Chapter 2 - James Oliver Hill

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One month earlier. "Hi, guys." A handsome man with sharp eyes stood in the crowd of young people who were partying at an exclusive club in New York City. "Here we are waiting for." Dean, James's best friend, immediately hugged James. "Hey dude, where are you going? It's no fun without your presence." Brandon, a native boy from Canada, immediately joined James and Dean. "Are you waiting for me or waiting for a treat from me?" "Hahaha…, slow man, you're sarcastic like you've just seen a ghost." Dean pretended to punch James in the arm. "It's so late tonight; where is the beautiful girl?" "Well, the night has come; the stock of beautiful girls is extinct. The bad thing is the beauties are busy moaning in the upstairs hotel." Brandon chimed in. "I've been in court with my parents. I can't move before waiting for them to sleep." James grabbed the lighter and lit a cigarette. "So it's tough for a rich child, isn't it?" Dean nodded. "But the money won't run out for seven generations, dude." Brandon looked far away, imagining he could be as rich as James's father. "Noisy, quickly find a girl over there. My head is dizzy. I need a beautiful girl. James took a sip of his beer. "Well, your taste is classy. At this hour, where are we going to look for James?" "James, Dean, is absolutely right; in this club, the exclusive ones are gone. You'll definitely refuse if it's a low-grade girl." "Where is Sarah? Usually, she is a backup for your needs." Dean reminded that James had a lover he kept as gratification for his lust. "Sarah again, Sarah again." James took a shaky breath. "She is so sexy; you feel bored?" "Brandon, he is the billionaire. If you use the same thing often, you'll get bored." "What do you do when you're bored with being cared for. It's better if you give me a try, I want to try." Brandon joked. "f**k off. Dean snapped his fingers in Brandon's ear. "Hufft…, having friends isn't really that useful." James grumbled. While arguing, they saw a beautiful woman wearing very sexy clothes at the entrance. The fiery red dress with an elongated slit showed her smooth white thighs; the top was Sabrina-shaped, exposed her shoulders and chest and looked perfect. Judging from her face, this woman is slightly older than James, but from her appearance and style, she seems like a jet-set. James' eyes didn't blink as if he had caught prey. "Ehm…, ​​James, the auntie is okay with that. Moreover, her chest is plump." Brandon knew the direction of James' gaze and could already guess that James had targeted his partner tonight. "I'll go first." James put his credit card on the table to pay for his friends' drinks. "Have fun James, don't forget your way home." Dean teased James. James ignored the jokes of his two friends. His physical advantages make him proud of himself. With a height of 180 cm, James is a Dutch American mulatto. In addition to a manly posture, James's face has a handsomeness that is difficult for women to refuse. Thick brown hair, sharp jaw, high nose and blue eyes. Moreover, his six-pack stomach makes him look manly. So far, no woman has been able to resist his charms. With slow steps, James immediately approached the woman sitting in front of the bartender to order a drink. "Hey, can I sit here?" James interrupts her. "Sure." The woman answered briefly and sounded indifferent. "Are you alone?" James wondered why this woman didn't turn to see her charms. "That's how it is." 'Damn, so cold.' thought James. "Have a nice day, Miss." The bartender's voice snapped them out of their thoughts. "Chers." James clinked his drink into the woman's glass. The sexy woman turned her head and was immediately stunned by James' good looks. "Ehm ..., James" James reached out his hand to get acquainted. The woman blushed at being caught stealing glances at James. "Amanda." James didn't let go of Amanda's hand. Two fingers tickled Amanda's palm in a sign. "Sorry, I'm a married woman." Amanda raised her left hand, wearing a wedding ring on her ring finger. James let go of his hand. "Oops sorry." He smiled awkwardly. One, two, three, Amanda turned around. "But for you, there is an exception, handsome." 'See, no one can resist my charm. Even she melted in seconds.' James laughed proudly in his heart. "Should we..." "You're not afraid of my husband?" "Why, are you scared?" James smirked. "I have a husband." Amanda looked at James mischievously, even though she didn't hesitate to snuggle her body close to James's side. "James chuckled cheerfully as he accepted Amanda's body by stroking Amanda's bare thighs. "I'm not forcing or k********g you. I didn't r**e you. You should not be the scared one." James used his index finger he twisted abstractly over Amanda's thighs. 'Bang!' James started pretending. He is a perfect man and is adored by many women. He is forbidden to seduce or beg for one night's stand with a woman, especially with someone else's wife. This is the first time he approaches a married woman after not finding a beautiful woman who will warm his bed tonight. "But I'm challenged tonight to keep you company until morning James." Amanda wrapped her arms around James' six-pack stomach. "Really? Aren't you afraid your husband will find out? Do you know what the risks are?" James is getting more and more ignorant, pranking Amanda. "Your charm is tough to resist, James." Amanda could not stand the small talk from James that was stalling for time. He wasn't drunk yet, but the gaze of the handsome man beside her was intoxicating. "What is your speciality, to dare to seduce me." Challenge James. "A peerless pleasure that you can't forget." Amanda whispered affectionately." "Ahahaha…, don't be too confident. I'm afraid, on the contrary, you can't forget my game." "Then let's prove who is the best." Amanda pulled James out. "Let's go to your place." Amanda decided. "I live with my parents. You want us to be disturbed. Of course, James was lying; all this time, he had lived alone in the apartment. It was forbidden for him to bring his date back to his apartment. "Okay, let's go to the hotel." Amanda looked impatient. Arriving outside." Wow, you are the wealthy billionaire? Amanda teased James after seeing James' luxury car. James shrugged his shoulders and drove his car to his regular five-star hotel. Getting out of the car Amanda immediately wanted to hold James, but James immediately pushed Amanda's hand away. "You forgot, you have a husband?" Amanda shuddered at the thought of her husband, who is a politician. Her life would undoubtedly be hell if the news of her affair was exposed. Aware of this precarious situation, Amanda could only walk separately to the hotel room that James had ordered. James' good looks have ensnared her to have an illicit relationship behind her husband's back. "James." Amanda immediately hugged James when James entered the room within a few minutes of Amanda. "Can't wait?" James chuckled at Amanda's already very eager face. Amanda immediately covered James' mouth with a hot kiss. Amanda gasped as James pushed himself back a few steps back. "Show me." "Huh?" Amanda was confused. "Prove that you want me tonight." James crossed his arms against Amanda. Amanda moved forward to close the distance between the two of them while taking off her dress. She also took off the underwear she was wearing. She walked sensually, rocking her body. So that the protruding part is shaken with sexiness. "James…, fill me in." Amanda hissed.
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