Chapter Eight

955 Words
Chapter Eight  Detention ended and every one raced out of the room as fast as they could. I packed up my things and headed out too. Peter was there, Leaning against the wall, waiting for me, Which, was surprising.  ‘Hey, You ok?’ He nodded and pushed himself away from the wall and came over to me.  ‘Since Jenna is busy, I don’t have to rush home, do you want a lift?’ I thought about it for a minute. Mr Taylor has been driving me, but I wasn’t going to tell Peter that.  ‘You sure it's not our your way?’ He smiled.  ‘It is, but I don’t mind, Feel like I haven't seen much of you recently’. I rolled my eyes playfully.  ‘It's because you haven’t’. Shrugging, we both shared a laugh. I shoved my text book in to my bad and sighed. ‘Well, If you are offering, sure. Thanks Pete. I’ll meet you at the car ok? I just gotta go get some thing from my locker’.  ‘Sure, See you in a minute’. He took my bag for me and I headed off towards Mr T’s room to let him know. I hope he was still working on grading papers and stuff, I’d feel guilty if he had specifically waited around for me. It would have been a waste of his time.  Walking down the corridor, I looked in and sighed happily when I saw he was almost completely hidden by the pile of work books he was working his way through. I knocked on the door and headed in. he looked up and smiled.  ‘Hey, you look busy?’ He nodded and leaned back in his seat, sighing.  ‘Yeah, I have all of these to still do. Fun times being a teacher, I’ll tell you’. I chuckled.  ‘Well, if you need to stay that's fine, Peter has offered to drive me home. He was in detention with me so…’.  ‘Oh, Yeah that's fine, Makes more sense I suppose’. He smiled and started working again. ‘Have a good weekend Julie’.  ‘Have a good weekend Mr Taylor’. Leaving the room again, I headed down and out to the carpark. Peter was sat in the car waiting. He asked what I needed from my locker, but I just made an excuse and he dropped the subject.  Pulling my seat belt on, He started the car and we headed home, talking about random s**t the whole way. The subject of Eddie came up but Peter seemed a little reserved to talk about it, and when I tried to pry some information about Jenna, but again, he didn’t really say much about it.   There was traffic on the way home so about an hour later, Peter dropped me off and headed home himself and I walked in to the house. The lights were on telling me that my mum and dad were home.. And if that wasn’t an obvious sign, the screaming, shouting and crashed coming from the front room was a dead give away.  Following the noise, Mum and dad were in each others faces screaming their heads off at each other, but the second dad realised I was there, he shut his mouth and stepped away from her, She kept going until dad made it obvious I was stood here and she eventually shut up too.  ‘Oh Julie, You are home early’. I just looked at them and shook my head.  ‘Actually, I’m home late, I had detention. Please, Go back to your arguing, Don’t let me stop you’.  ‘We’re not arguing’. I just rolled my eyes and walked back out of the room to get some thing to eat from the kitchen, they still treat me like a child. I heard some ones foot steps follow me to the kitchen and when i looked, i saw it was my mum.  ‘Sorry you had to see that, We’re just having a dissagreement’. I ignred her and grabbed a can of Pepsi and a bag of crisps. It will keep me going until dinner was ready… what ever dinner was. ‘Julie?’ ‘Mum, look, You and dad have your own issues, what ever, I don’t really care, but don’t lie to me about it, ok?’ She seemed taken about by my sudden attitude. I went to keave the kitchen when she stopped me. ‘What are you talking about?’ Was she being serious? Ok then.  ‘I know about dads affair, and I know what you do to ‘’deal’’ with it ok’. As soon as the words left my mouth, Dad came in to the room to deny the alagation. ‘Just stop lying! To me, to each other and to your-f*****g-selves! I saw you with my own eyes. You were just too ‘’busy’’ to notice me, dad’.  ‘You what?! In my house?!’ That was it mum was off again. Shaking my head, I dumped my drink and bag of crisps down on the side and jsut walked out.  I can’t be doing with it.  I headed to the front door, Opened it, walked out and slammed it loudly behind myself. They can both go to f*****g hell!
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