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Harriet's POV. I did as I was told. Despite having so many questions, one thing I could never do was defy my parents, especially my mother. She scared me sometimes so i knew never to defy her. I glanced briefly at the wooden clock on our centre table and it was a little after 11 in the night. I wondered who would be coming over so late under the pouring rain to see lowly humans like us. I wanted to believe it was the people my father made deal with, but I knew better, my mother was scared, and I was asked to stay up in my room and lock the door, this was no ordinary 'people'. I had every reason to believe that this was something bigger and I hated the nervous feeling that settled in the pit of my stomach. I locked the door behind me upon getting into my room, Harvey was still sleeping and I breathed in a sigh of relief that the screeching sound of our room door had not woken him up. With the way my mind was running a mile per second, I knew there was absolutely no way I could study anymore. I simply sat at the edge of my bed, the only sound coming from my room was the down pour of the rain on our ceiling and the little drops of water that was falling into various bowls in my room floor. It wasn't enough to silence my thoughts, or the questions I had. My parents had always kept things from me, despite me being 21, I still resembled a tiny brat in their presence. They made decisions without telling me and I was then left to reap the consequences of their actions. Minutes turned to hours as I simply sat, I heard the sound of an engine stopping and I ran immediately to my carton window, there was a little patch on the carton that made me able to see outside and indeed there were different cars packed in our front lawn. It had been years since I saw cars as beautiful as that. They were four in number and I wondered who these people were to have such car and what business did they have with my family. I couldn't see the faces of anyone of them but I could count how many there were, a total of seven men all clad in what resembled black suits all surrounding one particular car. I squinted my eyes again to see why they were waiting until the door to the biggest of all the cars opened, an umbrella was opened for whoever came out causing his face to be hidden from my view. He looked taller than the other men and all the other men gathered around him, they soon started walking in and I presumed they were walking to our front door. I wondered what they would think if they saw our parlor, I bet the flooring of the car alone was far better than our sitting room. I soon heard the door of our house open and I strained my ears towards my room door in the bid to hear anything, I didn't. It was downstairs and their voices were tiny. I sighed heavily before going to settle on my bed again, my curiosity had increased a hundred folds as I saw who our guest was. I didn't really see his face but i at least had an idea on what he looked like. I laid on my bed, my body turned towards Harvey as I stared at him. I could not sleep but just watching him sleep without a care in the world made me envy him. Yes he had a difficult childhood that can never be rectified and he would have to fear for his future but not under my watch. I wasn't planning on living like my parents did. I wanted to go out there and find something, even if it meant me befriending our enemies only to have a little hope at the end of the tunnel. I was willing to give Harvey a family I never had, I didn't know how to do it so I went about studying. I wasn't really allowed to leave the house so the only time I had opportunity to do anything was when I was sent on an errand by my mother. I huffed, bored out of my mind and completely restless. My heart was thumping so loud and the curiosity that I was feeling was stupefying. I could not think of anything else except to satisfy my curiosity so I did what I would have never done. I jolted up from my bed, I glanced at Harvey one last time as he was still asleep. I soon walked in slow steps to my room door, ignoring the usual creaking sound of the wood beneath me. I perched my ear into the door, straining hard to see if I could hear anything. I didn't, taking that as a sigh, I unlocked my room door, thanking my lucky stars that it didn't make the stupid sound it usually did in order not to wake Harvey. When the door finally opened, I let out a relieved sigh before taking slow tiny steps out of the room. I glanced around and there was no one in sight. I glanced down too over the rusted railing leading to the stairs and there was no one in sight as well. Everything was going well so far. I walked further downstairs, stepping on the part of the stairs that I had acclimatised that weren't going to make the creaking sound. My father had a little study that he normally used to host guest whenever we had one which was once in ten years. It had been years I went down there but since they weren't in the sitting room, they had to be there. I had successfully completed my journey into our sitting room and made my way over to the study room. Of course I wasn't going to enter but I perched behind it, placing my ear hard on it and strained to hear. My heart was beating in my chest, I was both afraid of being caught and nervous of what this meeting was all about. I soon began hearing tiny voices, nothing to make out until a glass was thrown. I let out a gasp, immediately going to cover my mouth to hide the sound I made. I didn't need to strain my ears anymore because a voice whom I recognized as my father's was yelling at the top of his voice. I guess he was drunk again. "-- I'm not doing that sir. I'm sorry but you have to ask for something else. That wasn't part of our arrangement" my father was saying. I guess these were the people he made a deal with after all. My heartbeat was so loud it was interrupting my hearing process. But I tried harder, ignoring my trembling body and moving to hear more. It was as though my father didn't just yell at the top of his voice, whoever he was yelling at didn't seem to be bothered. I could hear my mother trying to calm my father down but he flared up. "No Laurette. I don't care who he is, he can't just come here demanding things from me. I am not going to----" a bang so loud, it jolted me on my feet was heard making my father's words die in his throat. Despite me being on the other side of it, I could feel the trembling in my body. I only wondered how my parents would feel being on the receiving end of it. There was a low rumbling sound that almost resembled that of an animal. It was so loud and deep that it made all the hairs on my body stand in fright. "I'm not asking you Justin. I'm telling you" the voice said, it sounded straight and firm compared to the shaky voice my father held when yelling. "I-- I'm S-Sorry, I perfectly u-understand" my father was a stuttering mess and I didn't even hear the sound of my mother speaking. She was never quiet, it only made me wonder the more who this man was. There was the scraping of chair and then there was silence, deep deafening silence that made me befuddled. I didn't hear anything else, and my ear was perched hard on