Pikemen...Wall Formation...!

1320 Words
Mistakes were corrected numerous times so that everyone would learn how to properly wield their swords and avoiding being placed in a vulnerable spot. Overhead strikes, lunges and stabs were a no-no unless the last two manoeuvres were ONLY being used as their advantage. No matter how the conscripts tried to avoid, injuries tend to be a commonplace when practising the sword. Quite a number of them with sore thumbs and fingers grazes on their arms as well as other parts of the body all reported to the infirmary to get themselves checked. After their treatment, they can't help notice Firestone as an inpatient was being attended by his daughter and the newest entry of Priestess named Isabela. Firestone waved his arm towards those who seek treatment for the injuries they sustained and was held back by Imelda to stay still as she continued to imbue her special abilities behind the folding partition. The nurses at the infirmary were quite busy as they administer ointment that helped to stop the infection and ease their pain while Imelda hurriedly made some 'cool packs' to stop some serious bumps and contusions from getting enlarged overtime. Besides these 'cool packs' were seen as a marketing tool once again by Marcel as he held one in his hands and was shivering in delight when he placed it under his collar and on some parts of his body. At this moment, all he could think of was the hand warmers that were churned out by Farah and were assisted by the Priests and Priestess into pockets before being distributed to Gracehaven's General Store and to other towns. Before long, the conscripts were dispersed to have their lunch and then to continue to the next station — Pikemen Division. The conscripts and the teachers all marched back while slinging their wooden swords at their sides, proud to be part of the garrison and also proud to be part in taking care of the land where they now reside. No matter how they would not let anyone take over their lands without a single fight...! During lunch, the conscripts were bustling as they ate and discussed their training earlier on. I did not join in the training because earlier in the morning Frank handed me 2 weird contraptions. One looked like a bow and was told to step on it underfoot while I sat down and use the rawhide to pull it and flex my muscles. Frank explained that I would be working against tension and gravity and to do a single set starting from 25 repetitions and countdown to 24 and to the next descending order till I get to 1. Sounds simple, right? You go and do it then! It's 325 times pulling on that rawhide per set if you calculate from 25, 24 right down to 1. Only the crazy Gurkhas would do that for 5 sets...! Frank showed me how it was done and I was to perform a simple one while he corrected me on the right posture and positioning. Next, he showed me something with two rawhides attached to a piece of hard bamboo. The bamboo was split in the centre and the ends were being tied using those rawhides. The procedure is simple. It's a chest expander and it's used to tone the chest, neck, back as well as the abdomen. Frank took off his tunic and showed his well-toned body and demonstrated to me right in front of my face. When he used the chest expander Gwen were giving wolf whistles, flirty winks and blowing kisses at him while he showed the side pull (as in drawing the bow sideways) and the front lateral pull. "You would be working against yourself, the tension and gravity, Your Majesty. Do the same repetitions and by 7 days I am sure you would be able to pull a full laden wagon like an ox...!" I peered sideways at Frank and sighed inwardly. "I am never going to be a freak with a V-shaped body, a pack of abs and legs as thin as sticks like a flamingo...!" No way...! Those thin legs that looked like sticks would not be able to support a herculean body...! Who are you kidding, Frank...?!? After Frank and Gwen left Heather and me alone at the balcony with the contraptions, I had the domain helper to bring up a chair for me as I place it close to the baluster and sat down. I placed the first contraption that looked like a bow and placed it under my left foot as I held to the rawhide. "25 repetitions and in descending order? 325 times of me pulling this on both my left and right arm? It would look weird if I worked on a single-arm right?" I looked at Heather but she supported my exercise regime wholeheartedly. She was even clapping her hands as she swayed from side to side and cheering me to make me do the first 25...! Oh well... For the sake of Gracehaven... Here it goes...! The first 25 on my right dominance arm was quite alright. I could feel my biceps somehow being tightened up and from the looks of it, I was literally happy with my first achievements. Then I moved the contraption to the left foot and arm as I slowly repeated the first 25 for the other arm. 25... 22... 19... 16... I was once again sweating buckets on a chilly autumn's morning...! To prevent another mishap from happening, a domain helper came up to mop the sweat off the floor and handed me a towel soaked in warm water to wipe my face, chest and back. "Let's go, honey... Our baby is cheering for you too. Wheeee..." Heather was once again swaying and cheering me on sideways... And I was half expecting to roar out in laughter at her antics. Despite her slightly bloated belly, she still would be waving her arms about and was on the point of exerting herself too...! Seems both husband and wife were crazy about their exercise regime after all...! 13... 10... 7.... 4... 1...! "Woohoo...! I did it... I managed to pull the last one on my right and left arm...! 325 times of pulling this thing against my own strength...! "HELP.....!!!" "I can't lift up my arms anymore...!!!" The Shadows were like, "..." The pioneers were like, "..." The citizens were like, "..." True enough... After pulling a mad 325 times on that contraption, not only do I tone up my biceps and triceps, but also my neck, calf and thigh muscles as well...! On that single morning, I had nearly torn the muscles, the ligaments or whatever you might call it, off my arms, neck and legs and for the first time in my life I felt that I was a scarecrow. If someone were to prop me up, I would stay in that position until I regain my normal motions...! It was torture among all torture and when I was contemplation the next exercise regime after lunch, Old Kayla came to me and held a dry towel and a small earthen bowl. First, she towelled me down dry and after I had cooled off, she smeared the contents inside the earthen bowl into the palms of her hand and then smothered it gingerly over my sore muscles. While she was doing that, she clicked her tongue at Heather as she too had exerted herself to give me the motivation to finish the one set from start to finish. "Heather... Are you trying to develop your baby to be as strong as the father too? You should rest and don't stand up if you're giddy." Heather could only manage to c***k a smile over her face as she wiped her sweat off her forehead. Little did she realise that supporting her husband by prancing around would exert oneself as well...!
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