Good bye blackwood,welcome to silver city

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After hearing the final boarding announcement and completing all the necessary procedures,I make my way to the first class cabin of the plane with my suite number printed boldly on my boarding pass.This suite is a Mercedes Benz first class luxury suite, its an entirely enclosed suite with a shinning wood sliding door. It has a chair that turns into a bed, which can either be slightly or fully reclined depending on your personal preference. There is also a television, three small oval windows that are more like optic fiber camera instead of windows so what is shown on the window is not actually real ,but is based on the cameras outside the plane relaying a high definition video unto the cabin, this is one of the major reasons I asked my mom to book this suite in advance for me ever since I watched the unveiling of the new luxurious suite on the television.There are also noise canceling head phones, and refreshments at the side of the television enclosed in a three layered shinning wood cabinet with transparent glass doors. There is also a window that you can pull down to interact with the members of staff or to receive your meals and other services made available and it is attached to the shinning wood impressive I don't need to open my door because of the windows and I feel it emphasizes more on its customers privacy. I can also see a rectangular compartment on the television slab, which I pull up and a vanity mirror pops out.......okay that was quite unexpected but I feel it is a really nice concept. stationeries and toiletries are neatly arranged inside the compartment.Beneath the television slab is a cabinet which I guess is made for keeping things for ones personal convenience. Beside the chair I am sitting on is a round control panel, divided into four control buttons which i guess is for reclining the chair and other chair related functions, it also has a little rectangular space by its side that looks more like an open cereal box to me which I guess is also to be used as storage.There is a monitor like device at the right side of the chair for light regulation, closing the curtain, including various other options am yet to explore. After giving myself a visual tour of the cabin in the first fifteen minutes when the plane initially took off and I couldn’t move a around as per safety instruction,I stare out of the window looking at the massive clouds and thinking about the loving people I left much I will miss my dad ,he had an important meeting early this morning so he only sent me a voice message telling me to take care of my self. well I know its not the important meeting that didn't make him say good bye.....its because he is just like me,he is not a big fan of saying goodbyes so he said his goodbyes the night before after our Father daughter time. My dad and Santa Claus are the two major people that are aware of my real reason to transfer to Jade after my first year in the prestigious college of Black wood as a major in business administration while taking an online bachelors degree program in business management in Claire stone college one of Jade affiliates. On the surface,the two degree paths may look similar but looking closely you will discover key differences about both courses.I just need to know all that is to know about a business from the practical application of business such as finance, marketing, economics which is the core aspect of business administration,it offers tangible skills that drive business management, leadership and ethical decision making. While business management deals majorly with issues such as managing teams and dealing with interpersonal issues such as conflict resolution and diplomacy.I really shouldn't be thinking about things like this right now so I push my wandering thoughts about my mission in Jade to the back of my mind because I really don’t want to dwell so much on my responsibilities now and mount extra pressure on my already stressed mind. I finally decide to scan through a list of cheesy romantic comedies,because I strongly feel that it should help me distract myself a bit from my wandering thoughts. Friends with benefit looks promising and interesting so I start watching it, I remember vividly starting the movie but I don’t recall how and when I dozed off, I just realized friends with benefits was done playing and the next movie to all the boys I loved before will soon finish. “wow I slept for quite a while “I said to myself “ my defense,I slept really late the previous night , I had to sort out stuffs with my dad and spend time with my demon brother so he doesn’t feel neglected by me, that demon brother of mine ended up daring me to watch a horror movie against my will that he knows am not such a big fan of”I smile and roll my eyes remembering this. “ I am definitely going to miss my brother, he is really troublesome but one of those really special people that I hold close to my heart, his birth brought joy and happiness into me and my moms life and because of his existence I learnt to smile again........ Desmond is someone I can tell everything because of how much I love and trust him but I don’t really tell him everything because I know he will understand without me talking or end up finding out and this saves me the stress of having to explain my feelings because most times I don't even know how to go about explaining it ” I thought and I felt a lone tear slip from my eyes. “There you go again Aurora, you are over thinking again instead of enjoying your travel without worry because you have a whole lot of worrying to do later, school itself is a pain in the ass that I wish I had a flash that I can download all the information I need on and just sync it to my brain instead of having to go through the stress of rushing to class and meeting up with deadlines”I thought and roll my eyes My thoughts get interrupted by someone knocking lightly on my door, it must be a flight attendant I thought as I make my way to the window to pull it down so I can know what she wants “good day ma’am may I know what you will like for lunch??”she asked politely It just occurred to me now that I ditched breakfast and as much as eating puts me at ease, I just didn’t feel like eating anything in the morning.I was going to dismiss the hostess that am not in the mood to eat anything but on a second thought I decide against it, I already promised my mom to take care of myself so I will just try eating something. “can I get a plate of fruit salad and a glass of chilled yoghurt??”I asked the air hostess whom I can see that her name is Brenda from her name tag, in the