Chapter 3 - Finally

1726 Words
Adam’s POV Adam’s wolf purred at the contact of Lucy’s wrist around his fingers. Everywhere his skin met hers was thrumming with energy, reigniting the fire within him. She gave no resistance to his pull, stumbling after him. Adam slowed his gait as much as his wolf allowed in its search for privacy, helping Lucy to keep up. The nearest classroom had some student loitering in it, so Adam pulled Lucy to the classroom across the corridor. Thankfully it was empty, otherwise his wolf may have let out the frustrated roar that was growing in his chest, as it counted the wasted seconds we could’ve been enjoying our new mate’s touch. Adam entered the room and spun quickly, releasing her to shut and lock the door. Finally. Adam rounded on Lucy, who’s chest was heaving. He savoured the moment, slowing taking in his mate's sexy form. She was curvy, emphasised by her smart blouse and skirt combo which followed the line of her body but hid enough to drive Adam's imagination wild. He stepped forward, incised to see more and drawn closer by her scent. It was masked slightly by the smell of her sweet juices coating her inner thigh. He growled, hungry for a taste of her, as he saw a delicious pink hue grew in her cheeks under his gaze. "I... I’m sorry if I distracted you from your presentation,". He thought Lucy’s voice perfectly matched her sweet scent. "You certainly made it distracting, but it was hard for both of us. I understand why you left as I hope you understand why I couldn’t come to you until now." Adam saw her frown and hoped she did understand. He needed her to know how much he wanted her. ‘It looks like you had some relief to distract you after you left.’. He gave her a flirty smile, looking over her ruffled clothes. The top buttons of Lucy’s blouse were fastened incorrectly, and skirt freshly wrinkled. Her blush deepened to scarlet as she smoothed out her clothes and clenched her fists over her blouse to cover the buttons, "I... Fell over.". Her weak excuse didn’t cover the strong smell of arousal that was beginning to grow again between her legs. His eyes fixed on the top of her thighs, and he was unable to stop the groan escaping his lips. Adam stepped closer, towering over her by at least a foot. Big green orbs gazed up at him in wonder as her lips slightly parted. He saw her tongue dart out to moisten her lower lip and he cracked. A growl tore from him as he crashed his lips down on to hers. Lucy’s mouth opened with a gasp, inviting his tongue to enter. Adam explored her mouth, massaging her tongue with his own. She returned the kiss with as much vigour, taking her turn to explore him as thoroughly. When he felt her run her tongue under his front teeth, he could feel his canines extending again and quickly pulled back so he didn’t hurt her, but not before lightly nibbling her swollen bottom lip. Lucy let out a moan at the sudden loss of contact and it took her a few moments to open her eyes again. "This isn’t the way I envisioned us meeting but I will make it up to you Lucy.". Adam nuzzled into her neck, pressing his nose into the sweet spot he already decided would be where he marked her one day soon. Adam placed a soft kiss there, a promise of their future, before continuing soft kisses along her collarbone and then up to her jaw. He could feel the vibrations of her appreciative moans through her skin making his lips hum. Adam captured her lips again, loving how quickly she melted back into his touch. Sparks were flying between them with tingles dancing across ever place where their skin made contact. Adam felt Lucy push further against him like she couldn’t get close enough to his body and smoothed his hands down her curves to her rounded a**e. He gripped the thin material of her skirt over her cheeks and quickly pulled her off the ground to be in line with his height. A rumbled sounded deep in his chest where her legs instantly wrapped around him. Lucy’s skirt rode up her thigh leaving her core pressed against his solid stomach with only her damp panties and his shirt separating them. Her hips circled against him in time to their kisses, building a frantic rhythm they were both desperately keeping time to. His need was growing exponentially, each touch, moan and taste Lucy gave him pushing his wolf closer to the edge. Adam lowered her slightly and hissed when she rubbed against his rock-hard bulge. Lucy gasped, suddenly changing her movements to wriggle in his arms. Adam held her tighter in his grip, enjoying the feel of her writhe against him, until he realised, she was pushing on his chest and her wriggles were to escape. He immediately released her, and she stumbled back a few steps. He berated himself for getting lost in the feel of her, allowing