Chapter Fifteen

639 Words
Chapter Fifteen ** A few weeks later ** It had been a little while since me and Mr Taylor had that awkward encounter. I didn’t throw his number away, but I hadn’t used it either. I figured there was no point talking about what DIDN’T happen, and the best thing to do was just ignore the whole ‘’situation’’.  When i got to school on Monday, he didn’t bring it up either, so, I guess we went for the ‘’act like it never happened’’ approach. Fine by me.  ‘So, What are we doing for your birthday this year?’ I looked over at Jen, confused.  ‘Huh? What are you talking about? My birthday is months away’. She shared a look with Peter, Clearly confused too.  ‘No.. it's only like.. 4 weeks away’. Shaking my head, I opened my diary and flipped through the pages. Shit.. she was right. Wow, where did all the time go?  ‘OH, Yeah..’ Was all I said. She just laughed at me.  ‘So, Birthday party or?’ I just shrugged. ‘Jesus, what is with you? You are normally so excited about your birthday!’  ‘I’m just not feeling it this year’. Some one coughing loudly made all three of us look up. Mr Taylor was stood there, arms crossed. I stole a look around the room and saw that every one was staring at us.  ‘Since you both like to chat so much, you can do it later, in lunch time detention, now shut up!’ He barked the order with so much annoyance and...hate that it really shocked me. Mr Taylor was the nice, cool, laid back teacher that every one loved… what was his problem?!  We both kept quiet after that and I kept my head down, not wanting to even look at him…. The rest of the class went by pretty quickly and before I even knew it, the bell rang. I started packing away my things and stood up, throwing my bag over my shoulder and headed out the room, not even paying any attention to what ever Jenna was rambling on about.  ‘Julie, A quick word please?’ I stood and sighed when I heard Mr Taylor call me back. Rolling my eyes, I turned around and headed back in to the class room.  ‘What?’  He raised his eye brow.  ‘Attitude much?’  ‘What do you want Mr T?’ He sat down at his desk and looked at me.  ‘I’m not going to be giving you extra lessons any more’.  ‘Wait, what? But you said it's the only way I can catch up!’. He shrugged.  ‘Didn’t think you’d be all that bothered, Today you were more interested in planning your birthday party’. I shook my head quickily. ‘No, that was Jenna! Please, I need those lessons’. He sighed and sat forward.  ‘I’ve asked James to take over. I’ll have him stop by at lunch and speak to you then. Remember, you have detention’. I didn’t say any thing, i just turned and walked out the room, but the anger inside got the better of me and I walked back in.  ‘You know, what nearly happened wasn’t my fault. It wasn’t yours either. It was a mistake that didn’t even happen, so if you are being a jerk now, don’t bother’. I told him firmly and walked away again.  Fucking unbelievable.
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