Chapter Five

2021 Words

Chapter Five By Konrad’s request, the obliging antiques dealer patched up the damaged pipe as best he could. At a glance, it would pass for pristine, and a glance was all Konrad expected to need. The hour growing advanced, however, he remembered his invitation to Nanda, and hesitated. Should he pursue Tsevar immediately, or visit with Nanda first? Professionalism demanded the former. Everything else required the latter. Konrad went home. Candles were burning in his dining-parlour as he approached, suitably dressed for dinner — he’d dashed upstairs to attend to that part right away, though if asked, he could not have said why. Nan might be amused by costumes, but she did not care for the elaborate rules of etiquette that governed dress among the gentry. She’d be more likely to laugh at

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