his desires to take over. Adam could smell Lucy was as ready as him to give all of themselves to each other, they had both given into their desires, but he was glad she had stopped them. A quickie in a quiet part of school like two horny teenagers was not how he wanted the first time with his Luna to be. He felt her distress rising and instinctively took a step towards her, wanting to reassure Lucy with his love and comfort. Lucy held up her hand to keep him back whilst she regained her breath. "What the hell do you think you are doing?". "Letting my desires rule me a little too much. Though I think you were enjoying it as much as me.". Adam smirked when she averted her eyes in embarrassment, confirming what he already knew. He suddenly found that delicious shade of pink to be his favourite colour. "But... But, you’re older than me.". Adam frowned at that comment, he supposed a 7 year age gap could be a surprise for a new wolf, but he had been waiting for his mate for so long the thought hadn’t crossed his mind. He rubbed his fingers through the back of his hair and gave her a goofy grin, "Well, I’m only 25. I’ve been told I seem older though, especially when I’m working.". Her eyes were glued to his left arm, raised to the back of his head, running along his biceps across his shoulders at back again. Adam raised an eyebrow at her conflicting behaviour, she didn’t seem too turned off by his age with the way she was ogling him. Not that he minded of course. "But, I’m a student.". Frustration flashed in her eyes. "You’re 18 though.". Adam frowned. He wondered for a moment whether she had another wolf in mind for her mate. One younger than himself. "Ah! So you like to mess around with schoolgirls but so long as they’re 18 it’s ok?". Lucy’s hands came to her hips and her voice took on a reprimanding tone. "NO!", Adam shouted, his voice booming around the room. He was taken aback by her hurtful words, a pang stabbing through his heart. How could she already be this unsure and hostile towards him, she seemed fully accepting of the mate bond when they were kissing and now seemed like she didn’t want him. She didn’t even know him! Adam had never contemplated his mate rejecting him. It was a very rare occurrence and often came about due to bad wolves or pack politics. He had always vowed to love and cherish his mate, make her feel how much he loved her every day. His wolf paced inside him getting antsier by the second. He longed for his mate as much as Adam did. He pulled back from her and began pacing back and forth in the room, unsure how he could reassure her confusing but distressed attitude towards him. He wasn’t a bad wolf and would give her all his love. Adam wasn’t even sure where her distress was coming from, it was almost like she didn’t understand what was happening or didn’t feel the mate bond... Suddenly he gripped her shoulders. "Lucy! When did you turn 18?". Adam’s eyes were desperate, praying to the moon goddess he could work this out. "Last week". "So, you haven’t been through the change yet?". "Change, what change?". "The change at the first full moon after your 18th birthday. You haven’t got your wolf yet. Can you even sense me as your mate? It should be there as soon as you turn 18 but maybe something’s different?". Adam rambled, musing at every possible explanation. "What the hell are you talking about?!" Lucy shouted, snapping his attention back to her. "Your wolf Lucy.". He looked her dead in the eye now, concern written over his handsome features as he searched for recognition behind her angry stare. "My what?! Is this some weird s*x thing you want me to do?". "No!" Adam’s better sense was taken over by his wolf’s perverse thoughts for a moment, flashing images of her in primal positions as he claimed her over and over again. "Well, it could be I guess,". SMACK. Adam felt Lucy crack him round the face. He was so shocked; he hadn’t seen it coming nor been able to react for a few long moments. Just long enough for her to jump around him, unlock the door and flee. Adam cradled his cheek, still feeling pain radiating from the smack. He couldn’t help but feel that he deserved it for joking around when he felt his mate was concerned. His wolf huffed in agreement, conveniently forgetting it had planted the enticing images in Adam’s mind. "Alpha, what happened?". Kyle ran into the room, having felt the distress of his Alpha rise to breaking point moments ago. "My mate slapped me.". Adam stared wide eyed at his Beta, struggling to come to terms with the truth, "Lucy doesn’t know she’s a werewolf.". Kyle sighed; his suspicions confirmed after his interaction with Lucy early. "Ah s**t". Was all Kyle could say to his lost looking Alpha.
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