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C H A P T E R T W O M O R N I N G A F T E R E F F E C T S S O N G:  F E E L S L I K E L O N E L I N E S S SABRINA CARPENTER [Listen to the song above^]         THE SUN STREAMS in through my window, making me shift in dismay. My body searches for the warm one that held me last night, wanting to lay my head down on her soft breasts, wrap my arms around her. But she's gone. I will myself to believe, for a moment, that she just went to take a shower, or fix breakfast, but I know. My room smells like her. Like Peaches and Mischief. Flashes from last night us all I get. "What's your name?" "Layla." "Nice to meet you, Layla." Us dancing, her laughing, and then "So where are you from, Rich boy?" "Sebastian, and New York." "Really?" "Yeah." My hands on her hips, lips on mine, "I don't do this often," "I didn't think you did." Her smile, carefree laughter, "You ever been love?" "I try not to." "Why not?" "Because love feels like loneliness sometimes, Rich Boy." Teasing me, soft kisses, "Wanna get outta here?" "And go where, Rich Boy?" "McDonald's. Let's go to McDonald's." Her hands on my body, warmth beside me, peaches and mischief, "You're not funny, Rich Boy." "I am. I totally am." "You're not." She laughs. Screams of pleasure tears of pain and I, "You must think I'm a slut," "No, I think you're a Goddess." "You'd be the first." Begged her to stay, warmth around me, "Don't leave," "That's not how these things work, Rich Boy." "Well...I'm the CEO, I make the rules." "I'm the boss and I don't follow 'em," Mad curls, I run my fingers through them, "Tell me about yourself, Peaches." "There's nothing to tell." "I think there is." "There's not. I promise." She holds me close, "I like you, Peaches." "I'm not ready to liked, Rich Boy." Our bodies together, in synch, fitting perfectly, "I like you, Peaches. I like you a lot." "I'm sorry." "For what?" "You'll see." Our fingers intertwined, in bed, her amber eyes watering, "Why are you crying?" "Because." "Because what?" "Because you're a good guy." All night together, sweaty bodies together, stillness "Remember what I told you, Rich Boy?" "No. What?" "About how love feels like loneliness?" "Hm-hm. Why?" "Because like feels just as lonely." My jaws clenches, my eyes fly shut. I wipe my hand down my face with a groan. She was right. "Like does feel just as lonely," I admit aloud. The papers in front of makes no sense. The numbers and letter are jumping and spinning and I can't pay attention. "Mr. Kane. Dominique." I nod, not bothering to lift my head. This'll be quick. "Sebby," Suddenly, everything about her infuriates me. She's like the exact opposite to Layla. Her hair is always bone straight, whereas Layla's curls are unruly. She's fake, but Layla is real. She's upfront, she doesn't like games. Even their scents are opposite. Dominique smells flowers, flowers and menace. Layla smells like peaches. Peaches and mischief. My body just hums in disapproval. She can no longer function as a bandaid. Now I have a craving. I'm craving Layla, and Dominique is no where near her. She aggravates the wound and pours salt on it. "Dominique; I told you. It's over." "Yes but," "Security get her out of here." And it's done. She'll try to come back. She'll try to blackmail me. It doesn't matter. I need to find Layla. I need my fix of her before I go crazy.        
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