Chapter 20

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Another four years have passed since the appearance and disappearance of Serinuma Ryoko. Ema barely remembers the woman’s face, but now at six years old, she can still recall the shocking revelation that she isn’t her mother’s child, but another woman’s daughter. A daughter she did not want. As of right now, Ema walks the dark halls of her home not even bothered by what could be lurking in the shadows. She knew this place very well, like the back of her hand. She knew the people in it for her whole life. Other than that she knew nothing else. “Em.” A masculine voice calls out to the blonde little girl. She smiles while holding her loyal companion to her chest. “Hi Daddy!” She greets her father, the oldest in the Sakamaki house. As she walks, she reaches the parlor where her lazy- no, energy-conserving parent tends to be found most of the time. His hair has grown longer down his neck with the same deep blue eyes. In the house, he dresses himself in a pair of black pants and a matching black sweatshirt. In his ears are an upgrade from his previous pair of earbuds that he shares with her mother of herself from time to time when it was just them. “Come here.” He speaks deeply, his voice heavy with sleep as if he’d just woken from a nap. The six-year-old child does as she is told and shortens the gap between her and the eternal vampire. She sets down Bunny on to the sofa opposite to her father before making her way over and climbing on to his broad chest. The older male simply wraps an arm around his daughter and removes an earbud and places it in her ear. The soft melody of the classical instruments flood Ema’s senses and causes her to instantly relax into her father’s gentle embrace. “This is Beethoven, right, Daddy?” Ema asks while closing her eyes and enjoying the piece that is being played on the keys of a grand piano. She wonders if Daddy Laito will play for her if she asks. “Mhm.” Is Shuu’s hum of confirmation and approval. Ema is truly a gifted child, with Reiji as her tutor, by being able to recognize just by the first few notes. Maybe he simply listens to the classics so often with her that it finally resonates with her. Just like this. It’s a times like this they both marvel at each other and feel connected as father and daughter. It’s a moment they both need. Ema is ready to fall asleep with her father as per usual when ever she would spend quality time with him in the silence. That is, until she remembers where she was going before she stopped by. “Oh no, I can’t take a nap now, I have to go see Daddy Reiji for our lesson.” She informs her father while slowly climbing down back to the floor. Shuu watches her with one eye open to make sure she disembarks safely and continues watching as she moves around the coffee table to collect her seated stuffed animal. Once Sir Bunny is back safely in her arms, she turns to bid her father farewell and continues forward to her destination. It’s a good walk from the parlor to her Reiji’s study but she hasn’t been late before and she wouldn’t start now. She is about to reach and open the door when she hears the muffled voice of a woman. Well, who else could that be beside her mother? They both seemed to talk in low voices, but thankfully the door is slightly ajar so that Ema could hear more clearly once she got closer. “You’re telling me that you want to transfer Ema out of homeschooling? Is there a problem with how I’m teaching her now?” Her bespectacled father asked his wife. The now twenty one-year-old Yui could only shake her head with a sigh, knowing Reiji would make this difficult for her. “There is no problem with how you’re teaching her, Reiji, you’re a wonderful teacher and an even better father, I couldn’t ask for more.” “Yet here you are. Explain.” “Ema excels at her studies, she’s very bright and capable, that is not the issue. I just want her to be able to socialize with other children her age, is that so wrong?” Yui pleads. Transfer? As in regular school? Ema didn’t know how to feel about this. On one hand, she’s excited and wants to meet other children her age, but on the other hand, she’s simply petrified. She has never been away from any of her parents for longer than a few hours. How would she endure? Ema shakes her head and refocuses her attention to the conversation. “What’s wrong is that you want to suddenly change the environment that she has grown used to. Not only that, have you forgotten...?” The vampire prince trails off. The tension between the two lovers only grows thicker as they remember the incident four years ago. Neither of them knew nothing, but over the years they began to realize that Ema certainly wasn’t a normal child, just as Serinuma had warned. If word got out that a Ema is the creator of Another World, hell would break loose in their world. They remember clearly what had transpired only a year ago in their home to confirm their suspicions. ... “Mommy! Daddy! Look!” The Sakamaki family was spending the early evening outdoors for a change. Yui could be scene under the octagonal gazebo drinking a cup of tea with Reiji and sharing a slice of cake with Kanato. Shuu could be seen resting against the gazebo on the floor, and Subaru, Ayato, and Laito were scattered about the rose garden while keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. The more or less dysfunctional family were enjoying themselves for a change, and watched as their only daughter explored the rest of the garden until the five-year-old little girl calls out to her guardians. She runs up to the gazebo to her mother and her multiple fathers gather around to see what Ema wishes to show them. In her palm is one of the roses that she plucked off the rose bush, her cut up hands were an indicator that her skin got caught on its sharp and pointy thorns. Yui looked at the wounds in distaste. “Ema, you need to be more careful. I know the roses are pretty but you shouldn’t pick them without telling us first.” Yui says as she cups her daughter’s dainty little hands with her own. Ema only shakes her head, “That’s not it, look!” She says again with only more enthusiasm. Confused, the adults simply stare at the alabaster flower wondering what their daughter saw that was so special. Reiji is the first to dismiss it as child’s play until the flower starts to glow. This has certainly caught everyone’s attention. The flower loses its pure shade of white only to turn into an elegant bright gold. The flower burns as it transforms into golden butterflies that swarm the air above their heads. The insects dance with grace while off the light of the sun reflects their golden wings. In shock and awe, the Sakamaki family can only stare as the beautiful creatures fly off into the garden while one landed onto the crown of its creator. The