Opportunity Arises

1390 Words
"So, what do you think of our proposal? Would you be interested to have your own space to produce scented oils to manufacture perfumes and scented candles to boost the economy as well as spread the good name of Gracehaven?" Just then Marcel had came from his trip and had joined us at the balcony and had the helpers to bring up a pot of tea with some biscuits. Even if it is coming to lunchtime, it doesn't matter to Marcel at all to have tea whenever he wishes. "Hmm, old friend. So what's happening? Why are these two ladies here?" "Marcel... You're just in time. Could you do me a favour? Find out from your relatives in Corral if they knew about exquisite items such as perfumes and scented candles. Do these items available in the market right now?" "Hahaha... You are asking the Chairman of Corral Merchant Association. If curse I know of what's been trading in and out of Corral." Marcel touched his chest and pointed his chin up as he mentioned it proudly. "Eh, I thought you had permanently resided here and you handed your position to your relative or something?" I asked since it had been decided a long time ago by Marcel himself when he fell in love with the range of bread, cakes and biscuits of Gracehaven. "Tch...such trivial matters. Let me refer to my journal here... Hmm... Non-consumables... Cosmetics... Beauty products... Here it is." "Hungary water costs 2 gold coins, weighs 4 ounces. Perfumes in tincture form cost 2 gold coins  weighs 2 ounces." "As for scented candles, no one is making them right now. Essential oils where you can drop in potpourri or on pillows or bolsters, no one is also making them." "These items are too darn expensive and much sought after. Just imagine 2 ounce is like how many drops. My golly... If I don't have a record of these, I won't know about it at all...!" "How come you have all the details here in your journal and it also mentions essential oils and scented candles, huh? Your journal is really something...!" I was simply surprised at how Informational Marcel's journal was since the contents simply weighed in gold bullions...! "Hmm...? Do you intend to compete in making Hungary water, perfumes, essential oils and scented candles, my dear friend?" "Do you have the know-how to make these at all?" Marcel raised his eyebrows and inquired me since he was also a bit intrigued in earning apiece of the pie. Just 2 ounces of perfume costs 2 gold coins. He was wondering what was the cost price. 1 gold coins? 1 gold and some silvers, maybe?" "I am not going to make those but these ladies would be the one designing them for us. It would be in trial for the moment. Hungary water is heavily scented essence with water, right?" "Would that be like the essence for the body soap, right now, Alicia?" I asked and she nodded her head since Hungary water coincides with the essences that were being produced now for the hair shampoo. "As for perfumes either in tincture or not, it would be pure distilled essential oils from flowers, plants or resins. The process is laborious and there might be additional products added to give it a more long-lasting smell like cinnamon or cloves. Unlike the ones mixed into soap, these perfumes are considered are pure extract." I was riding the information highway and was swirled with all the details which would only cloud my new daddy brain. I raised my hands as I rubbed the sides of my temples and I asked the two ladies, "So you wish to make those Hungary water, perfumes and essential oils as well as make the necessary porcelain vials and bottles to market the Hungary water and perfume according to 4 and 2 ounces respectively?" "Alright... Do us a favour then since I need to redecorate the two rooms while ushering the arrival of Our Queen, Prince and Princess by the end of the month. Also, there's remuneration to be given out and the wrestling match in the arena. Even I delegated the tasks I still have to keep an eye on them, right? " "What I need for both of you to do right now is to find Michelle. Inform her the materials and equipment needed to make these essential oils, Hungary water and perfume from start to finish. Get her to list it down accordingly. Also, include the proportions and ingredients to make the porcelain vial by a 100 fold." "I would need the assistant of the engineers once more to build a similar building but in a different position this time. I think another 3 more such factories would be built in order to accommodate future productions." I noted to Eagle and he nodded while he flew out to locate his engineers and congregate at the livestock area where the stable and soap/shampoo factory was right now. I faced the two ladies and instructed them to find Michelle and once done so, Michelle to meet me at the infirmary with the requirements. The two ladies acknowledged and went about to locate Michelle and get the tasks at hand to complete as soon as possible as they knew that I would not like to delay matters if I had set my mind on it. I looked at Marcel and asked him to contact all those merchandisers that carried the perfume and Hungary water and asked them how much was their base price costs since we already got their base selling price. 2 gold coins would only target the rich and famous. Even our shampoo and soap both weighing about 5 ounces each cost only a mere 1 Silver...! Its 100 times cheaper than Hungary water...! Wuwuwuwuwu...! I looked at Marcel and asked him, "Did our body soap and hair shampoo really sell for 1 Silver?" He looked at me and laughed because I already knew his loophole. How would I not know? If an upscale place could sell 20 to 50 times the value from the local market, he would sell them at both places no matter what... "My friend... Similar items sold in 2 different places, what do you think? I sold the hair shampoo and body soap at 1 Silver and 2 coppers at the common marketplace while I sold them higher at 1 Silver and 50 coppers in the upper marketplace. Do you think the nobles would ever mingle at the commonplace like us, eh?" "There are 15 towns, my friend... So I have to be tactful when I handle them in order not to cause a price war internally. So far the delivery guys had been keeping tabs for me for those merchandisers that had low stock and these delivery guys acted as ambassadors for us." "Would it be likely that you increase the range of hair shampoo and body wash as well? There had been cases they merchandiser were requesting to get as much as 500 pieces per scent for every shampoo and soap that we have." "Do you realise that the treasury would get 80 gold coins on that single transaction alone from that particular town? 4,000 silvers for you and the balance coppers and balances are for me. Hehehe." "So these delivery guys know they are carrying expensive merchandise with them?" I was surprised and inquired Marcel as I don't wish the delivery guys were taken advantage off by delivering other items such as bread, cakes and biscuits." "Don't worry, my old friend. Coins make the world go round. If I could earn about 200,000 copper coins from one town and 50,000 coppers in another, don't you think I have more than enough jingles in my coin pouch? Besides, I have my share of gold coins from the Standing Icebox and Chilled Copper Tuns." "So I paid an extra 2 to 3 silvers if they were to do extra for us on top of what they were delivering. Isn't that fair and generous act? Hehe." "Well, most of them were under the payroll of the conglomerates and earning an extra silver for themselves are quite alright in suppose. Good job my friend. So you are going to ask the base cost of our future products from each town?"
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