check up

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This was the ugly and disgusting secret that Chris had accidently scene, his father and his fiance were in a affair such a disgusting sight . But Bryan had a smile on his face he wasn't affected by this , he had always wondered why his father had so enthusiastically supported his marriage with Sophy now he knows why , because he wanted to keep Sophy by his side. Chris who was standing behind Bryan felt nauseated but when he looked at Bryan a chill ran down his spine. Bryan didn't looked surprised at all neither he looked angry nor sad instead it looked like he was enjoying the scene , Bryan was looking at them like he had just caught his prey . "My dear father I didn't know that you were interested in Sophy, if you had told me earlier I would have specially arranged everything for you" Bryan said in a calm voice in a dangerously calm voice "Bryan its not what you think" Sophy said while adjusting her clothes. "oh is that so then what is it huh?" Bryan asked with a kind smiled which was not kind at all. After seeing Bryan react so calmly both Sophy and Andrew understood that something was wrong , how can Bryan react so calmly after seeing this kind of seen , there was only one reason that Bryan had already knew about this affair and now he was just mocking them. Sophy's face went pale after the realization while Andrew Shaw just scoffed in his eyes Bryan was just a spoiled kid so what if he discovered what could he do, so with a very proud expression he held Sophy's waist and pushed her towards himself and said "yes Brat you see I and Sophy are in love with each other and we want to marry each other" Sophy's expression changed and something sinister flashed in her eyes when she heard this she looked at Andrew Shaw with dark eyes that held malice ; Andrew Shaw didn't notice that abnormality but Bryan did. This woman Sophy was definitely not normal at all she might look harmless but in reality she was no less than a devil, in his last life This woman had ruined his family, business and killed god knows how many people for god knows what reason. Currently Sophy's face was not ruined she looked beautiful, her pale white skin her sharp facial features her beautiful brown eyes , but this was all ruined by Ashton in Bryan's previous life. In his previous life Sophy had a very powerful backer otherwise how could she destroy the Shaw's single handedly. Bryan remembers that in his last life after marriage he never gave Sophy any importance he never talked to her or even looked at her but he never treated her badly ,he never raised his voice at her or beaten her then why did she hated him so much. Bryan also remembers that it was only after marriage that Sophy learned something about his family secret and gained that powerful backer that Backer was not of this country and Bryan was sure about that and Sophy met him after she got married with Bryan so as long as Bryan doesn't marry Sophy there is a chance that , that Backer might never appear. But that doesn't mean that Bryan was let him off . After his rebirth Bryan had already made up his mind that whoever was Sophy's backer will die by his very own hands. Bryan couldn't let Sophy go so easily and also he couldn't let Sophy or this father of his anywhere near his  house besides Sophy had one  backers here in the city , and Bryan had to wipe out all of them because they were the reason why Sophy dared to come after his family . Bryan gently said "alright father if that is the case then this child of yours will make sure that you two stay together" Sophy's sinister expression became more severe she said with gritted teeth "Bryan Shaw listen to me" "nope whatever my father says goes" Bryan said and then turned to Chris and said in a whisper "Chris bring in the guards" ~ ~ "Sir everything is done" Chris said to Bryan who was very comfortably sitting on the chair and going through the files currently he looked a dignified business man but the aura around him was still heavy , Chris had known Bryan since a long time but today Bryan looked and Behaved like a total stranger as if this was not Bryan but someone else as If he was possessed One more thing that he didn't understand that how come Bryan was suddenly so attentive towards his work he remembers that Bryan never paid attention to Business after Aron died. "very good Chris now I want you to do something" "what is it" "I want you to contact the owner of 'Malbert' Company " "but why sir is there a reason" "Yes there is I want to do business with the Malberts " Bryan said now that took Chris by surprise the Malbert company was the second largest corporation in the entire continent, if the Malbert and the Shaws come together then it will bring huge profits to both the sides but the only problem was the Malbert company was run by a woman and man who are buisiness partners ,and unfortunately that woman is not very fond of Bryan instead she hated Bryan for some reason. "but Sir I don't think  that the Malberts are interested in doing business with us" Bryan leaned back on his chair and looked at Chris with dark eyes , "I said I want to do business with them , Mr. Chris you better figure out a way and set up an appointment that project should end with the Shaw's and no one else , you are an experienced man use your connections and brain to figure out a way ..and yes I want to meet the owner as soon as possible contact her may leave now" "yes sir" Chris said and dashed out of the room Bryan, who was still leaning on his chair smiled and said "we'll meet soon my love" ~ ~ "lets go mom"  Bryan said and guided his mother towards the car. "But Bryan where are we going" "Mom you don't have to worry , just trust me " Bryan said with a reassuring smile ; Mrs. Shaw didn't say anything anymore and quietly got in the car. After Bryan got in the car they drove straight towards their destination. "Bryan why are we at hospital" Bryan's