same polite tone she asked me with. “yes ma’am I will be right back” she replied and bowed respectfully before departing from me After a few minutes, she returns with a plate of fruit salad in a transparent saucer and my yoghurt in a tumbler both neatly set on a chalk white fashion tray that has a few fruit designs on it accompanied with a set of cutlery and hands it over to me “Can you please return the cutlery set and get me a set of chopsticks??”I inquired after taking the tray from her .she has this confused look on her face I know she must be trying to figure out why am asking for a chopstick but she quickly masks her confused bows and sets out to get the chop sticks. well I really love to eat my food with chopsticks because I feel it makes the food more interesting to no time she returns with a long slender rectangular box housing the chop sticks and hands it over to me “is there any other thing I can help you with?” she inquired I was going to just say no to her but I noticed someone from the other cabin looking at me in such a weird way so I decide against it “please make sure no one comes over to my cabin for any form of service inquiry, if I need anything I will let you know”I replied before dismissing her. I am really sensitive to sounds,especially when I am not in a very good mood or trying to fall asleep, being disturbed is a huge turn off for me that is why I gave brenda that strict instruction. With that settled, I dig into my fruit salad while going through myrtle circles fashion trend magazine and other cosmopolitan glossies and I must admit that they have a really nice and unique fashion trend. I watched some series,wrote in my journal....and updated my styling experience while browsing through stuffs my mom will say.......learning is an experience then more so I had the time to do that.After about six hours and forty five minutes of flying,the plane lands in silver city, the capital of myrtle circle. luckily for me,my hotel suite, ride and other things that will help me have a smooth stay in Jades guest house has been booked by my mom prior to my arrival.On getting to the airport terminal, I see a tall and strikingly handsome guy holding a placard with my name, Aurora Winston body written on it. ”this valet looks really hot”I chuckled This valet, is a very tall guy with deep set sterling Grey eyes, he has a short sleek raven black hair with undercuts by the sides that makes him look really charming.he has a surf blue blazer on paired with navy blue slim fit pants and an Italian fashion pointed toe classic shoe that I can recognize from the magazine I read in the plane “Wow, Jade does spend a whole lot of money on their employees wardrobe allowance,this Valets outfit looks really expensive if not for the fact that he has has a silver loutus flower with a big J inscribed in the middle that I recognize as Jades emblem,or else I would have argued he just stepped out of the runway” the throbbing pain in my back prevents me from further checking out the valet so I make my way to him. “am Aurora Winston”I introduce myself to the hot valet and proceed to show him my passport as means of identification before he even asked for it, the pain building up in my back is starting to get worse so I need to get to the car soon because I have this gut feeling that if I stand for too long it might be a bit difficult to walk without support "Am Ryker Miles.....sent by Jade's customer service and my work is to pick you up and make sure you settle in your suite without stress”the hot valet says with his voice sounding like velvet and I can’t help but smile...... despite the pain building up in my back his voice sounds nice and rich”I blushed The valet leads me to a shinning black Porsche panamera and opens the car door for me like a total gentle man, after loading my luggage’s into the truck he drives the car out of the airport.I settled into the car and decide to use the opportunity to take in the city’s view so as to distract myself from the throbbing pain in my back Unlike blackwood,a bustling and busy city with the part of the city that I reside in offering plenty of exciting activities to explore from ,silver city is located in the northern part of myrtle circle with a very contemporary and modern feel,I heard that most of the residents in silver city are the rich people in myrtle circle.I also heard that silver is a major attraction for nature lovers,it has a botanic garden, water park, beach park, contemporary art museum and lots of places to explore from my thoughts drifts away to thinking about how lovely it would have been having both my parents around, going with them to picnics, strolling with my dad in the garden patterned with different types and colors of beautiful flowers, what it would have actually felt like to have a normal childhood like other kids "but you didn't, so don't dwell so much on that"a voice in my head echoed " am sure my mom would have still remained the coolest mom ever, and my dad the one to always spoil me and tolerate my tantrums"I smiled sadly at the thought "how lovely it would have been if my best friend,Aurora was still alive,I Won't have had to hide under her shadow and use her name and identity to save my life just in case someone is trying to kill me............. am also very sure that we would have wreaked havoc every where we went" I can't really remember a lot about the city, but the major memory I have is the night of the accident, I was a little girl without worries, I had the love of two parents my biological parents and god parents before my life got disorganized and messed up so badly that most times am lost between who I am and who am actually living for, it sulks but there is really nothing I can do about it. my first mission in this city is that I have to learn to survive in this city no matter what because I want my parents to know, even if they are six feet's underground that they didn't raise a weak daughter.I blink the well of tears in my eyes away saying "mom and dad am back, and I came back for you guy's" Lexi Harvey is back and I promise with everything I live for to uncover the truth about my parents accident.....I have to find out the reason why my mom felt she has no reason to live anymore ,the link between the driver and the mistress who claimed she has a son for my dad and took over my parents property and everything they laboured for while they were alive......I don't know how am going to do that but I believe it my self that I can and when I set my mind to do something I make sure I do it. coming back to Myrtle circle also means meeting my grandfather......Williams Harvey.
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