We Want To See Blood...!

1571 Words
Aaron was a head taller than Andy and was an advantage over height but the latter was closer to the ground and have more control over gravity. Besides, Andy was like 20 or more pounds lighter than Aaron and was more agile, flexible and had better dexterity. The two loggerheads dead centre in the ring and each of them grappled on their tunics, swiping their feet in order to throw each one of them off balance while trying to bite each other's ears while smashing their heads back at the biter. Soon, lips, cheekbones and eyebrows were split open due to the constant smashing of heads and suddenly Andy happened to slipped and fell to one of his knees. Due to height and weight advantage, Andy was pressed down until his head was locked at the sides while his own arms were locked backwards. Andy tried to stand to his feet but the momentum rocked him backwards and he tilted to fall in his back. The forward motion causes Aaron to stumble and as coagulated blood was covering parts of his face and eye, he was unexpected of what's happening next. The momentum brought Andy to lie back and this enables hon to raise his legs and kick at Aaron's abdomen thus using his leg power to send him up and over. When Aaron was kicked and thrown over, he had lost wind and enabled Andy to stumble forward to get over to the other end to pick up a shortsword. Just too bad an opponent can only wield one weapon at a time. When Andy had picked and readied the sword, Aaron had also reached over to his own corner and picked a curved dagger. He was used to personal attacks thus a dagger would serve him well. However, Aaron was oblivious of what Andy could do with a shortsword as he had joined the garrison team for more than a month and trained to be a swordsman with comparable skills as Michelle, Nolan or Oscar. In fact, he was one of the Top 10 swordsmen in the whole of Gracehaven...! Aaron wiped the blood off his face by wiping it off using the sleeves of his tunic while Andy did likewise too. Both faces were smeared red with dried blood from their own as well as one another as they engaged in only Billy goats would be considered as champions in. Their cuts and bruises began to swell in the face and they were taunting each other with their weapons in their hands. Aaron was flipping his dagger from left then to the right and motioning to Andy that he would cut the latter into pieces. "AH HAH HAH HAH... Come over, little brother. Let me give you the pleasure of feeling the blade as I slowly let it run into your chest cavity, stomach or even across your neck and let your blood stain the ground...!" Aaron was beating his chest wildly like a beast ape while Andy inched forward till he was about a few swords length from the latter. "You were good at sneak attacks but now you are pitted well against me. See who would taste whose steel after this, Aaron...!" Arron was taken aback that Andy had managed to slip forward and closer to him and from the looks of it, he was sure Andy would be tasting an extra dose of Iron in his body. Just the thought of it made him chuckle as he held the dagger with the pointed edge backwards as he lowered his body slightly and used his arm to cover part of his face. Aaron was laughing as he raised and played with his eyebrows as he faced off with Andy and wanted to slice and dice him up and served his head on a wooden stake high above the ground... Andy stood still, he was on a horse's stance, feet slightly wide apart as he held the one-handed sword in his right hand. A glint of flash went by his face in a blur and Andy defensively raised his sword to parry and a splash of sparks flew as two blades met in a collision. The crowd was cheering and clapping their hands while some were banging on empty kegs and it was a very loud and rude atmosphere. It seems the crowd wanted to see more blood and to also paint the courtyard red with someone's blood...! Aaron was skillfully slicing horizontally with his dagger while Andy also held his short sword like Aaron did with his dagger but was using his sword as a T baton to ward off the attacks and tire Aaron out. Both fighters were like agile cats, leaping, striking and parrying each other in turns, one steadily breathing while the other rasping for breath and had a devilish grin on his face despite the endless flow of blood that trickled down his chin. *CLANG* *SWOOSH* *DING* Each strike was met with a block and each block was carried with a counter-attack thereafter. There were near misses while some were inevitable as soon the forearms and parts of their body had some light to medium slashes as the droplets of blood soon stained the courtyard. No one wanted to lose their weapon, as to lose their weapon would mean to lose their life...! Aaron saw an opening. All he needs to do was to lunge and drive his dagger into the sides of the waist and twist it around and watch the life slowly fade away in front of him. "Die...!" Aaron suddenly stepped up and made a lunge forward as his eyes were fixed to the target where he would land his dagger and twist it around in the meaty area. To create an open wound. Create an agonising pain. A slow death. "Hahaha...!" Aaron laughed like a maniac and that's what Andy was waiting for...! An irreversible, deathly mistake...! A newbie mistake as what others would call it. As Aaron lunged forward, he lost his momentum to snap back and correct his posture and stance to counter-attack. As the dagger cuts the space in between them, Andy easily dodges on the last second and flicks the sword from his right hand to his left while all Andy did next was to grip his fingers on Aaron's wrist and pull it downwards. Converting the force of energy to become his own, Aaron lost his momentum and balance and his dagger hit nothing as he stumbled a step forward and was tipping forward. The sword which was on Andy's left hand struck sideways as he cut it from mid to downwards and he felt the blade swiped past Aaron's back. It was smooth like butter but since the blade had gone through a series of blocks and parries from a close distance, the once smooth and sharp edges had turned ragged and chipped thus making the sword to have a sort of serrated edge. *RRIIPP* That's what Andy could hear at first as he moved one step sideways and slashed once more from mid right to bottom left and the same sound sounded again. *RRIIIIPPP* Andy could smell the pungent scent of blood but he was unable to see exactly where the sword had landed but one thing for sure, IT FELT GOOD...! *SMAAACCCKKK* His foot connected where he intended his kick to land and the body that he had kicked fell backwards with a wet thud sound. Unknowingly when he first struck with his sword after making Aaron lost balance, the latter managed to regain his positioning but as he was about to raise the dagger, he was struck once from his head down to his chest and the second strike from his collar bone down to his stomach. The serrated blade split Aaron's face and somehow split his belly as greenish-brown steaming intestine began to rush out from the opening...! The crowd was silent and some were closing their eyes in terror while some were clapping and stopped in mid-air as they never expected as Andy to be RUTHLESS...! What the crowd had wished for was granted and now the courtyard not only was stained red with blood, but there's a trail of the intestine that had disembowelled from Aaron and the latter was gurgling as blood slowly pooled underneath him. Andy walks feebly away from the scene and went over to where I was and he knelt in one knee and said, "I had my revenge and brought honour to my own self as well as protect the community of Gracehaven. If I break any laws, please punish me or I may walk free." "You have indeed protected your honour and the community of Gracehaven. You had not done anything wrong and you have avenged what you had longed to do." I replied as Andy slowly raise himself while Old Mann took the bloodied and bent out of shape sword and consoled Andy to the side of the courtyard. "Pick the dead and scram...!" I hollered and the 6 men scrambled forth and stuffed back the disembowelled intestine back inside the cavity and quickly carried him by the limbs out of Gracehaven while the other two took their horses away and out from the Southern gate. Seeing them run off with the tails between their legs, I finally let out a huge sigh... "Champion of the bout is A-N-D-Y...!"
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