The planets

5021 Words
    In the distant future and above him a starry night sky was Benedict, a kid that was about twenty years old full of curiosity smoking his cigarette while the summery wind was blowing his long dark hair, he looked at the city closed his eyes and saw those two lines crossing each other again but this time he also saw three flashing dots on the two ends of one line and one dot on the other line, the next moment all of a sudden changing his expression on the face, it was clear he had something in mind.      “I can try that!!!” he shouted, while the people that were passing from down below his house heard him and thought that he is crazy.      Pulling up his chair and immediately sitting on his bureau that was messy with notes, books, papers, and whatnot giving the impression that it looks like Einstein`s office. The next moment he pulled out a paper from the printer that looked sort of like a map, and raced straight to his telescope, gazing at the stars for a while. An advanced telescope that was yet so small but it was made with ultraviolet lenses, making it even more powerful to be able to see very distant stars.      “Damn I have to show this to IASA!” he was surprised and at the same time excited. It was no longer NASA because humans have advanced enough so much so, that they completely removed the border system and learned to live together in full harmony, as ‘IASA’ stood for: ‘International Aeronautics and Space Administration’. He quickly tucked the paper in his backpack and sent an email to someone.      The weekend passed and Benedict was just sitting there in class boring himself with something that the professor was teaching them, but he wasn`t really interested as he just listened and listened until he started daydreaming about going on a great adventure with his friends.                                         “Benedict!” called out the professor as Benedict didn`t respond.“Benedict!!!” he called out again as he finally became present with reality.                                                                                                                  “Uh…yes, professor?” he became scared he was going to get in trouble for not listening.                                                                                                                             “Would you mind to repeat to the class what I just told you?” said the professor.                                                                                                                  “Uh…” he froze.                                                                                                                   “Time dilation is the result of different gravitational fields as two…” said a guy with short on the sides and long on top dark hair, with a small goatee and somewhat big nose. “That`s enough Zack, I want to hear it from Benedict,” the professor interrupted.                                                                                                              “Some award winner he is,” called out one of his classmates.                                     “At least he won something,” defended Zack.                                                    “Enough! All of you,” said the professor as he walked up to Benedict. “You are a wise kid and such behavior is not to be expected from you, I trust that you will pay more attention in the future,” the professor looked down at him.                                                                                                                                      “Yes of course,” nodded Benedict.                                                                       “There,” comforted the professor. “I`ll just let you go with a warning this time,” he walked to the board.                                                                                               “Thanks, man,” Benedict turned to Zack.                                                               “Yeah don`t mention it, us nerds need to stand up for each other,” smiled Zack.                                                                                                                          “Yeah,” Benedict nodded happily.                                                                                       “So crazy party this weekend huh?” Dave turned to Benedict.                          “How do you know about it?” Benedict was surprised.                                              “Well I was there, you were pretty hammered, you couldn`t recognize anyone, not even me,” said Dave. “I don`t blame you, me myself I was wasted too,” nodded Dave.                                                                                                                   “But…” Benedict was confused as he turned and saw the familiar face which had short wiry dark hair, big nose, and a thin beard.                                                                                            “What?” asked Dave. “Nerds can have fun too you know,” he said as he turned and kept his attention to what the professor was saying as Benedict did the same.      “So you drew dots and then connected the lines?” asked Simon as he was eating his lunch at the faculty cafeteria.                                                                        “What? No!” Benedict stared at him angrily. “Didn`t you hear me what I was just saying?” he asked.                                                                                                                 “I`m sorry it`s just that I am not cut out for science,” apologized Simon.       “Yeah, it`s okay,” Benedict understood.                                                                         “But I think it`s a great idea, and you should go present it somewhere,” Simon encouraged him.                                                                                                            “How do you know it`s a great idea when you didn`t even understand it?” Benedict asked him.                                                                                                            “I did,” lied Simon.                                                                                                               “The f**k you did,” laughed Benedict as Simon laughed as well.                               “Hey man,” Zack stood by the table.                                                                                 “Hey, what is it?” Benedict asked.                                                                           “Want to go out for a smoke?” Zack asked him.                                                         “Yeah, sure,” Benedict stood up and shook hands with Simon. “I`ll see you later man,” as he walked away.      “So anything new with you?” asked Zack as he lit the cigarette.                             “Not much really, except for becoming a drunkard every weekend,” replied Benedict. “Sometimes I think I`m just wasting my life away,” he said out of the blue.                                                                                                                                        “You are not, we are about to finish college and our lives are just ahead of us, we are young,” comforted Zack.                                                                                                                           “Everybody keeps telling that you know,” he looked at Zack. “But everyone expects you to have a family and a steady boring job,” Zack kept listening. “There`s more to life than creating a family and working,” he stopped.                                                                                                       “You mean like a purpose?” Zack asked him.                                                                  “Yes,” confirmed Benedict. “And I think I found mine,” he looked at Zack again. “I want to create or find something that will help humanity and be remembered,” he finished as Zack nodded.                                                                      “I understand you,” he inhaled from the cigarette. “So what`s stopping you?” he asked him.                                                                                                                              “Just one thing-money,” Benedict looked at Zack. “It`s not like I could steal a shuttle and engage in a space adventure.”                                                                   “So bloody steal one, hell I`ll even help you,” laughed Zack.                                          “Yeah right,” laughed Benedict as the school bell rang for class.                         “Did I ever tell you how much I hate this bell it`s so damn loud,” complained Zack.                                                                                                                                   “Well you know a thing or two about electronics fix it,” Benedict teased him as Zack just laughed and both entered the school.      After a couple of days he got a confirmation, he requested an audience with IASA and he got it, probably what that email was, anyhow he had to go and present whatever he had or whatever that paper was. And went he did.      Standing there in IASA`s courtyard that was filled with parked floating cars in different colors, the green trees, and the well-cared grass, made the scene look terrific, and the only thing that bugged him was the smell of fuel-what a nice place for a picnic he thought, besides the smell of fuel of course. Rehearsing his speech in his head, now and then trying to calm himself.                                                                                                                            “All right Benedict you got this, calm down, you have things that will write the history of humanity.” What was so much into that paper that IASA had to know?      He was sitting in the waiting room which was all white, the marble tiles on the floor, the walls even the plastic frame on the windows was white, he watched the floating cars flying above the city everyone on about their daily stuff, and there he was thinking that he has something exciting and rather quite remarkable only to be extinguished by the boredom he was now experiencing, but that was no longer to be as he did the only thing he always does when he is bored-daydreaming. He was aware that some people say daydreaming is bad, but he thought that it`s a great way to perhaps find your passion or become a hero in your own story as long as you don`t overdo it. The boredom was gnawing him, he pulled out his phone and started chatting with his friends from his neighborhood Alexander, John, Peter, and Viktor.      “So guys I`m about to attend to this meeting, wish me luck,” but the responses were quite the opposite instead he got. “Good luck you ape, good luck you Mongol,” and whatnot. “Thanks, guys that was inspiring” he replied in anger, and then he also contacted his best friend Simon that was always there for supporting him in no matter what, as he did so too now he lifted Benedict`s spirits with only one text message. Whilst a black woman in a white scientific coat approached him. “Hello you must be Benedict?” he stood from the chair. “Ah…yes, that’s me.” The woman was surprised he was not as old as she was expecting.                                                                                                                         “My name is Michelle I work as a technical assistant here and I believe you asked for a meeting with us am I correct?”, he only nodded his head in confirmation. “Well right this way follow me to my office,” as he grabbed his backpack and followed Michelle. On the table, he placed all that paper that he printed out occupying nearly all the space available.      “I know that every dot is the center of the universe, but listen to this,” he turned his look from the paper and looked at Michelle. “I`m all ears,” replied Michelle.                                                                                                                            “So on this map, there are four galaxies,” one was in the upper part of the paper, one was in the middle and the rest two were left and right.                         “Ok, so the galaxy in the middle is actually the Milky Way, and also where planet Earth is located. Where the Milky Way was he marked the position with one dot and continued explaining. “The other dot I am pointing at is actually the position where our sun is located,”  he placed his finger on the second dot that was right next to the first one. “And the third dot is actually the planet Earth.” Michelle was probably asking where is this leading, but still, she let him finish. “So the sections of lines you are seeing,” he moved his finger across the line up onto the other dot that was in the galaxy that was in the upper part of the paper. “They are starting from planet Earth and ending to some other planets,” he finished explaining and turned his look towards Michelle. “Now my telescope isn`t that great but I think these just might be in the goldilocks zone,” Michelle instantly changed her expression picking up her phone, Benedict looked away from the paper and directly into Michelle`s eyes.                                                                                      “And I`ve seen them… they are there,” he nodded. “Now I thought with your telescopes we could get a better picture…”                                                                                                                     “I want someone from planetary science in my office immediately we are onto something.” After five minutes in the office George walked in, he is a person somewhere between his fifty`s, short hair and round glasses. Michelle passed him the paper. “I want full-resolution satellite images on these coordinates,” George accepted and left the office.      Twenty minutes went by and George came racing in in the office “So… the galaxy on the right has a planet…” trying to catch his breath. “But it`s all frozen with constant ice and snow,” he continued.                     “Well, what about the other two?” Michelle was impatient, whilst George turned toward Benedict  “Well, those two…it would seem they are in the Goldilocks zone, which also happens to have an atmosphere, liquid water, rocky ground all the requirements for life, therefore, they might support life,” he stopped to take a breath. “Congratulations kid, I think you may have found us a new home,” Michelle looked at him and told him that they need to visit the CEO of IASA right away. All that to Benedict came as a bit of a shocker first finding two life compatible planets and now meeting the director of the space administration that he always dreamed of working in.                                                “The director has as all busting our asses searching for life compatible planets that are as far as possible from us, don`t know why he is doing that but…” Michelle explained to Benedict as she was leading him towards the office and stopped in front of a door. “You may have come at the right time and saved our asses from this boring job,” she said as she turned toward the door and exhaled.      Michelle knocked on the door whilst Benedict was standing next to her gulping down and sweating all over his face.                                                               “Come in,” said a voice from the other side of the door as Michelle opened the door and called Benedict inside as well. Upon entering Benedict looked around the office that was full with monitors of some statistics and scatterplots and gauss graphs and whatnot he did not understand any of it, as he also noticed the familiar smell of cigarettes.                                                                                                       “Khan you know you are not allowed to smoke in your office,” warned Michelle.                                                                                                                “Michelle, I am the bloody CEO of this building I think I have certain advantages,” Khan looked up to her as he continued signing some papers. “Then start acting like a bloody CEO and set an example for everybody here,” Michelle looked at him, but he did not bat an eye and kept signing the papers.                                                                                                             “Besides there are designated areas where you can smoke,” she kept talking to him. Benedict started to feel uncomfortable. “I`ll just leave you two to it,” Khan looked up to him and was surprised to see him. “Kid, what are you doing here?” he asked.                                                                                                    “He brought something interesting, but I don`t suppose you will be able to look into it,” said Michelle.                                                                                                           “No, let me see what is it?” he stood up as Michelle passed him the images of the planets and statistics.                                                                                           “Michelle these are just exo-planets,” whispered Khan so he won`t disappoint Benedict.                                                                                                                              “Not just any exo-planets,” she looked at Khan. “These can contain life and what`s more remarkable is that they are not in our galaxy,” she added.                                                                                                               “Well, then how did he…?” Khan didn`t finish his question.                                      “Exactly, he managed to pinpoint them with pen and paper,” said Michelle looking at Benedict who was curiously wandering around the office. “He may have found us a second home,” she added.                                                                    “Well I wouldn`t call it second if you count Mars, but sure,” said Khan. “All right show me the satellite images,” he ordered. As soon as the image appeared on the big screen they were all excited. The planet looked gorgeous on the satellite image with its ellipsoid shape, the green continents mixed with a little brown for the mountains, and the blue seas. As other scientists were gathering in the office to witness the picturesque planet with the atmosphere cleaner than the one from Earth they guessed it might just be because no carbon dioxide is released.      “All right kid,” Khan turned toward him. “Leave your phone number and we will contact you.”                                                                                                         “Well what for?” he asked.                                                                                          “Well, you found these planets, it`d be only fair if we let you name them.” Replied Khan.                                                                                                             “Oh…okay,” nodded Benedict as he took pen and paper and wrote down his number. “If that will be all…” he pointed toward the door.                                   “Sure you are free to go,” smiled Khan as he started acting strangely and couldn`t take his look away from Benedict. Khan was a black dude somewhere in his fifties with freckles and short gray hair as Benedict would describe him: he is the living reincarnation of Morgan Freeman.                                                                                               ☼☼☼      “I`ve got some good news,” said Khan over the phone.                              “Thank f**k something good at last,” said Adam the same person Benedict owned a poster in his room.                                                                                               “How is the situation developing?” asked Khan.                                                                                                               “Even more deaths by the hour, but Khan please tell me that you…” said Adam desperately.                                                                                                                       “Yes, a kid found not one but two…” said Khan.                                                       “Well what are we waiting for?” asked Adam.                                                         “Nothing, I`ll just contact him tomorrow and get it done, and don`t worry It will be done, we won`t let anybody stop us, they will realize what we are doing and all of them would see us as heroes,” the phone call ended.                                                                                                   ☼☼☼      The very next day just as promised Khan really did contact Benedict and prepared himself alone awaiting Benedict`s arrival.      Benedict knocked on the door and was really surprised to only see Khan and nobody else.                          “I didn`t want to make this announcement public for everyone to know and hear,” Khan stepped up. “Kid…” he turned toward him. “Assemble your team, we are sending you there,” said Khan out of the blue. The last thing he wasn`t ever expecting was Khan telling Benedict to create his own expedition on an adventure to survey the planets.       “Well…” Benedict slightly scoffed “What the f**k did he just say?” he mouthed quietly and looked around the empty room. This was too much for Benedict, this is beyond his comfort zone, but never the less Khan was looking at him and sooner or later he would have to say something. “You can`t leave that to me, sir, I will obviously call upon my friends,” Khan wasn`t surprised or shocked at all furthermore the next that happened went down like this.                                                                                                                   “Very well we will train them too,” Khan sounded very confident in what he was saying, but Benedict could not understand if he was joking or he was serious. But he continued saying that they need to undergo some training programs and leave when they are ready, the only thing Benedict had to do now is to name the crew, in this case, Benedict didn`t have to think much and started naming his friends, Khan suggested that they recruit them, but Benedict had a different much simpler idea as he grabbed his phone.                                                                                       “What if I were to tell you that you should drop out of school and come join me in an adventure through space” the group chat exploded with “hahaha's” they didn`t believe him even more than what he said.                                                       “Like that’s ever going to happen,” typed Viktor, but they were soon to realize he was serious.      The next few days Benedict spent them in recruiting the rest first up was Simon. “How would you like some radiation from space?” Benedict asked him ironically.                                                                                                                  “You bloody did it,” Simon nodded as he looked at Benedict.                                  “I did,” said Benedict happily. “The idea that will change our lives,” as Simon just embraced him and shook his hand firmly. “You are truly something” Simon looked at him.                                                                                                                  “So are you coming?” Benedict finally asked him.                                                          “You know my dad…” Simon started saying something.                                                “Look I understand if you can`t and if your parents won`t allow you.”                                                                                                                  “What?” Simon looked at him confusedly. “My dad has a rifle in the closet, I want you to take it and shoot me if I somehow went crazy and refused this offer,” laughed Simon.                                                                                             “That`s yes?” smiled Benedict.                                                                                       “That`s a motherfucking yes baby,” Simon jumped in happiness.                            “I mean seriously though, what about your parents?” Benedict got serious.                                                                                                                      “What about them?” asked Simon “They don`t care about me anyway, let`s see if they change while I am gone and learn the value of something they lose all of a sudden,” Simon got angry for a moment.                                                                 “Okay, it`s just that we may get into some trouble,” warned Benedict.                   “Ah… we will be fine we always get in trouble and get out,” Simon used his confidence and managed to convince Benedict that this might just be a good idea.      “So it`s like a week`s trip?” asked Zack.                                                                    “Something like that,” answered Benedict.                                                                   “I am surprised by you, mate,” said Zack. “I mean congratulations and all but how far are these planets?” Zack was confused. “I mean how are we going to get to them in a week?”                                                                                             “Honestly I don`t know, they didn`t tell me much,” Benedict was honest. “But I am sure they have a way to get us there, otherwise they won`t be sending us,” he told him. “I mean let`s not overthink it, it`ll be like a vacation, besides you will get some cancer from space rather than from cigarettes,” laughed Benedict.                                                                              “Oh you…” said Zack as he smiled.                                                                                  “I need you man, I will need a great mind up there with me,” Benedict became dead serious.                                                                                                                       “What the hell,” Zack nodded. “I`ll just tell home I will be gone for a week or two.”                                                                                                                                     “What about you, you up for a shuttle that explodes on liftoff?” Benedict asked as Dave just stood with them all this time amazed and at the same time confused, as he just nodded and accepted, also Benedict hadn`t talked to Sarah and Raven in ages so he asked Dave to tell them, and besides truth be told he was shy.      “I mean you can`t just say that we are invited to go to outer space and survey some planets and just expect us to be down with the idea,” said Peter as Benedict gathered his neighborhood friends in one room and told them the news.                                                                                                                                 “Yo fellas, think about it, it`s an opportunity of a lifetime,” Viktor stepped up. “I mean who gets an opportunity like this to go in outer space?” he asked “I am totally down with you man,” Viktor looked at Benedict.                                              “Okay anybody else wanna say something?” Benedict asked.                                   “I agree with Viktor, I`ll just call my parents and tell them I`ll be gone for a week or two,” said John as he picked up the phone and walked out of the room to talk.                                                                                                                                         “Well I already told my parents that I am going, I just came here to get more information about when are we leaving,” smiled Alexander as Benedict nodded and turned to Peter as everybody did the same thing.                                             “What?” he looked at all of them “I guess…” he stopped to think for a while. “f**k it you will all just get yourself in trouble there has to be someone keeping you in line.”                                                                                                                       “That`s the spirit,” Viktor jumped in happiness.      Benedict could not believe the day he had he even went as far as to pinch himself to do a reality check only to get assured that this is not just a dream as he laid in bed and went to daydreaming again about the amazing adventure that they are going to have.                                                                                                  “Hey, man did I wake you?” Dave called Benedict.                                                        “No, I`m kind of excited so I can`t really sleep you know,” said Benedict whilst still lying in his bed.                                                                                                           “Well, you will be happy to know that Sarah and Raven accepted and are coming with us.”                                                                                                            “Really?” asked Benedict.                                                                                                 “Yeah I`m serious,” said Dave. “Although they were kind of mad because you didn`t talk to them,” Dave told him.                                                                               “I know, but you know I am kind of shy,” Benedict cringed. “I`ll try better next time.”                                                                                                                                      “All right take care of yourself.”                                                                                 “Hey, thanks man,” Benedict thanked him.                                                          “Yeah, you are welcome,”  Dave hung up and Benedict threw the phone on the bed and laid down as he looked on Adam`s poster. “f*****g A,” he said and turned to the side, closed the eyes, and dozed off. Simon Royden-Benedict`s best friend, he is a very responsible person he can patiently listen to everyone`s problems and support them in their decisions. Surely this type of person is supposed to be up there with him. Alexander Edinger-young fella with a buffed body, the gym obsessed one. People can hardly understand him what he is saying but he can surely get them out of trouble or put them in one. But the unique thing about him is that he was quite good at medicine. Zack Seltzer- smart fella he knows his physics and how stuff actually works. He is the top candidate for an engineer. John Macmanus-tall as a basketball player and always opened for proposals and always helps out if he can. Round face with very short flattened hair and short goatee, with a big nose and thick lips and brown eyes. He and Benedict constantly get in deep conversations about space and science, but most of all he adores rap music. Viktor Moskovitz-short person, but a great comedian, with short flattened hair, small nose, and thin lips. he always knows how to cheer up in hard times. But he can sometimes fascinate with his ideas. Dave Stroder-mostly interested in rock music, he used to study together with Benedict where his grades where all A`s combined with diplomas. Nobody doubts his capability to deliver what he is asked. Raven Elara-short person, but tall in her attitude towards everyone else. Long dark hair, small nose, beautiful round face, and small lips and Asian-ish brown eyes. always positive and cheerful boosting everyone`s morale. She is also studying medicine it would not be a problem working with Alexander. Sarah Seamore-as much as she is tall as much she is beautiful, with dark eyes and hair worthy enough for her shoulders, small nose, and thin lips.  she is Raven`s best friend they will surely need one another up there in space. Peter Diederich-tall fella, with short dark hair same as Alexander with a buffed body, big nose, and thick lips. Good listener but best of all he is very friendly and understandable.      Khan finished reading the list in front of the commission, Jane and Michelle as he gave them the list and sat down on the chair.                                                               “Okay Benedict that was very detailed information,” Khan rolled his eyes. “As I will all meet them” Khan looked at him across the room.                                                                                           “Oh, I didn`t know about it.”                                                                                         “No it`s okay, it`s very thoughtful of you,” smiled Khan. “This is Jane” Kahn pointed toward probably a forty-five years old woman with blonde hair and blue eyes. “She will be training you for the next six months,” Khan told him. “So… ‘What thing about yourself other than experience and grades would make you a better candidate than the other people?’” “Well I think I am a very responsible person, and with that, this crew is going to need somebody to keep them on the line,” answered Peter. “Actually I don`t suppose you got any of those machines that just materialize food instantly like in Star Trek?” asked Simon.                                                             “No we don`t,” answered Kahn.                                                                                       “Well that`s the thing I`ll make sure no one starves to death,” smiled Simon. “And also good at listening to people`s problems like a psychiatrist.” “I am good with electronics,” said Zack shyly. “And fixing stuff” he added. “And good and caring person overall, I guess,” as Khan just listened to him and nodded. “Oh I am good with computers, hacking somewhat also I have good reflexes it`s like a talent,” Dave crossed his arms. “Oh there goes a fly, oh it`s gone,” he pointed toward the window. “Oh I am a very dedicated person and I always strive for success,” said Raven. “Also I care about the people around me.” “You know if someone needs a helping hand I am always there to help as long as it doesn`t become their habit,” said Alexander. “I like to dance, no really I do and I am also cheerful, outgoing can crack a joke or two in hard times I also like to play video games,” said Viktor. “I am trying to stay positive at all times, and if things seem dire well I always look for the best option as it will benefit everyone,” said Sarah. “I am probably the one that motivates everybody and to support them if they ever get in trouble, I guess I can say I am sort of a motivational guy,” said John. “Well I am curious, resourceful, great planer, and whatnot, although I am not quite sure what we are to do If we ever get in trouble,” said Benedict. “Well that`s why we are going to train you, starting tomorrow,” said Khan.      The next day all ten of them were in IASA`s courtyard all lined up and in front was Khan.                                                                                                                            “Your training is about to commence, this is Jane, you`ve met her on the briefing,” Khan presented her.                                                                                         “The next six months you will spend in training and nothing else, and the only person that you are going to answer to is me,” hissed Jane. “If I were you I would not piss her off,” Khan warned them. “Khan, can you bugger off?” Jane looked at him angrily. “So have you considered what your role on the ship would be?” Jane kind of caught them by surprise so they took a bit of time to settle this matter, after some time Zack stepped toward Jane asking her if they could take a peek at the ship first. Khan and Jane agreed and led them toward the hangar. Unfortunately for them the ship was not in the hangar, but there was a legend of him with every part explained with 1 was the nose of the ship with ellipsoid flattened shape, number 2 was the body of the ship with a shape of a rocket of course but instead it had an ellipsoid nose, the wings for aerodynamics and balance were with number 3, the back body of the ship was with number 4, and number 5 was the thrusters. Khan immediately started explaining to them that the nose is actually the bridge of the ship along with its captain and pilots, next there is the body where they will sleep, eat, exercise and he also warned them about the back of the ship which is very important because it contains the radioactive core filled with Terarium to produce unlimited energy, and their stocks of food and water.
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