Chapter 6

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"So, where are you going after this? Do you guys decide where you'll go for your honeymoon?" My eyes widened at Lucett's question. It's been more than two hours when we arrived here. We're now in the venue of our wedding in the hotel. After the wedding ceremony, we went here so that we can spend our time with our families and guests. We already did all the traditional wedding ceremonies here. We were introduced to everyone as a married couple. The parents and our friend’s speech which turned to be emotional and fun. We freed doves, had a toast and danced with the guests. Of course, I and Jazon had our first dance, first. The bouquet and garter tosses, I smiled as I remembered Kiefer's reaction when he accidentally got the bouquet I threw earlier. We already did the cake-cutting, too. But I still felt like I'm dreaming. "Why?" Lucettia rolled her eyes. "Oh, stop looking at me like that, Beatriz. You're married now so get yourself ready because starting tonight, you'll be serving your husband in bed, too!" "Lucett!" The witch just chuckled and drank her wine. "Why? Don't tell me you never think of that? What do you think, after your wedding you and Jazon will just play hide and seek or playhouse?" I shook my head. I fanned myself at what she's implying. I felt hot though I already change into my white yellow dress. "Fortunately, your husband is a high maintenance dish." I frowned. "High maintenance dish? What do you think of Jazon? A food?" Lucettia laughed. " A dish that's exclusively for you. A very yummy and jaw-dropping dish that every woman wants!" I covered my mouth when I realized what she's talking about. I slapped her arm. "Stop it, Lucett!" She giggled then turned to Jazon who's busy talking with some businessmen and our dads. "You are so naive, Bea. Look at your husband. That face, that body. Well… Now I understand why you are head over heels with him. He's more than a four course meal!" I just laughed at her remarks. I peeked at my watch. "Excited?" Lucett asked when I faced her. I pouted. "I just want to make sure if this is really happening, Lucettia." She smiled sheepishly. "You are not dreaming Beatriz. You are really married with your first love!" I can't help but grinned. "I still can't believe that he's my husband now." Lucett held my hand. "I'm wishing you happiness, my best friend." "Thank you." I hugged her tightly. "I will miss you, witch." "Just make sure that you'll come back with a fetus in your tummy," she whispered. My face turned red. "Girls..." I felt Jazon's hand hugged my waist. Lucettia chuckled. I just grinned at her. "I'm sorry but I have to borrow my wife now, Ms. Morfori. The chopper is ready and we need to go now so we could reach Cebu before midnight," Jazon explained. Lucett raised her hand. "Of course! You owe me one, Mr. Saavedra." Jazon nodded. "Bon appetit, Beatriz!" the witch yelled before we turned to our parent’s direction. "What's that?" Jazon uttered. "You are blushing." I shook my head. "Oh nothing. Let's go!" I pulled Jazon towards our parent's table. "So, is it Irija City? I thought you're going overseas?" his Dad asked us the moment he saw us. Jazon shrugged his shoulder. "I just need to meet some people there, Dad. Then after two days, we'll fly to Athens." "Bea…" Jazon's Mom held both of my hand. "I'm very happy that you are now my daughter in law. Please do take care of my son. He's a bit cold and snob but he's nice." The old men as well as Jazon, laughed. After a few minutes of talking with them, we finally bid our farewell. We also did a short speech for the guests before we leave the hall room. "You're cold, are you sure you're okay?" Jazon asked me when we entered the elevator room. He pushed the button for the floor for this building's helipad. I bit my lip. " A bit." He pulled me closer. I leaned on his chest. I felt his hand on my head. "No worries. It will be over soon." We stayed like that until the elevator's door opened. Jazon held my hand as we went towards the chopper. "Is it yours?" I almost shouted just to let Jazon hear my voice. The noise coming from the chopper's engine is overwhelming. Jazon just nod. He helped me get in the chopper. The Captain greeted us first before he started the engine. The chopper flew after few minutes. I can't help but look down. It's past five in the afternoon but the city was already covered with lights. I'm amazed with the almost night view of Metro Manila. "We'll