Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen  ** The next morning **  I got up extra early. Sure, it was a Saturday, but I didn’t know how late Mr T slept in… or how early he got up. I just wanted to avoid the awkwardness after last night. It was clearly a mistake, He vanished quick enough afterwards. Sure, nothing happened, but it nearly did, We nearly crossed a line, and it couldn’t happen again!  I left a note on his kitchen counter, thanking him for letting me stay, I really did appreciate it, and just reminded him that I wouldn’t tell any one that I was even here, before leaving and heading to the bus stop.  I’d make a quick pit stop at home and then head in to town. I knew mum had a day off today, but I didn’t feel like hanging around the house and either listening to her moan or listen to her ‘’try’’ to apologise.  Hey, you feeling well enough to meet up?  I text Jenna and waited for a reply. I didn’t get one until I was nearly home. I still couldn’t shake the feeling some thing weird was going on.  Yeah, I’m up for that. Shall I invite Pete and Eddie?  Yeah, sounds good. Just heading home to change and I’ll meet you in an hour As I sent the text, I pressed the buzzer and climbed off the bus. My house was only about 2 minutes up the lane. My phone went off again. Wow, Another text? She’s gone from ghosting to chatty pretty quickly.  Maybe she will be chatty enough to tell me what the hell is actually again on!  Pulling my phone out, I checked what she said and then instantly cursed myself.  Heading home? Where did you stay last night??? ;)  I panicked..  Nowhere, I got up early and went for a walk. All sweaty now so need to shower and change quickly, that's all :D  Ohhhh, Fair enough. See you later!!  I let out a relieved sigh when she brought my lie and finished walking the rest of the way back to the house.  I was changed in record time. I even dolled myself up a little with some simple make up. I couldn’t be bothered to go full face. Not for just meeting friends. No bloody point. As soon as I was ready, I was back out of the house and waiting for the bus to town..  ‘Oh god, I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!’. I shouted, Running over to hug Jen. In all fairness, I wasn’t being over dramatic... It had been weeks since I’d seen her.  ‘I know, I missed you girl!’. I could suddenly feel eyes on us and pulled away, Looking over at the guys, who were both staring, smirking. I just rolled my eyes and hooked my arm in Jen’s before we walked away and left them stood there, like the creeps they were.  Guys have such simple minds, honestly.  ‘What do you want to do today?’ She asked. I shrugged. ‘Could go to the Cinema and check out that new movie with… oh, whats his face’. I just stared at her.  ‘Yeah, because ‘’whats his face’’ is an amazing actor’. She just nudged me.  ‘Shut up.. That guy, the one who used to be a wrestler’.  ‘Ohhh, you mean The Rock?’ She nodded. ‘The new Jumanji movie?’  ‘Yeah, it looks good’. I smiled.  ‘Yeah, I’m down to go see that’. We asked the guys if they were up for a movie, and luckily, they were. We checked cinema times and there was a showing in half an hour. More than enough time to go and get snacks.  The perfect plan for a chilled day to take my mind off every thing!
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