Chapter Three

2684 Words

Chapter Three Upon entering Nanda’s fragrant shop, redolent with the aromas of the dried plants she stored and sold, he was greeted not by Nanda herself but by Weveroth. He sat — no, no, she, this was officially a lady monkey now — in the centre of Nan’s scrupulously clean counter, her long golden tail wrapped around her feet. She sat tall, like a little sentinel, and gave Konrad what he would swear was the evil eye as he walked in. ‘Wevey,’ Konrad greeted, and held out a few fingers for her to reacquaint herself with. Weveroth high-tailed it through the rear door into Nanda’s workroom, without a second glance at Konrad. ‘Oh!’ said Nanda a moment later, quite as though the monkey had told her who had come to call. She came straight through, drying her hands on a strip of towel, and bea

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