get there after an hour and thirty minutes," Jazon told me. "You can sleep. I'll just woke you up when we arrived." I smiled at him. He took a soft pillow from one of the bag then put it to my back. "Come on, you can lean on me." I did what he said. I'm really tired and my eyes are sleepy. Jazon's hand stroked my hair gently. I leaned on him and immediately fell asleep. I don't know how long I slept. I just felt a hand tapping my cheek gently. "Hey, wife. We're already here at Irija." I fixed myself. Jazon held my hand as we want out from the chopper. I saw a black SUV a few meters away from us. There are also three men who's waiting for us. We went towards the car. I get in while Jazon talk with the men in maybe two minutes before he sat beside me. He closed his eyes the moment he gets in. I let him be. Maybe he's tired too. We travelled for less than twenty minutes before the car stopped at the tall and huge building. "I have a condo here," Jazon said. "We'll stay here for two days before we leave for Athens." "Are you okay?" I asked. He's a bit sleepy. He smiled. "Yes, let's go?" We went outside the car and walked our way to the building's entrance. His driver followed us with our luggage. We reached his condo which was on third floor. Jazon took our things from his driver. Rene, his driver congratulated us again before he left. "Like it?" I kissed his cheek as my answer. He smirked. "So I'll just take that as a yes?" Smiling, I nodded. I went inside as I roamed my eyes around the place. Like Jazon, his condo is manly. It smells him, looks like him and the place reflects him. The interior, decorations and even the style suits Jazon. "Your place is nice," I said. There are two rooms, the smaller room served as a guest room. There's also a terrace with an overlooking view of the city. He put our things in the bigger room. "Well, let's eat dinner first? There are many restaurant downstairs." I gulped when I heard the word eat. That witch Lucettia! I just nod. "I'll just take a shower." His phone rang. He frowned when he looked at the caller. "Sure, I'll just answer this. I'll wait you here. There's a bathroom inside our room." I hid my smile. I nodded and went to our room. He really said this room is ours! Humming, I chose a simple black dress. I stared at my undergarments. What should I wear inside? It's our first night as a married couple. For sure after we eat, something will happen. "Oh s**t!" I cursed, covering my face with my palm. Why I'm thinking those things? Why I'm always thinking in advance? I tried to clean and clear my thoughts first before I entered the bathroom. It's so full of Lucettia's thoughts! I tilted head while looking at Jazon's things. His body wash, shampoo, even the perfumes here are for males only! I can use his things for now, but I don't see any toothbrush here. "Should I ask Jazon for it?" I asked myself. I tried looking for a spare toothbrush but I don't find any. "Alright! I'll just ask him!" I marched out of the room. I scowled. Jazon's not in the living room nor in the terrace. "Yes Savvy..." I turned to the kitchen. It's Jazon's voice. But whom he's talking too? This is the first time I heard him that sweet. I tiptoed towards the kitchen. I saw him facing the sink with a phone on his ear. "Whoa, he's really wide and huge." Grrr, I shook my head to clear my thoughts. His wide and flexing back muscles' really sinful to look at. I was about to call him when he laughed. "Yes, Baby. I'm with Beatriz..." My forehead creased. Baby? Baby who? "Yes, of course. Why would I forget my promise? I just need to stay married to her for a few years then everything will be back to normal..." My gripped on the refrigerator's handle tightened. What he's talking about? Numbness took over my whole system. I tried to calm down. I'm just hearing things for sure. "Yes, of course, Baby. After a few years, I'll file an annulment..." He turned to my direction. I saw him frowned when he saw me. I waited him to take back what he said but he didn't. "You know what I mean, Savvy. There's no divorce here in Philippines. The only way to void our marriage is through an annulment." My eyes welled up. Before I could even think, my tears fell. "By the way, Baby..." He emphasized the word baby. "Beatriz is looking for me now. I need to go and do my responsibilities as her husband." My two hands covered my mouth. My sight became blurry because of my tears. Jazon pocketed his phone. I can't read his expression, the same expression that