Chapter seven

1333 Words
When Colin vaguely mentioned “step one" of the process, Nick didn’t exactly know what to expect. So when Colin asked for permission to enter Nick’s bedroom after breakfast and started to rummage through his closet, Nick didn’t know what to say. “W-what is happening? Why are you–?” Colin gently pushed Nick to his bed and made him sit. “Sit there and calm down. Trust me.” He smiled. “First step is preparation. Sort of like cleansing. We’re going to get rid of all the stuff that pulls you down, starting with your extremely boring clothes. No offense.” Nick looked taken aback. “Offense definitely taken! I do not have boring clothes!” Colin started to throw clothes onto the bed. “See all of this? All this plain, black and white shirts without a lick of color or design? You have, like, a hundred! One would think you only have two shirts that you wear over and over again.” Nick hurriedly began to neatly fold all of the shirts that Colin had thrown. “What are you talking about? They look clean and decent!” “We are going to get you nice clothes that are still decent and fit your personality, but just… better. Remember when you said you seemed to be, quote, stuck in this monotonous life, unquote?” Nick almost cringed as he remembered the letter he had sent. “Well,” Colin continued. “We are going to start adding more color to your life–metaphorically and literally–and we will start with your fashion choices.” He raised a shirt up to examine it. “God, I feel like Tan right now! We’re going to JVN the heck out of you later.” Nick obviously didn’t catch that reference. “So we’re going out to buy clothes later?” Colin gave him a thumbs up, then resumed sorting. “And more! Why do you dress like this, anyway? Since when did you hate color?” “I don’t hate color.” Nick stopped trying to fold as it seemed useless with the amount of mess that the other man was generating. He laid on his bed instead, watching Colin from the side. “I was just raised that way.” “But do you like it?” “It’s safe.” Colin c****d an eyebrow at him. “Doesn’t answer my question.” “I mean, I don’t know. It’s stupid. My mother always said flashy clothes are unprofessional. I don’t know. I guess I found it easier than getting berated for mere clothes. Although I do find myself wanting to try out different styles sometimes, but I never do. It’s just a hassle.” Nick's head was suddenly filled with memories of his childhood. “I feel like you could rock a leather jacket and black boots.” Colin teased. Nick narrowed his eyes at him. “I feel like this is just a ploy to make me dress like you.” Colin laughed. “If that were the case, then lucky you. Alright! Done!” He pushed the pile of clothes beside Nick onto the floor, and plopped right next to him with both hands behind his head. “Finally.” He sighed as he turned on his side to face Nick. Nick didn’t turn to look at him, or else their faces would be too close for comfort. “What are you doing on my bed?” He asked flatly. “I’m done and I’m not touching you. I did some work and I’m abiding by the rules.” Nick could feel Colin's breath on his ear. “I can see that, but you’re far from done. What are you going to do with all the mess you made?” Colin laid on his back and placed his hands at the back of his head. “I’ll pick it up later. Let's just rest for a minute.” The two were quiet for quite some time. They stayed on the bed, softly breathing beside each other, just listening to the faint sound of the busy street outside. “I’ve lived a privileged life.” Nick didn’t realize he had said it out loud. “Hmm?” “Nothing. Minute's up.” Colin pouted, grunted, and reluctantly stood up to pick the clothes from the floor. “Fine, but I’ll hold custody over these dark juju so you’ll be forced to wear the clothes we buy later.” Nick did not contest. By the time they arrived at the mall, people were already flocking the stores. Colin excitedly pulled Nick through the crowd, holding onto the sleeve of his jacket. Technically, still within the rules. Nick was dragged through almost all of the stores and urged to try on different outfits that Colin had chosen. Pieces of clothing that Nick never even would have picked. After a ton of arguing over design, they finally arrived at a compromise, which were brown, black, gray or white shirts with only barely noticeable patterns or contrasting color. When they left the last store after a few hours, the two were carrying around 10 bags of clothing and two new pairs of shoes. “Tired" seemed to be an understatement for what Nick was feeling. When he thought that it was all finally over, Colin suddenly started pulling him towards another direction. “Isn’t this much clothes enough for you?” He complained. His back was starting to hurt. “Stop whining, Doctor Grumpy. This is our last stop.” Colin excitedly gestured towards a barber shop. “I don’t need to be groomed, my hair is fine and I moisturize!” “I know, I saw all your beauty products. That, by the way, is a topic we will definitely discuss later.” Colin raised an eyebrow as he looked at his hair. “But with that mop on your head, you look like my worn-out professor in college near the end of the semester.” Nick was surprised. “You had a professor? You went to college?!” Colin gently pushed him into the shop. “Yes, I did.” “Where did you go? What classes did you take?” Colin looked amused. “Look at you being curious about my life.” “I find that it’s quite unfair that you know so much about me and I know squat about you.” Nick wanted to kick himself for sounding so needy, but it was true. If he could remember correctly, the first and only personal information he knew of Colin was about his dead childhood pet. Anything else he knew about him–like, how he likes tooth-achingly sweet desserts and bitter coffee, and how he sings in the shower–was superficial. “Well, if you’re a good boy, I’ll give you one or two juicy details later. For now…” He left to talk to the person in the counter. Nick didn’t know the specifics of what they discussed, but he could see Colin gesturing towards him and a magazine, as if showing the person the haircut he wanted for Nick. Soon after, a slightly anxious Nick was guided to a chair and offered some tea and a massage–both of which he politely refused. Being touched by strangers and suddenly getting a haircut could be nerve wracking for him. Colin gave him two thumbs up and mouthed “have fun” and “relax" before heading into the waiting area which was out of Nick's line of sight.
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