nosy “Who?” Muriel was genuinely confused. “McNeal.” “Oh, he’s fine.” Muriel deflected. Kaila was certain, she knew exactly what he was asking her. But it was okay, he had asked a thrifty question, and got a thrifty reply. All was fair. “Yeah Muriel, what was that leafy thing on their heads.” “Oh that’s the leaf of Chariba, a tree that grows in only one place in all of Atlantis; Poseidon’s temple. The leaves of the tree are believed to be what our Lord Poseidon used to charm Mother Cleito into loving him. It is held sacred to every Atlantean heart, and considered a great honour to have it placed upon one’s head. And there is a fun fact, the leaves do not wither.” The instruments were already on course, exhaling the anthem of Mineseus in pleasant tones, Muriel sang along. A thought was brewing in Kaila’s mind. “You’re not by any chance from Mineseus, are you?” He asked. “What does it matter, sing along.” Muriel said nudging Kaila with her elbow. So she might not be in love with McNeal after all, just pledging loyalty to a fellow countryman. The anthem lasted a few more seconds. When it was over, the crowd of spectators cheered and applauded and the flag disappeared again into the night. Igor and Virgill rose to go. A handful of people Kaila reckoned to be security personnel or Aides rose and sprinted towards them. “Come on Mr. Maentel, time to go.” Muriel said rising. Kaila followed her quietly. Virgill appeared to be waiting for them. She was boasting to Igor that she will never lose a bet, and that she will be making tonight’s dinner a feast, which no loser would be welcomed. A few of the dignitaries were waiting to exchange pleasantries, and had their chance when Igor and Virgill turned to them. Kaila noticed Elizabeth sneaking away from the stand. “Eh Evenor, come meet our guest, Mr. Kaila Maentel.” Igor said turning Evenor towards where Kaila was standing. Evenor was a short young man who could not be beyond his mid-twenties. The guy was balding though, and his skin was not as fresh. “Pleasure Mr. Maentel.” “Pleasure’s all mine sir.” “You will find that Atlantis often unhinges most of our visitors expectation.” Evenor said like a man who was in control and loved to be. “I have no expectations of my own.” “A good way to go, except you popped in here by accident.” Evenor said with heavy sarcasm. Kaila caught a whiff of displeasure under the man’s breath. The man was not at all pleased that he was not privy to Kaila’s visit. Something else was evident; envy or greed. It was possible that the man craved Igor’s position. Most of the other dignitaries also exchanged pleasantries with Kaila, making a comment or two. Kaila noticed one thing in all of them, greed and a great penchant for power. “Well, noble men and ladies, we’ll see again tomorrow. My weary limbs crave the companionship of my bed.” Igor said and started towards the flight of stairs, with Virgill on his side. Security personnel and Aides flocked the Suprema and Supremese. Being attached to one of the Aides, Muriel, Kaila was hauled onwards with them. One thing became clear in Kaila’s mind as he prepared himself for his first night in Atlantis. After tonight, things would definitely not be the same again in his world.
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