mother asked in an anxious voice , Bryan's mother never really liked hospitals and Bryan knew it , he also knew that If he had told his mother earlier that he was going to bring her to the hospital she would have refused or maybe made things difficult. "Mom I was observing that you were getting weak so I bought you here for regular check up that's there is nothing to be afraid your son is here " Bryan said with a calm and gentle voice . "But Bryan I am okay son you don't have to be worried at all" "Mom I am scared you know , after Aron if something happens to you how will I live , everyday when I see your pale face I become anxious please mom just for me please have a check up" Bryan said with concern , and his concern was not fake at all in fact he genuinely wanted his mom to get better How can Sarah Shaw reject her son especially if Bryan is looking so pitiful ,so she just nodded . While Bryan's mother was getting her check up , Bryan received a call from his grandfather , When Bryan saw the caller ID his heart once again felt heavy In his last Life Bryan's grandfather did so much for him and his brother he even had so many expectations from him Bryan had greatly disappointed him he had broke his trust . Bryan's grandfather had took great care of him and his mother ,  he had always been their for Bryan always supported him , stood stand for him and most importantly he never Forced Bryan into anything. After Aron's death in his last life Bryan was depressed and his mother was also not in good condition, so Bryan's grandfather took over the responsibility of the corporation despite his old age , He had lost his grandson too but he didn't even get the opportunity to mourn over his grandson's death Other people might call him a wicked old man but Bryan knew that his grandfather had greatly cherished him and his brother. Bryan took a deep breathe and answered the call " hello, grandpa" "I heard you went to the company today are you alright now" it was the same voice just as Bryan had remembered that same old voice . In the past whenever Bryan's grandfather called him or messaged him Bryan would always ignore it because he thought that his grandfather will just lecture him who knew that his grandfather just wanted to have a talk to him , to know how he was doing , but being the ignorant fool he was Bryan never paid attention to this. "I am okay grandpa... how are you doing by that way are you taking care of your health" Bryan asked and the other person went silent , Bryan knew that his grandfather must be shocked to hear Bryan talking like this "Kid are you sure you are okay? should I arrange an appointment with the  doctor for you " Bryan smiled and said "grandpa I am already at the hospital , so there is no need for that" "WHAT, why are you in the hospital did something happened " "relax grandpa , I noticed that mom was a getting weak nowadays so that's why I bought her here for a check up you don't have to worry" Bryan' grandpa sighed "how is she doing " she is fine grandpa you don't worry I will take care of her from now on .and yeah today I am coming to your house for dinner" Bryan said "why so suddenly" "I want to talk about some stuffs with you....I 'll be hanging up for now make sure you take good care of your health" Bryan said and his grandfather 'hmmed' ; then he hung up the phone. And at the same time his mother also had finished the check up. "Mum, i'll go talk to the doctor you can wait for me in the car" Bryan said and his mother nodded and quickly went outside the hospital building she really hated hospitals. "So doctor tell me about my mother's condition" Bryan said "Mr. Shaw as you said I have already taken the blood samples and done the CT scans hopefully the reports will come out by tomorrow , but like you said I have noticed the symptoms of it so there is a chance that your mother is really suffering from that disease so its better to prepare yourself from before" the doctor said Bryan took a deep breathe "I want you to keep this a secret no one should know about this and call me as soon as the reports come out , I will be leaving now" Bryan said "don't worry I will make sure no one knows about this" "good" When Bryan came back to the car his mother noticed that there was something off about him so she asked "Bryan in there something bothering you" "No mum its okay.....its just the company matters" "don't pressure yourself to much okay , if you can't handle something then your grandfather is still there you can ask him" she said with a gentle voice "mum by the way today we are  having dinner at grandpa's place so lets go there directly." "But son what about your father he--" "he has gone on a business Trip mum he won't be showing his face for the time being" he said "okay then" Bryan's mother said without any further inquiry. Bryan's mother never really cared much about Bryan's father its not like she was madly in love with him or something , there marriage was just a show a pretense having her sons by her side was enough for her she didn't needed anything else . One thing that Bryan didn't understand that why a smart and free- spirited woman like his mother would marry a trash like his father , from what he was told  about his mother , Sarah Shaw comes from a decent family and well fed family her family was also very loving and caring from what she had told him ,then why didn't her family came to visit her in last twenty years and why did she always becomes so depressed whenever anyone talks about her family. Sarah Shaw was also a very smart and independent woman then why did she married his father a strong willed woman like his mother why didn't she pursued her dreams but instead gave up everything and became a housewife . There was definitely a reason behind this , in his last life Bryan didn't bother with this stuff but now he is gonna find out that exactly what happened to his mother .
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