Chapter 54

1821 Words

“He does love you,” Agatha’s eyes twinkle as she checks me out. I kept my head down as I remember the sorry state he was in when I found him that morning, handcuffed to the toilet, the concern that forever swirled in his eyes - such that I never thought I would see it in anyone. He had always put me first. He even let himself get hurt beyond pain when we faced off Laxton in the secret lab. It was Maddox. But Maddox was perfectly in equilibrium with Alex earlier… Why did he flip out all of a sudden? Was it me? I fiddled with my fingers as I pondered over Maddox and Alex. Agatha let me have my moments before interrupting me. “Penny for your thoughts, darling.” “Sorry, I was just thinking…” “Why did Maddox attack me all of a sudden? They were perfectly fine before this happened. Maddox

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