Chapter 5

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Alex I looked out of the window of my car in boredom as we drove through the town. It's been three days since we left and since then, there had been two attacks but we dealt with them pretty quickly. I've ordered for one person from each attack to be sedated and brought along with us so we can interrogate them once we arrive at the Blood Diamond pack. I wonder why this group of werewolves would attack our entourage of Lycans. They should know that they're no match for us. Nevertheless, now that we're in the town area, the risks of attack should be reduced. I looked back down to my lap where her head was laying on. I wonder why I indulged her. Maybe it's just interesting how she managed to ignore my cold attitude towards her and managed to climb up to my car and on my lap despite being put in another car in the beginning. This woman's persistence so far has been impressive. Perhaps sensing my stare, she woke up. Flinging her hair to the back, she threw me a grin and kissed me. Her lips felt cold on mine but tolerable. She climbed on my lap not breaking off the kiss. She rubbed herself on me and I was nearly tempted to push her down on the back seat and give in into temptation. "Commander, we're nearly there," Caleb's voice rang through the car's partition. His contempt was hardly hidden in his voice. I grunted in reply and broke off the kiss. I pushed her back to her seat. She looked at me with a heated face and licked her lips. "That's enough, Rachel. We're reaching." In 5 minutes, we arrived at a small path off the road. Turning in, we drove for a short distance when we heard patrol werewolves arrive, running in parallel with our car, no doubt recognising our smell. We followed the road till we reached a pebbled road and the pack house loomed in sight. As my people got down from the car, a small group of people started to gather in front of the pack house - the welcoming party. I glanced at them, disinterested. A small woman stood in the middle flanked by two women beside her with the rest still gathering around her. She must be the Luna and the rest, her council. Where is the Alpha? I got down from the car, buttoned up my suit jacket and ran a hand over my hair. It's been a long drive. I turned to walk towards the Luna, expecting her to give a small, boring welcoming speech and for me to show some form of recognition to the pack. I've never been good with politics and hated small talk. As I walked towards them, I saw the Luna take a gun from the woman on her right and fire at me. I used my Lycan reflexes to dodge the bullet. Easy. My people started after her when I saw her lips turn into a smirk and started to run towards me. I mind link them quickly: Mine. They stopped at their tracks. Her face scrunched, ready to fight. I prepared myself for a fight too. This is going to be interesting. What a way to welcome me. I blocked her fist when a heady scent of honey and summer flowers rushed at me. I've never thought that these things would smell heavenly to me. I was stunned. She took the opportunity to punch me but it felt like nothing to me. I grabbed her fist and pulled her towards me. I took a long, deep breath of her scent. It ran down my spine, comforting me, my beast basking in her scent. My chest rumbled with pleasure. Mate. But something is wrong. I moved my head a little and sniffed at her, sensing her wolf. No! I was shocked. She's heartbroken. She's suffering. Why? While I was processing my thoughts, she looked at me with bewildered eyes and suddenly broke off from my grip, walked to the trees and vomited. "Ugh, sorry Commander, there's just a scent on your suit that made me retch. Did you meet rogues earlier?" she said while walking back towards me, wiping her mouth with the back of her hands. Her voice is like music to my ears. I was still wondering about her wolf when she asked that question and threw me off guard. Suddenly, I felt an arm slinking through mine. "Alex, what's happening here?" Rachel whined while looking at the Luna. "Oh sorry, we didn't know that there's a female in your entourage, Commander. Rob, please arrange the necessary," the Luna turned to a man who had walked up to her with a bottle of water. He had brown tousled hair and a tattoo on his right bicep. "Bella! I'm here!" A voice rang out across the clearing. I turned to see a man with an air of casual arrogance, short curly dark brown hair, striding towards us. His eyes on my mate. As he reached her, he hugged her and turned to look at me. "Oh Commander, apologies for being late! I'm Laxton Redolf, Alpha of the Blood Diamond pack," he extended a hand to shake mine. I growled, baring my sharp teeth and fangs slightly. I want to break the hand he extended and the arm he had around my mate. He flinched and looked shocked. He took back his hand and looked at my mate. "What did you do, Bel?" She struggled out of his hug but she looked like she is comfortable being in such close proximity with him. She is indeed, the Luna then? If it's so, how could she be suffering this much? "Sorry Commander, I have not had the chance to introduce myself yet. I'm Bella King, Luna of the Blood Diamond pack. The fight just now was actually my idea since we have never witnessed the quick reflexes of the Lycans first hand and I thought it'll be good to know in preparation for the war," she said calmly. She extended her hand to shake mine. Noticing that I did not take her hand, she continued: "Well, I'm not good at small talk as well, so that fueled my decision. I hope you don't mind and let's have a round of combat training with me tonight to call it even?" she looked straight into my eyes with her clear, sincere eyes. Her hand was still outstretched. My beast started fighting with me for control and that jerked me to action. I took her small hands in my big one and can't help but love the sparks of the mate bond running through me just from that gesture. "That's ok, I hate small talk too and that is a really interesting way to break the ice," my low voice rumbled. I watched her, taking notes of her expressions. "Isn't it?" she laughed. Her laughter made my heart soar. I realised that I'd do anything to hear her laughter again. "I'm glad you found the humour in that," she smiled, looking at my hand holding hers and gave it a small tug so she could break the handshake. I held on to her hand. At that moment, there's only her sweet face, flushed from the small adrenaline rush just now, her raven black hair flying in the wind as it picks up. Her scent wafted towards me as I took every opportunity to breathe it in. I found my mate at long last. I am not letting her go. Not ever.
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