
1413 Words

    "The Pride of Darkness is next on our list," Tobias announced. "They're good. They have the triplets,"     "The triplets?" Abbadon smirked.     "Who are the triplets?" Edwardian asked with a playful tone to her voice.     "Virgo, Gemini, and Aries Duke,"     "Uncle Damien's daughters. They're a threat?" she asked surprised.     "Yes, they're not in here for being innocent," Tobias laughed.     "Do we get leave rights or do I have to wait here?" Edwardian asked looking up at him with a smirk.         "So as long as your ass is back in the arena when you are needed then do whatever the f**k you want," he shrugged shutting his book. "Next trial is tomorrow night,"     "I'll be in my room," she announced before she jumped off the table she had been sitting on.     Edwardian sat do

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