Chapter 4 - New Girlfriend

1497 Words
Ellie’s POV As soon as I took a seat in Theo’s class, he came through the doors two minutes afterwards and his eyes quickly landed on me before he coughed to get the attention of the whole class. He re-introduced himself to the whole class and gave a rundown of what the class is about, but all I could do is recall the heated kiss we had back in his office. I wouldn’t mind if he took me right there and then but I wanted my first time with Theo in a more romantic setting, not in school while hundreds of school girls are eyeing him and basically stripping him down mentally.  “Does anyone have questions before we begin?” Theo asked and dozens of hands shot up. “Jennifer” he called  “Mr. White, how old are you?” she asked. He’s twenty-four I mentally answered in my head. “I’m twenty-four. Liza” he called next, “How many girlfriends did you have?” my heart suddenly yanked upon that question, it has never crossed my mind that Theo would have had a girlfriend at all, hell I don’t even know anything about his love life… “Liza I’m not sure how that’s any of your business but a handful. Next, Julianne.” What...he’s dated before? And a handful at that? When? How come I didn’t know? Oh god I should have known by the way he kissed me, he was too experienced and knew exactly what to do. I’m an i***t, god I hate myself.  “Mr. White, do you currently have a girlfriend?” My eyes shot up at him holding my tears together from the previous question already, “Yes. Now with that let’s begin” he said ignoring all the other hands in the classroom as he stared at me but I quickly looked away and hid myself behind the computer screen. The only good thing about this IT class now is that I can hide my tear filled eyes behind the screens and not have to face Theo. He has a girlfriend and yet he kissed me yesterday night and just before. How can he? He should have rejected me and my advances. Why, just why? And just then, thank god the bell rang and everyone rushed out as this was our last period. I tried to leave before Theo caught me in his hand and kept me from leaving.  “Mr. White, I have to go home” I said as best as I could hold myself together.  “No, we have to talk,” he said before bringing me into his office again and locking the door. Why, why does he have to stir up my heart like this? I wish he never came back.  “I don’t want to talk to a man who would cheat on his girlfriend with his student,” I said while sitting down. Truth is I wanted to hear what he wanted to say, to say this was a mistake and that he didn’t mean anything and that he treats me like a sister so I can give up, find someone else to like and eventually marry and forget about his existence altogether.  “She wouldn’t mind” was what came out of his mouth. What does he mean she wouldn’t mind? What girlfriend wouldn't mind their boyfriend making out with another girl and getting a hard on?  “What do you mean she wouldn’t mind?” I glared at him as he walked closer and sat next to me pulling me into his arms again and having me straddling him.  “Because...” was all he said before he took his right hand and placed it behind my neck pulling me into another kiss. He bit my lips asking for entrance and after a short battle I gave up and let him, I know I shouldn’t but I missed his touch too much and I’m so intoxicated by him that I can’t say no, not when I’m overwhelmed with all these feelings. He continued to explore the insides of my mouth as I felt him harden underneath me as he held my waist tightly wrapping his arms around me.  “See she didn't mind” he smirked while pulling away from the kiss. I looked at him confused, what does he mean she didn’t mind at all? Are there cameras in the room? Was she listening?  “Well, did you mind the kiss?” He asked pressing his forehead on mine,  “No, I didn’t…” I whispered as I rested my weight fully on him while wrapping both my arms around his muscular body.  “See I told you my girlfriend wouldn’t mind the kiss, I think she quite enjoyed it actually” he laughed and tucked my chip up, that’s when it finally clicked to me, everything he said.  “When did I become your girlfriend?” I said shyly looking away from his devilishly handsome smirk. “The moment you responded to my kiss just before. Why are you unwilling” He smiled while giving me a quick peck on my lips and bringing me up to my feet. I didn’t reply and just blushed thinking that I am now Theo White’s girlfriend. I have dreamed of this so many times that I have no idea how to even react.   “Now let’s get going before this gets any worse” he said pointing at the big bulge in his pants. I had to say, the kiss itself with our body so close and his hands roaming around my waist and roaming around my thighs had my panties a bit damped but luckily my skirt hid it well compared to him.  “I can’t wait to tell grandpa!” I said excitedly as I unbuckled my seat belt as we just arrived at my mansion.  “Can we hold off on that?” He said as he closed the door behind me.  “What? Why?” I stopped in my tracks and stared at Theo behind me “I want to wait a bit before we tell grandpa, you know to see how this goes first” He said rubbing a hand behind his neck. He always did this when he lied.  “Why? Why can’t we tell grandpa? Are you embarrassed to have me as your girlfriend?” I said with slight tears in my eyes. “No, that’s not it. It’s just… it’s just now’s not the right time yet” He said coming to me and pulling me into my room.  “I don’t want to lie to grandpa! I want to tell him about us!” I said now almost screaming at him for being unreasonable. Why can’t grandpa know? Am I such an embarrassment that he wants to hide me? Is it because I’m a child?  “Ellie, I promise you, when the time is right we’ll tell grandpa. You didn’t even graduate high school yet, let’s take it slow first okay huh?” He said trying to calm me down. But how can I?  “Fine Theo. We’ll keep this just between us right now, but when I graduate I want to let grandpa know right away okay?” I grabbed his hand and pressed them between mine.  “Ellie, I promise you we will eventually tell grandpa okay? Now go rest, I have something to take care of” he said as he gave me a quick kiss goodbye and left. I watched from my room as he got into his black Lamborghini  and drove off.  I laid on my bed for a while just gathering all the thoughts of what just happened. He didn’t even ask me out and we only kissed and now I’m his girlfriend? Am I being too easy? He never did say he likes me, so does he like me? Why can’t we tell grandpa? Grandpa would be so happy for me now that I found myself my first boyfriend, and it’s someone he treats as his own son! Theo’s POV  After dropping Ellie off at home I had to return to the company to take care of a few things. I know Ellie must be upset with me since I told her we can’t tell grandpa about us but I have my reasons, I haven’t proved myself yet and just stole Ellie away, grandpa was never going to let that happen. I headed back to the office to be greeted happily by my secretary Shirley. Every time I came into the office Shirley and I always did a little something extra on the side but this has to stop because I have Ellie now, I can’t risk Ellie for this little bit of pleasurable release, no matter how good Shirley’s blowjobs are.  “Mr. White” Shirley smiled and put her hand on my arm which I quickly brushed off earning a confused look from her. “Shirley, from now on I’d like to keep things between you and I strictly professional” I told her behind my desk while watching her take the seat across from me visibly upset.  “But Mr. White, I don’t understand” she said, licking her lips and biting her under lip.  “I said, from now on, we’re just boss and secretary. Now, if you’ll excuse me I have things to take care of” and without listening to her I turned my attention to my computer earning a huge grunt from Shirley as she stormed out of my office and sat at her desk.
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