20 On the Road Again

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Hugh was enjoying his time with Matthew and Kenneth at the Crystal Inn, but he knew in his heart that it was time to continue with his plans to go to Riah to bury his mother’s ashes.  After breakfast, he approached Judi saying, “Judi, I am anxious to be on my way to Riah.  I am thinking that I should leave first thing tomorrow morning since it will take about five days or so for the trip.”   “I hear you.  I will go with you if you want me to; you know there is safety in numbers!” Judy replied.   Hugh grinned, “I was hoping that you would feel that way.  I would appreciate both your company and your battle prowess, at my side for this adventure!”  Judi laughed.   “Let’s take the rest of the day to get some supplies and say our goodbyes to Matthew and Kenneth; we can then start out on the road to Riah at first light,” Hugh suggested.   Together, Hugh and Judi went to find Matthew and Kenneth to let them know of their plans.  Matthew was saddened to learn of their imminent departure but respected that they had to continue with their initial plans.  Kenneth, too, was sorry that his new friends were soon going to be on their way.   “I suggest that we have a proper farewell dinner to send you off in style,” declared Matthew.  “I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer … so we’ll see you tonight at six in the main dining hall!”  With that, he scurried off to find the owner of the inn to arrange for an extravagant meal to be served that evening.   After a day of gathering their supplies, Judi and Hugh were happy to join Matthew and Kenneth in the main hall.  They were surprised at all of the different dishes that had been set out on the well-appointed table; the smells were tantalizing, making them realize how hungry they were.  The staff, including the owner, all stood by, anxious to respond to every whim of their honored guests.   The meal was delicious.  The four friends laughed, joked, and traded stories during the repast.  At one point, Kenneth, who was still reluctant to see his friends leave, turned to Hugh and asked, “Why do you need to go to Riah?”   Hugh replied, “I have some very important business that I need to tend to.”  Unconsciously, Hugh reached for the urn around his neck, then continued, “We were on our way there when we were jumped by the bandits who had kidnapped you.  It is now time for us to be on our way again.”  Kenneth accepted Hugh’s explanation but still wished that they could stick around a little longer.   At the end of the meal, the owner of the inn approached with a gratuitous bottle of fine wine, then stepped back two steps to be available, if needed.  Matthew poured out some wine for Kenneth and his two guests, then raised his glass, saying, “I would like to propose a toast to the health of our friends; best wishes on your continued journey!”  The four raised their glasses, then sipped their wine.   Hugh responded, “Thank you, Matthew and Kenneth.  I would like to express my thanks to both of you for your friendship and generosity over the past several days.  I can truthfully say that you have been like the father and brother I never had.  I would like to wish you both the best of luck in your continued research.”  The four again raised their glasses for the toast.   At first light, Judi and Hugh set off on the road to Riah.  The weather was beautiful and warm.  While they walked along, enjoying the scenery and each other’s company, Hugh decided it was time to share the purpose of his journey.  Judi had become a very good friend who had never pushed him to reveal the reason for this trip; she was giving him the space to tell her the purpose of their journey when he was ready to discuss it.  That time was now.   “You know, Judi, I think it is about time I let you know why I have to go to Riah.”  Judi listened to her friend in silence.  “My mother spent most of her life there; that is until she got pregnant with me.  She wanted a better life for the two of us, so stowed away on a ship to the Third Level; she settled in Valari; that is where she ended up passing away.  I think it is fitting that I take her ashes back and bury them in the town where she was born.”   “I figured it might have been something like that.  I could see your attachment to her ashes from the time we first met outside of Zerrot,” Judi said.  “It is very touching to see how much love you still have for her.”   “Thank you,” said Hugh, simply.  “I grew up without many families.  She was all I had.  It means a lot to me to see her ashes laid to rest in a place where she had her roots.  It also means a lot to me that you trusted me enough to volunteer to come with me without knowing all the details.  I would never have been able to manage this trip on my own.  I probably would not even have survived past the encounter with the bandits.”  In his mind, he added, “At least not without a lot of grinding and ton of luck!”   Judi smiled and said, “I am happy to be here to share in your quest.  Ever since I came here to Fourth Level, I have kept mostly to myself.  I became a true wanderer; I kept on the move and covered a lot of ground just to avoid any attachments.  Zerrot is the only place I spent any amount of time, but even there, they knew me only as of the Wanderer and didn’t pay me too much mind.  Things changed for me the night I saw you searching for your urn; initially, I was intrigued by your use of magic and your compassion, but since then, I feel that we have become kindred spirits.”   The bond between Hugh and Judi strengthened as they traveled together.  On the evening of the fifth day, they arrived at their destination, passed through the gates, and entered the small town.  They stopped at the closest tavern which had some rooms for rent; they made arrangements for a place to rest and get food.   Neither Hugh nor Judi were aware of the shadowy figure that sat at the back of the tavern, watching them with malicious  s intent, as they entered ... “Your time has come!” 
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