Chapter Eleven

754 Words
Chapter Eleven  I finished my hot chocolate and put the mug back on the side. We had drunk our whole drinks with out so much as a word to each other after the ‘’thank you’’ and ‘’you’re welcome’’. It was weird and awkward..not in a bad way, but in the whole, ‘’I’m at my teacher's house’’ kind of way. I still couldn’t get over it.  ‘So..?’ He was the one to talk first, ‘Are you going to tell me what happened?’ I just shrugged. ‘Come on, Share. Some thing bad must have happened for you to be out in that weather’. He nodded his head in the direction of the window, It was still raining, but it was pitch black out there now.  ‘I got home from school and my parents were fighting...again. I’m just sick of the lies. Dad denying he’s having an affair, Mum thinking she's the one in the right over what she's doing and then acting like every thing is fine in front of me. I’m just sick of all the secrets.’ I dropped my head in to my hands and willed myself not to cry. I was SICK of crying over them.  ‘I know it must be hard, especially with your friend not being at school. Have you spoken to Jenna much this week?’ I shook my head.  ‘No, I haven’t actually, but there is some thing weird going on there as well’. He looked at me, confused. ’Well, Eddie is in town and today he told me he wasn’t free, but then Jenna gave Peter the exact same excuse, almost word for word, why she wasn’t free tonight either. Which, I wouldn’t think much of, but No one is telling me WHY Jenna is even off school sick... It's just... Strange’. He just sat there and listened to me ramble on and on, but when I realised I was probably just moaning about s**t that he wasn’t interested in, I shut up.   ‘Yeah, no one at school knows what's going on either’. When I looked up at him I saw the panic on his face as if he had some things that he shouldn’t have. ‘Any way, it's getting late, so..’ He trailed off. I got the message and stood up, Taking the hoodie off.  ‘Thanks for letting me stay Mr Taylor’. I held the piece of clothing out to him.  ‘Oh, are you going?’  ‘Wasn’t that like a hint to leave?’ He shook his head. Oh, Now I feel stupid. I put the jacket back on and sat back down on the floor, I could feel the heat on my face, I was blushing… I was embarrassed.  ‘I mean, if you need to go you can, but I didn’t really think you’d want to go home after your argument with your parents’. He was right with that one. ‘Well, I have a few spare rooms, it's inappropriate but I think we crossed that stage a bit already. You are welcome to stay’. I just looked at him, Was he serious?! ‘You can say no’. He smiled at me and turned his attention back to the fire.  ‘No, Thank you, honestly, That’s really kind of you Mr T’.  ‘Call me Jason. It will get awkward if you keep calling me Mr Taylor’. I smiled at him. Jason. That's a really nice name. I just nodded.  ‘Are you hungry?’ As if to reply for him, his stomach rumbled loudly. ‘I’ll take that as a yes, Do you like pizza?’ ‘Love Pizza’.  ‘Do you have any menus?’ I guess it's only fair that he’s risking a lot by letting me stay, so, The least I can do is buy him a pizza for dinner.  He grabbed his take away menus, we chose what we wanted to eat and we ordered it. Now, it was just the waiting game. I hope it comes soon, I’m STARVING!!!
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