
824 Words
Amy:     "Isn't there anyone else she can stay with dad?" I asked as a new Camaro and a small moving van pulled up to the front yard.      "She's your mom's niece, baby. Mom's sister just died and this girl shouldn't have to be with anyone else but her family. How would you feel if mom and I were in a car accident and died huh?" He reached for me. I moved away ignoring the feeling he ignites in me when he gets too close. I don't like for him to get too close. Anyone, not just him.     "She's so weird though. What if she robs us or something?" I asked going over to the window to get a better look.     "Believe me when I say that kid can afford like a hundred of everything we have and that is just like spending a quarter to her," he laughed sitting on the sofa.      "So you're telling me that she can live on her own and she has to stay here?" I asked when a man stepped out of the driver's side of the car.     "Amy enough," mom shouted from the top of the stairs. She rushed down fixing the front of her nurse's uniform like she was trying to impress this girl. "She's your cousin and my sister's daughter. She didn't ask to be here, I brought her here and you will show her the respect she deserves as my niece do you understand? If I hear you complain about this again, I will take away all of your games and electronics do you understand me, young lady?" I felt my jaw clench at her challenge something in me made me bow my head in compliance.     "Yes mother," I finally agreed when she kept her eyes on me.     "Martak," my mom greeted her swinging the door open.     "Aunt Margot, it's nice to see you. Please, call me Marty," she smiled lightly. It didn't reach her eyes and she didn't reach for my mom for a hug as she stepped inside our home.     "As long as you call me Maggie,"      "Very well then," who talks like they're fifty years old not even fifty-year-old people talk like that.     "This is Amnitak. You remember her right?"     "I'm sorry, I don't," she said looking me over. I returned the gesture. Was she always this pretty?     "It's cool. I'm not as significant as you anyway," I shrugged wanting to let her know she could let her self out the way she came. I swear her eyes changed from the icy blue to a glowing silver for a second before my mom blocked her.     "Apologize now," the fear in my mom's voice confused me a little when she looked at me angrily.     "It's alright Maggie. She's not like us. She doesn't know," what the hell is that supposed to mean?     "No, she doesn't and I would like to keep it that way. Is Cameron staying with us?" my mom replied. What don't I know?      "No, he's just going to sweep the perimeter and go home. I need him there," the way she speaks makes me mad. It's like she thinks she's better than the rest of us.     We're both seventeen, we both have advanced placement classes, we're both captains in sports. What makes her so f*****g special. The way my mom had spoken about her when she told me she was going to be staying with us made her sound like she's such an amazing girl. If my parents were as rich as hers, I probably would have started my own clothing line, maybe even other stuff that is way cooler than what she's done.     "It's only for the rest of the year until she graduates, Amy. She lost her family, cut her some slack, kid," my dad reminded as he followed them up the stairs.      Eight months is a long time. I went up to my room and tried to read. I can't concentrate knowing she's in the room next to me. I stood up telling myself I am just going out for a cup of water. Her door is slightly ajar when I got to the end of the hall. She's kneeling in front of the bed with a laptop opened up in front of her and an earpiece in her ear. I jumped when she turned to look at me.      "Hold on," she whispered getting up coming over to the door.      "I'm sorry. I was just going to get a glass of water. Want one?" I lied feeling like an i***t for getting caught snooping.      "No, thank you. Your mom gave me some grape juice,"      "Are you playing a game?" pointing at her laptop. It looks like a map.     "No," she shook her head going over to it and shutting it. "Goodnight, Amy. I'll see you in the morning,"      "Goodnight," I waved for no reason. She shut the door in my face and then locked it. Alright then. 
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