Chapter 8 - All About Sarah

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Sarah's eyes heated up, and the tears she had been holding back finally fell. She was jealous, and her heart throbbed in pain. James treated the young girl very sweetly. She couldn't control her feet to follow the two of them into the famous wedding dress boutique. "Sarah, what are you doing? If it's just to peek inside, you'd better go home instead of being like a soap opera star crying for her lover and being dumped for another girl. Now ask him what he wants. Depending on a relationship like that?" Sarah just cried, ignoring Amy's words. "Oh my gosh, Sarah, don't be stupid because of love. It's been more than ten years since your relationship, but he just got more sadistic to hurt you. Why are you still holding on? For God's sake? I don't understand your way of thinking." "You don't understand why James changed like that? He wasn't like that before. It was all my fault; I was the one who caused James to live in hatred." "So you're still fighting for him? You guys are really compatible. The girls are crazy about it; the boys are crazier." "I caused him to change. I betrayed his love and trust. I deserved all of this." Sarah was still sobbing. "But it's not like that this time. Hurt you even more; what really, James want?" Twelve years ago. Sarah sat leaning against the bus stop, waiting for the bus to go home. She, who likes to read novels, is very enthusiastic about carrying his new book everywhere, she has not read a page yet, and her concentration is disturbed by the noisy voices of several students beating a boy wearing the same uniform. She wanted to help the boy, but she was afraid; when her brain was thinking, Sarah saw a traffic policeman who was ticketing a road user who was in trouble. "Sir, sir, please help my friend, sir. He was beaten so badly." "Wait a minute. Where is your friend?" "This way, sir." The police immediately ran, followed by Sarah. The police sounded his whistle. Seeing the police and Sarah, six children from the gang immediately fled away. "Hey, hey you, wake up. Are you okay?" The boy smirked with narrowed eyes looking at the police, and then fainted. "Sir, sir, how is this, my friend?" "Don't worry, he just fainted. My colleague is on the road; he'll be here soon." Sarah breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the police explanation. "Well, the car has arrived. Now, we're taking your friend to the hospital." After informing the police, Sarah faithfully waited for the boy to awake. The voice of a beautiful woman awakened Sarah from her drowsiness. "James, James, wake up, son, wake up, honey." "It's okay, honey; the doctor said he just passed out without serious injuries. Let's just wait until he wakes up." "How can I not worry, Dean? This morning it was still okay. But now it's like this. He is indeed very naughty; he was advised not to listen. What are the advantages of fighting?" Felicia keeps crying. "This is a self-discovery process for a boy, honey; everyone must experience it." "Is that how you used to be, hubby?" "Not really. I am a good guy who follows the strict rules of my late father. How can there be a fight." "We have never spoiled him, huh? But why is James so naughty, anyway?" "It's okay; calm down first, honey." "You…" Felicia noticed the presence of a young girl in the room James was treated. "Good afternoon, aunty, uncle." Sarah greets them respectfully "Oh, so you the one who saved my child?" "That's right, aunty." "Thank you very much, dear; what's your name, beautiful?" "My name is Sarah, Sarah Portman." "Israel descent? You must be of Israeli descent; you so beautiful and gorgeous." Sarah just blushed at the praise of James's mother. "Ugh, where am I?" "James, James, you're awake, son; here, Mom and Dad have come." "Mom, Dad." "Thank goodness you're awake, James." "Mom, the angel who saved me, where is she going?" "James, your brain has been damaged. Where is there an angel on this earth other than me who gave birth to you." "Ouch, it hurts, Mom; I don't think you will pinch me." James groaned after his mother pinched his arm. "Oh, there she is, the wingless angel who saved me." "James, she is your schoolmate, not an angel as you think." "Whatever she's called, she's my version of the angel without wings, Dad." "Well, it's up to you. Seeing you can speak fluently means you're okay. Can you go home now?" "Not yet. Give me two days to recover my health, Mom. After all, my face is bruised; it's embarrassing to go to school like this." "It's just a reason, daddy knows; you mostly like to be absent from school." "Please, Mom, talk to daddy," James begs Felicia. "Alright, just two days, no more an excuse, okay?" Felicia asks Dean's permission. "Huh, ​​it's up to you, hon." Dean give up "Thanks, dad. Mom, Dad, James promised not to fight again." "We will see later." "Mom, I'm hungry." "You wait here. Mommy and Daddy go out to buy food for you." "Okay, Mom." "Sarah, don't go home yet; Auntie will take you home, okay?" "Okay, aunty." After James's parents came out. "Hey, you come here." "Me?" Sarah pointed her index finger to herself. James nodded. Sarah shyly approached James. "Thank you, Angel, you saved me. Otherwise, I don't know what I would be now." "My name is Sarah, not Angel." "Whatever, I'll call you Angel; you are beautiful and kind." Two weeks later. "Sarah, lunch break time, I treat you to eat lunch in the canteen, okay?" "No need James, thanks." "No refusal." "James, I…." "You can't refuse because I have chosen you to be my girlfriend, okay?" "Huh, what?" "Don't pout it like that, or I'll kiss your lip. "Don't…." Sarah covered her lips with her hands. During lunch break. "Where are you going, babe?" "James, my name is Sarah." "Okay, baby, uh, Sarah, come with me." Sarah shook her head. "My face is bruised like this, but when it's healed, you'll be fascinated by me." "I don't want to date someone." "Give up what you say; if you don't want to come with me, it means you're asking me to kiss your lip." "Uh, don't, James." "So you just come with me, understand." "Where to?" "To the cafeteria." "Oh, okay." Sarah gave up and followed whatever James told her. James smiled, seeing Sarah willing to comply with his request. He followed her from behind. "Get out of the way; my Angel wants to sit here. "No needs, James. I just want to sit there." Sarah pointed at an empty seat. "You bastard, for the sake of a girl, are you willing to throw me out?" One of James's friends snapped out. "Why not? Where have you been yesterday? My face was bruised. If there wasn't an Angel who saved me? Maybe I'm dead right now." "Oh, this is what you mean by the beautiful angel who saved you, James." "Yeah. " "She's so beautiful; no wonder you become love worshiper ." "What grade are you, beautiful?" "11th grade." "You know, James is a playboy?" "I know." "Still want to be friends with him?" "Why not?" "He's a bad boy, you know?" "I like bad boys," said James. "Damn, I asked her, not asking you, James." "From this moment on, those who deal with Sarah must deal with me." "What!" They answered at the same time. "Shut your mouth before I give you the meatballs to keep them away." "Oops, hahaha." James's friends laughed. "What's so funny, huh? You're so good; why are you laughing like that?" "It's okay because you're cute when you're in love." "Wow, our gang leader will come to their repent." "Yup, hopefully, he doesn't turn into a useless man. "Attention." Suddenly James climbed onto the table. "From this moment on, whoever bullied Sarah must face me, understand!" "Understood." They answered in unison. "Today you can eat whatever you want in this canteen. I'll pay for it because starting from today, you are officially my girlfriend."
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