the door, I was sure it was going to bruise. Suddenly the door was jerked open, my breathing froze, my eyes widened and I stilled, not bothering to turn around. I didn't think long and hard to this moment, to the moment where I would get caught, what I would say and how I would behave in the presence of this mysterious guest. Nothing prepared me for the faces I was met with. I tuned a total of 360 degrees to be met with the most blazing green eyes staring back at me. An inquisitive but bored look on his face. My breath hitched when I stared back, his face was smooth, clear of any imperfections compared to my freckled ones. He was beautiful. That was the only word I could use to describe him. I stared down at his tall figure covered in black shiny suit and a black heavy coat. He looked poignant and proper, nothing compared to all the other men I saw occasionally who were living like they had something when they didn't. This man seemed to have it all, it was obvious in the way he looked and in the way he carried himself. I had just met him for two seconds and I already know to run in the opposite direction, I already know to avert my gaze when in his presence, or to count my words when speaking. However I couldn't do any of those. I simply stared and stared and stared, my eyes not blinking. I had never seen anyone that resembled him. One of his men soon came into my line of vision, blocking me from seeing the mystery man any longer and breaking the daze I was in. Before I knew it, I was pulled by my elbow into the room, I didn't even have it in me to fight., I knew fully well that he wasn't the type to fight with, I mean look what happened to my father when he trued to argue. I was soon brought to my knees beside my parents and i exchanged contacts with my father that was looking at me with sheer hatred. I averted my gaze over to my mother to find her crying. She was staring at me and shaking her head. I wondered why she was crying. All I knew was that this was bigger than the three of us combined. My head was still facing the ground, my heart thumping, and my body shaking in fright. There was movement in front of me, a cologne hitting my nostrils and making me glance up. My breath hitched when I met the same green orbs staring back at me. He tilted his head making me swallow nervously. Even up close, his eyes were pulling and insanely attractive. Everything about him was, but I had to remind myself that he was taking my family and i hostage. No matter how beautiful he looked, he was the enemy. "Who are you?" He growled deeply. The same deep and low sound I heard when I was eavesdropping. The same sound that made all the hairs stand on my body, even up close, i could feel goosebumps rise on my body, both from fright and something else I couldn't place. I opened my mouth to speak but my father beat me to it. "She's no one sir" he trembled out. The strange man didn't even glance in his direction, his eyes were still on mine. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my father being lifted from the ground by one of his men, my mother crying out softly at the movement. My whole body was shaking in fright but also in anger. I didn't know who he was, but he didn't have the right to treat my parents like that. Of course I couldn't say that, my father already hated me for being here, I didn't need him to hate me any further. The man stood up from where he was hunched to my level. Immediately he stood up, another man lifted me by my elbow and pulled me to stand. The mysterious man had gone to seat now on my father's seat, crossing his legs together and staring up at me. I continued staring at him until a seat was placed behind my knees and a strong hand plopping me down to it. My hands met the edge of the chair, gripping it in a tight grip as I fought to control myself and stop the hateful words I was about to incur on him. "You must be Harriet" he growled again, a smirk so sinister on his face. I had experienced fear before but never like this. My whole body was trembling lightly and my heart was beating so fast in my chest, my stomach was knotting and unknotting and I was almost moved to tears. I didn't even want to find out how he knew my name, or how it sounded so sultry coming from his plump pink lips. All that consumed me was hate, so much hate for this beautiful mysterious man. "I need you to respond when I ask you a question Harriet" he drawled. I wanted to be defiant and defy him but I knew better. "Yes sir" I replied, my voice trembling more than I would have liked. The mysterious man simply smirked, finding my fear and the fear of my family amusing. "I ask again. You must be Harriet" he said instead of asking. I swallowed nervously before saying. "Yes I am" he gave me a look making me add "Sir" begrudgingly, he hummed the sound low and husky, it was almost vibrating the whole room but I knew that was my mind playing tricks on me. "I need you to do something for me Harriet-" "No please" my father implored. The man gripping him pushed him back down and threatened to hit him making him swallow his words. The mysterious man continued like he wasn't just interrupted. "As I was saying Harriet. I need you to do something for me. Would you do it?" He mused. My words got caught in my throat, I looked to my father, his eyes were glossy and he looked frightened. I stared at my mother, she was full on sobbing now and she was shaking her head continuously. Everyone knew what I was to do except me. I didn't have a say in whatever it was. The mysterious man knew but he was placating me, he had a lopsided smile on his face, finding my discomfort and the pain of my parents to be amusing. I felt sick in my stomach. "What do I have to do?" I whispered, pinching my thigh to avoid the sting in my eyes. I wasn't about to cry in his presence. He didn't deserve it, I needed to be the strong one for the rest of us. The mysterious man nodded once to one of his men before a paper was placed on the table between us. I stared at his messenger and down to the paper wondering what it was. The mysterious man simply stared at me and back down to the paper, my cue to take it up and read. I picked it up with my shaky hands, my eyes going over the words in printed letters. It resembled a contract of some sort. I glanced at it, my heart beating in my chest, my lips parted as I finally got the hang of it. My mother's wailing had increased and my father kept whimpering and begging. I didn't know when tears had gathered in my own eyes. I didn't want to believe it, but it was so real. "Do you understand or do you need me to explain it to you?" He replied his face impassive. He kept glancing at his wrist watch before speaking. I guess he didn't think his business with us was going to be so time consuming. I glanced at my father, the little feeling of hatred I had for him all these while intensifying a great deal. I didn't know if it would be easier to blame it all on him or on the vampires that made life difficult for us. "I - I----" "Your father sold you to me Harriet. In plane words you belong to me now, and I have come to take what belongs to me" My stomach sank. I was sold to a Vampire Lord.
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