Chapter 3

656 Words
Grace I didn't have to worry about paying attention to the teacher . I was able to finish my homework before everyone anways . Not trying to sound cocky just being honest. I was still having a weird feeling. Why was Luca looking at me ? I asked myself that the whole period. I wanted to punch myself.I accidentally let my guard slip because my wolf felt a pull towards Luca's wolf. I saw his eyes changed so I knew his wolf felt mine.I highly doubted Luca would think I have a wolf. I wasn't waiting around to find out .Hopefully I can get out the classroom fast enough that I don't have to worry about Gio or Luca. It was crazy to me that I had Gio bullying me and Luca giving me odd looks. I hope this day doesn't have any more surprises in store for me. I was still hurting from the bruises I already had from yesterday. I couldn't heal like I wanted to. I heard the bell ring and I sprinted out the classroom . Students were everywhere so I blended in to slip away from two people I don't want to see. I rushed in the bathroom surprisingly it had a lounge area line with mirrors on the wall. The mirrors showed me a girl who was trying no matter what happens to her. "One day , you won't feel like this" my wolf said. I smiled and walked out the bathroom only to be greeted with my sister and her crew. I did my best to ignore her taunts and insults she was throwing at me. It doesn't matter we both came out the same womb together. You wouldn't know we were twins. We looked nothing alike at all. We did have matching moles on our noses. Friends over family seemed to be her motto.She's only doing this because she doesn't feel good about herself. I don't believe in tearing someone down just because you're hurting .The statement that I heard growing up is true. "Hurt People, Hurt People". I was choosing not to be one of them even though I've been hurt.I just kept walking to my classes . Sadly, Both Luca and Gio were in this class with me. I walked inside and sat in the back like I do in all my other classes. I made sure my scent was masked. Luca and Gio both walked into the class. Luca gave me quick glance and started to talk to Gio. Finally , Class started and I worked on my work. "Interesting , Gio hasn't done or said anything to you at all so far" Sliver said inside my head. "You're right. I'm not sure if I'm relieved or curious to what changed " I said to her. Usually Gio would have made a joke or thrown paper at me. It's funny how friends to turn to strangers. We used to be over each other's houses almost everyday. Things took a turn when I didn't let him kiss me. We were too young in my opinion. I wasn't ready for that. He always whispers in my ear "you could've had me". I rarely respond to him or I just ignore it. Sometimes I find myself thinking how crazy I am to even like Gio. Guys really do take rejection hard. I was waiting on my mate. I continued doing my work and turned it in .The bell rung and I went to my locker to put my books up. I looked down at my phone to see a text from my mom that someone needed be home to clean the house. I knew my sister wasn't going to be home so yay me! I leaned my head against the locker and wished for things to get better at home and school. "It's not something you can't handle" My wolf said . " Yes, I know the hardest battles are given to the strongest people".
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