only one who isn’t the least bit surprised is Ema herself. Proud of her accomplishment, she wears a broad and beaming smile on her face that compliments her bright blue eyes and rosy cheeks. She waits patiently as her mother comes back to her senses with the rest of her family. “Did you like it? I’ve been practicing!” Ema exclaims, excited that she was finally able to show the people she loved most the power she possessed. She was finally special like her daddies; she was just like them! However, her merriment was short lived as Yui grabs her child by the hand. “How long have you been able to do this?” Yui grits through her teeth with a look of shock mixing into her pink irises, and setting them aflame with fear. Her grip on Ema’s small hands makes the little girl wince in pain but she doesn’t seem to notice. “You need to tell me now-!” “Yui!” It was Ayato who spoke up, making Yui blink and shrink back into her seat after realizing that she was hurting her baby girl. “I’m so sorry, my sweet little girl. Please forgive me!” Yui immediately apologizes after becoming aware of her mistake. Ema simply nods but a little frightened. Why is Mommy so upset? Did she do something bad? Was she a bad girl? She felt like crying. Laito quickly places his fedora on top of the little girl’s head. His way of comforting his daughter. “Don’t worry about it Little One. Little Mama was just a little shocked that’s all, you didn’t do anything wrong.” He explains to the blonde toddler with a reassuring smile on his face. This makes the young girl feel much better as she watches her mother collect herself. During this time, Subaru walks over and kneels before his daughter. It only takes one look for Ema to know that she needed to explain herself and she does while fingering the straps that keep Bunny close to her person. “I’ve been practicing since last week with Sir Bunny in the garden. I didn’t mean to make you upset! I’m sorry!” Ema apologizes thinking that it would make everything okay. After recollecting herself, Yui turns to Ema with a tiny, apologetic smile on her face. “You have nothing to be sorry for Ema. I’m sorry for frightening you. You have an amazing gift, and I’m so proud of you, but it’s important that you tell us these things, and don’t tell anyone else.” Yui instructs her only child. Ema could only tilt her head in confusion. “Why?” “...You know how your daddies are very special beings called vampires? If they told everyone, people would be afraid and would want to take them away from us. You’re just as special, if not more so, and I don’t want to lose any of you.” The woman explains. Ema’s eyes widen in horror. Is that why her biological mother came back to get her? She wasn’t sure anymore. “No. No, I don’t want that!” Ema cries out. Yui releases a breath and puts on another smile and cups her daughter’s smooth, soft cheek. “Then promise Daddy and I that you won’t tell anyone else of your powers, okay?” Yui felt the urge to shed a tear as she remembered a distant vision engulfed in flames while looking into the overwhelming blue of an innocent little girl. “I promise!” ... Ever since then, Ema hasn’t been outside unaccompanied and was only able to practice her abilities inside. Like her father, she was a quick learner and was able to do so much at such a young age. It shocked the members of the Sakamaki house but as long as Ema was safe and happy there was little else that was needed except to keep her within the estate. However, Yui began to doubt their initial plan. They were keeping her locked up as some caged animal. She didn’t want Ema to be unable to live a normal life, or, at the very least, have the chance to have one. Ema was safe, yes. But would keeping her prisoner here all her life make her truly happy? Yui remembers the time she felt trapped in these very walls and didn’t want Ema to experience the same thing. They needed to let go, if only slightly. “I haven’t forgotten anything. Reiji, please, just consider it. She needs those social interactions whether if we like it or not. We cannot keep her under lock and key forever.” Yui pleads once more. The second eldest Sakamaki remains silent for a few beats. He saw where Yui is coming from but didn’t want to do anything that would cause unnecessary risks. However, in the quiet he felt it. The little girl’s presence beyond his door. Great, she heard everything. With a sigh he speaks, “Eavesdropping is unbecoming for a young lady, Ema. Show yourself.” Sakamaki Ema knew that once she was caught there was no use in continuing to hide. She pushes the door open fully, and walks in with her head down. “I’m sorry for listening.” “It’s quite alright, but do not make the same mistake. I expect more from you.” “Yes Daddy.” Yui, though surprised, only shakes her head. “Ema,” “Yes Mommy?” “Do you want to go to regular school? Where you can be around kids your own age? And make lots of friends?” Friends? Kids her own age? Ema didn’t know what to think. She would be delighted to meet other kids her age. But, could she handle being separated from her parents? She didn’t know. It wouldn’t hurt to at least try, right? Ema looks up to her mother and father in his study, and with a broad smile she nods. “Yeah!” ... “She’s what?” Ayato growls through his fangs, very displeased with the sudden news. “She’s going to start school Ayato.” Yui repeats for the umpteenth time this evening. “Who the hell said that she could, huh!” Yui felt annoyed. She has gathered all the brothers to tell them of her decision but now each of them were simply causing a fuss. “I already discussed it with Reiji, she’s being transferred to the St. Cross Private Academy. It teaches all ages up until university so that she will be able to stay in one place as she grows older. That way we can also keep an eye on her and whoever is in her year.” Yui explains as a raging headache takes a toll on her mind. The displeased voices all blend into one that attacks her nerves and wears down her patience that was already thin as ice. “Frankly, I don’t care what your thoughts on the matter are! The decision is made and it is final. Ema is going to school whether if you like it or not, and I’m not just going to sit hear to listen to your bellyaching because you simply can’t enjoy the fact that your daughter is a growing girl! It’s scary to let go, I know that but I will not limit the chances of Ema having a normal life that she deserves! I’m through with this conversation.” Yui all but screams at the top of her lungs. With a irritated huff she removes herself from the scene to check on her daughter and tuck her in for bed, leaving the Sakamaki brothers to stare in shock with their mouths nearly touching the floor. Truly, this is a change that everyone’s going to have to get used to.

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