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Chapter=2 Bullies and eggs.   I went to my aunt's house after seeing my parents. When Aunt Hannah did not return from her work, I breathed a sigh of relief. I hastily entered my room and shut the door to my safe haven. I survey my medium-sized bedroom. It comes with a single bed and nightstands on both sides of the bed. My room features a study table in the corner and a window on the other side of the study table. I have a designed wardrobe against the wall. I also have my own bathroom, which I appreciate. I sighed once again and reached for my parents' photo frame, which was neatly placed on one of the nightstands. "I miss you both," I said quietly as I stroked the photo frame. When the tears started to pour out, I closed my eyes tightly. I need to get away from this. Otherwise, thinking about them will make me sick, and thinking about them never ends well for me. I sat at the study table and began completing my schoolwork, which took my attention away from them for a while. I was halfway through my schoolwork. When I heard a knock on the door to my room, "Please come in," I said. Aunt Hannah entered with a slight smile on her face. "Aunt Hannah, do you require anything?" With a shake of her head, she expressed her dissatisfaction with the situation. "No, Eleanor, but I prepared us lunch. I think you should come down so we can have lunch together. How does that sound to you?" I c****d my head, perplexed. "But Aunt Hannah, it's already 5:00 p.m.," she laughs gently as she approaches me. "I know, but I'm aware of you skipping lunch," my eyes widening and my panicked expression on my face. "How?" She sat down on the bed and patted the bed's side for me to take. I followed her instructions. "I got a call from your principal and he said something about you missing classes after lunch break." I closed my eyes shut. How am I supposed to forget about him? Who wouldn't take advantage of the opportunity to inform her of my actions? "I'm sorry Aunt Hannah, but I was sick," she sighed deeply, clasping both of my hands in hers. "I understand you visited the cemetery to see your parents. I can't prohibit you from visiting them, but if you want to go to the cemetery next time, please let me know. Eleanor, I was very concerned about your well-being. I understand it's their death anniversary today, and you're grieving for them, but please know that they want you to be happy and secure." I nodded. "I adore you as if you were my own child. I don't have a child, but you made me feel as if you did, and I want to treat you like my daughter. Do you believe that, Eleanor Honey?"  I gave a nod. "I know Aunt Hannah, and I'm sorry for my rash actions.  I swear I'll never do it again," she smiles, kissing my forehead. "All right, now come downstairs for lunch," I nodded. "I'll be there in a minute," she nodded as she walked out of the room. I turn my attention to my assignments. 'I believe that will have to wait,' I reasoned as I followed her downstairs. ... The next day, I was hurrying to my locker when I came across someone who made me stop in my tracks in horror and panic. "Hello, miss in... secure," she mocked me, making the rest of the crowd laugh. Nora Young, the Queen of the Bitches, is who she is. "Let me go," I said as I tried to get past them, but her minions blocked my path. "Not anytime soon. The fun parts are just getting started." I clenched my fist, but there was nothing I could do to stop them. It's always the same. They were continually picking on me, but I couldn't do anything about it since I was too cowardly to stand on my feet. Call me a coward and an insecure person, because I am both. "Please," I pleaded, but it had no effect on them. They began to laugh instead of allowing me to go. "Miss Shy is begging us to help her. Aww, I'm so happy to hear that, but guess what..." Before proceeding, she takes a glance around. "We're not going to leave you until we've finished with you," my eyes widen and I took a step back. "Please don't," I begged again. I was afraid of their nastiness and deeds. They always make me suffer in the most inhumane way possible. "Girls, do it now," I was drenched in a white liquid in seconds. When I realized what it was, I scrunched up my nose in disgust. They literally drenched me in rotten eggs. My tears were missing because of the eggs, which made me want to weep even more because of the bully. Why must it always be me? Why do I have to go through this? Why didn't they just leave me alone? Is it too much to expect when all I want is to live a peaceful life for the rest of my life? When I observed her taking a predatory stride towards me, I wrapped my arms around my chest in a protective manner. "What the heck is going on here?" Someone had inquired. I took a peek around and noticed him. He was the same person as the day before. He was shooting daggers at Nora and her followers, with a disgusted expression on his face. "You've arrived, Zayn. Don't you think she's amusing with the rotting eggs on her face?" So, his name is Zayn.  His name is perfect for him. If my memory serves me well, his name means "beauty," and he certainly is. I see that his jaw is clenched. "Get the hell out of here with your minions if you don't want to be in trouble, Nora," he said, glaring at her, but she did as he said. "All of you, get lost," everyone said, slowly moving away from the situation, leaving me and Zayn alone. I guess I'd rather be in his company than with those bullies. "Hey, are you all right?" His voice was even better than I had anticipated. He is the most attractive boy I have ever seen in this school, both in appearance and voice. "Yes, everything is alright with me. Thank you for rescuing me from their clutches." "It's nothing, but you're going to need a shower immediately." I agreed with a nod, then frowned and looked up at him. "This is not how I want to leave the school and return home. My aunt is probably going to flip out, and I don't have any additional clothing with me to change into" He began to think for a minute before his eyes shone with recognition. "Follow me, I have some clothing for you, and I know where you can take a shower," he said, as I nodded gratefully and followed him to his locker area.  He presented me with t-shirt and sweatpants. He urged me to follow him after giving me the clothing. We travelled down many corridors before coming to a halt in front of the guys' locker room. With a shake of my head, I began walking backwards. With a sneer on my face, I said, "I can't go in there." "Yes, you are," he said as he dragged me inside, oblivious to the egg that was covering my entire body. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized there wasn't a single soul in this place. "Everyone is most likely in their respective classrooms. You are free to shower in this room while I wait for you outside" I gave a nod. "Thank you," I said as he walked away. I instantly stripped and took a shower to get rid of the foul odour and rotting egg on my body. I wore his clothes once I got out of the shower, which were too big for me, but I was pleased to have them with me at least. I'm not wearing my hoddie for the first time in a few years. Nora is to blame for spoiling my favorite hoddie. I felt anxious about leaving this room in these clothing. What would others think if they saw me dressed as a man they didn't know before yesterday? They'll have additional topics to discuss. They probably call me a slut or a b***h since I'm wearing his clothing, but I have to leave this changing room before any boys decide to come here. I exit the room with a trembling stride. And, as he had stated before, he was leaning against the wall, waiting for me. "Hey," I say, attempting to catch his attention. "H..." he trailed off, staring me down from head to toe. Because I was scared under his intense gaze, I crossed my arms around my chest. "You look incredible," he said, making me blush. "Should we leave?  I skipped my first period, and I don't want to skip my next period either." He nodded. "You're correct; let's get going." We began heading towards our locker in order to retrieve our textbooks for the following class. I was grateful, when he decided to hold my books in his locker until I had a shower. When we arrived at his locker, he returned my books and took his. "What do you have now?" he inquired, surprising me with his inquiry. I said, "Literature." "It's great that we're in the same class. Let's walk there together" I have a puzzled expression on my face. With my surprise and perplexity, I asked while he smirked, "We do, but I didn't see you in literature class." "Because you were constantly in your own fantasy," he said, and he was true. I'm continually thinking about how my life would be different if my parents were still living. It makes me flush that he is aware of my behavior. How did he know I was in the same class as him when I didn't even recognize him in my literary class? But I can't blame him because, aside from the bullies, I don't know many people in my class. But the major question is whether he was aware of me before the yesterday's occurrence.
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