Chapter 3

1366 Words
Song- Can’t Take My Eyes Off You by Frankie Valli …/… After the principal’s announcement, we all stand up to leave. Apparently, we had to leave school because of what happened, even though we just had two periods left. A very beautiful girl with blonde hair and really brown eyes walks up to us. “Chris, I’m ready” she says. Chris turns around and gives her a hug, not before kissing her forehead. I felt sick to my stomach. I really hoped she was his sister or cousin. All my hopes shattered as soon as he said “Hey guys, meet my girlfriend, Natasha”. I smiled at her. Luke knew I was dying inside.  Chris was introducing my brothers to her and I found myself saying “Uhm, sorry guys but I need to go do something somewhere, I’ll meet you guys in the car” “I’ll come with” Luke says to me but I slowly shake my head and he understands immediately that I need to be alone I make my way across the cafeteria towards the door and I stop when I feel the liquid slowly dripping from my hair. I look up to meet the gaze of a freshman. His face expressed fear with a hint of remorse. I run out of the cafeteria when people start laughing and that just about does it for me. I run into an empty class crying. I stay at the back, in the corner for a while, writing my emotions out. I then remember that I put the shirt I changed out of into my bag this morning. So, with that knowledge, I headed to the girls’ bathroom without getting noticed and I changed. The students had started filing out by the time I got back to the empty classroom, they couldn’t see me but I could see them. I checked my phone later to see numerous texts and missed calls from my brothers and Luke. I text them back saying I’m fine and I’d be home soon. I stay in school for a while before heading home. On my way home, I plug in my headset and listen to soulful songs. …/… I see my house from afar and then it struck me that my legs had been walking all along. I pass the kitchen door, hoping they’d all be in the sitting room. I find them sitting around the dining table, my eyes meet Chris’ and I just go up to my room without saying hi to any of them. “Do you think she’s going to be alright” I hear Chris say. “Of course. She’d come around, she always does” Jay says shortly after. I decide to take a shower, to wash off the smell of the pineapple juice from my hair. I take my phone to the bathroom because I know I’m going to spend eternity in there. I set the playlist on repeat and I enter the bathtub. After spending about 45 minutes in the bathtub, I hear someone shout “You had better not be sleeping in there”. “Luke, I’m coming out now” I shout back. I step out of the bathtub, cleaning my body with a towel. Then, I brush my teeth since it’s already getting dark. I wear a baggy hoodie and shorts and I head out. “It’s about time” Jay says. “What are y’all doing on my bed?” I say while going to shut the door. ‘Hey, we just wanna spend time with our favorite person” Jace says and I roll my eyes to that. “Where’s Chris?” I say after noticing that he wasn’t in the room, a part of me still hoped he’d stick around. “He said he had something to do, plus it was kinda getting late” Luke said. “We should get food” Jace says. He’s always been the most caring out of all of us. I protest with my facial expression. I really didn’t feel like going out. “Don’t you want to get that ice cream again” Luke says knowing that would get to me stand up. I huff and I stand up to wear my shoes. …/… On our way out, we quickly stop at Luke’s to say hi to his parents. His mum asks how my first day went and I smile, as always. We leave their house after playing with Luke’s step sister, Amy, for a while. She’s just two. Luke’s Dad left when he was really young, He and his mum went through a lot but I’m really glad for how far they’ve gotten. Luke never hated his stepdad. There was the issue of trust but I felt it was understandable for him to feel that way. Plus, he was really young when his stepdad came around. We got to the restaurant and went to our favorite booth. We ordered the usual but this time, I got ice cream instead of Burgers. The boys looked worried about my health but I assured them nothing was going to happen to me. “Isn’t that Henry?” Luke says. “Oh! It is” I say less enthusiastic. “Hey, Henry” Jay shouts suddenly. Henry looks in our direction and smiles. Henry is equally as tall as my brothers. He has really nice eyes, something around hazel green. He has dreads too but his is longer than Chris’. Plus, he’s a typical bad boy just like Chris. It’s like they were both contesting for the post. The amazing part is they always pass their tests, it’s like they weren’t even trying. Normally, I’m a sucker for guys with dreads but I’m not just in the mood today so I completely ignore him as he makes his way to our booth.  I talk to Luke about how I felt in the afternoon as my brothers talk to Henry. “Why do I feel like Henry’s staring at me?” I say to Luke as I continue licking my ice cream. “Well, that should be because he is” Luke says as he takes out of my ice cream, his eyes still fixed on Henry. “We’re in public” is what Luke says as he sees my face. “And when has that ever restricted me?” I say to him. “Right. Never” Luke says whilst subtly shaking his head at me. Luke uses the napkin placed on the table to clean my nose and I laugh because it tickles. This draws attention from my brothers. “Are they dating?” I hear Henry say and my eyes go wide. “No, we’re not” I answer for my brothers. He looks away in some kind of weird but cute way and that makes my heart feel light weight. “Nope, this is not good for me” “It’s getting quite late” Jace says and we all agree. Henry heads off on his motorbike, that’s the signature of bad boys at Kinston. They were generally called bad because they ride motorbikes to school and rarely attend class. Some of them change girlfriends like clothes too, Henry included. Not Chris though. When we get home, Luke says good night, Kisses me on my cheek and heads to his house. I go to my room to take off my shoes and I climb my bed. I bring out my book and write a little piece before sleeping off. Sometime around 2am, I wake up tossing and turning. When I look down, I scream.
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