I saw when I said my vows, when I said yes. The expression I ignored many times... Those are the signs. Jazon stayed there while staring at the woman he's breaking right now. I want to run to him and begged him to take back his words. I want to break down in front of him right now. I want him to pity me so he can stay with me forever. Like what he said in his vow. I imagined things that I want to do to him. I took a few deep breaths. "C-Care to explain?" "You heard it all," he answered. I grabbed the chair. I need something to hold so I won't fall. "W-Why did you m-marry me?" My voice cracked. His head tilted. "Out of obligation." I never felt tired in my entire life, not until today. "Are you familiar with the Zhou's?" He took a glass and poured some wine into it. I know the Zhou's, that's the name of the richest family in China. "The Empire and our company wanted to get them. For expansion. But the Zhou’s are doubting the relationship between our families. They told our fathers that they don't believe in our family’s years of friendship. They wanted something deeper than that. A relationship that will bond our families not only in names but will go beyond..." I shook my head as I understand what he's saying. "Marriage. Our marriage." He nodded. "Exactly." I laughed without humor. I did not even think that I can laugh and cry at the same time. Is this tears of sorrow? "Did my Dad agreed to this?" He shook his head. "No. They never asked me to do this. They did not even know that I know about the expansion. They have no idea that the Zhou's signed because of me, because of our marriage." I wiped my tears, so this is really a marriage for business. "This is your own doing." Again, he nodded. "The moment I discovered the Zhou's only condition, I scheduled a private meeting with them. They agreed, and I told them that we are engaged for years. That's why they agreed for the expansion. For our parents, I manipulated them to believe me." "And then, you proposed to me. You know I won't say no to your proposal," I resumed his story. He drank his wine. My eyes stared at the wine bottle. It has a red ribbon on its long neck. A gift for a newlywed couple like us. "And what's that marriage for a few years?" He looked at me. I saw confusion on his eyes. "The contract with the Zhou's will last for five years." I approached him. I saw him stunned when I grabbed the bottle of the wine. "Beatriz..." "So, you already did your part in our family's business. It's my time to do mine." I pushed my tears back. I felt cold, something pierced my heart. "All I just need to do is to stay married with you for five years..." He did not respond. He just looked at me. "Why are you so h-heartless, Jazon?" I stammered, again my tears fell down They are too hard-headed that even if I told them to stop, they still fell nonstop. My grip on the bottle tightened. I lifted the wine and drank half of it. "Congratulations to us!" I smiled bitterly as I hit the table with the bottle I'm holding. The bottle broke into pieces. Some piece pierced into my flesh. "Beatriz!" I raised my hand to stopped him approach me. My hand is almost covered with blood. The wedding ring on my finger were also covered with blood. I looked at the poor broken pieces of bottle. I felt sorry towards that bottle. It's broken, like me. But I'm not just broken, I'm wrecked. "Beatriz, you're bleeding!" I saw how concerned Jazon is. "Don't come near me," I said coldly. I raised my bloody ring finger. "Five years… I'm going to wear this for five years. Let's see each other after those years." My heart broke into pieces again after I turned my back to him. I grabbed my bag on his couch and find my way out. I dialled Lucett's number. "Hey, witch! Are you full now? Is it really big? How long?" I cried as I went to the elevator. Good thing, I'm the only one here. I lost my strength, I cried my heart out as I sat on the elevator's floor. That tiny place was filled with my sorrow. "Where are you, Bea?" Lucett voice was in panic. "C-Can you f-fetch me? I'm at Irija." I heard her cursed before she said she's on her way. I imagined my best friend using her private chopper. The elevator opened. I saw how surprised the people waiting for it when they saw me. They even looked at my bloody hand. I stood up and hid my hand on my bag. I wiped my tears as I ambled out of the building. My first love. My first kiss. I never thought he'll always be my heartbreak.
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