Chapter Three

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“Hi, I’m Serenity, but my friends call me Wren. Stupid nickname, I know, but it’s a little easier than saying my whole name all the time.”   The girl standing in front of us was tall and slim, her bleach blonde hair falling in loose curls down past her shoulders. I had to hand it to her, she could talk the leg off a chair if she had the time to. Although her voice had a high-pitched tone, I still found her fascinating, the way she seemed so confident and sure of herself. Yet, she still only looked at me as she spoke, making me feel like her words were only for me. “Let’s get you settled in your rooms shall we,” she chirped turning to strut down the hallway. We passed by classrooms as we walked, Serenity pointing to each and telling us what classes were held in them. A few other students walked past us as we went, and one boy whistled to Serenity, “Hey Wren, will I see you in my bed tonight?” he goaded. “You wish, Muncie, I’m too high on the food chain for you to reach.” After that, I knew she was a higher-level Effigy, maybe a nine or ten by the aura she projected, but I could be wrong. I had always been able to read other Effigy’s energy auras. It was never a surprise like my other powers, but I had still yet to master it. We reached Liam’s room first, “This is the lower-level wing. I assume you were given your class itinerary and room key?” Serenity said, looking bored. Liam nodded, “Good. Also, the lower levels aren’t allowed to mingle in the higher-level common areas, I can’t guarantee your safety if you were to break our most important rule.”    “What if he’s coming to see me?” I ask, confused. Serenity turns to me, giving me a small smile, “The shared areas are the cafeteria and the gardens.” She turned and started to walk away. I gave Liam a small smile but he didn’t smile back, he just looked… broken. It felt like we had walked for a lifetime before Serenity finally stopped at another door. “This is your room; I hope it’s to your liking. If not, I’m sure we can have some of the one’s or two’s come up and change it for you.” “No, I’m sure it’s just fine,” I say, looking at the door. “This is the Elites floor so I can’t stay for too long, but you’re quite welcome to come and sit with me for lunch. I really think we could be fast friends, you and I,” she said, batting her fake eyelashes. “Yeah, maybe,” I replied, “It was nice to meet you Serenity.” “Please, call me Wren,” she said as I walked into my room and closed the door.    This place was huge. I couldn’t believe that she thought I wouldn’t like it, and that she would have gladly sent low-level Effigy’s up to change it for me. This place was more like an apartment than a bedroom. I expected a room the size of my closet at Liam’s place, with a single bed and nightstand. I’m sure I looked ridiculous, standing there with my jaw hanging agape while my eyes scanned the room. I slowly dragged my suitcase over to the open-plan kitchen, leaving it by the island bench. There was a massive window at the back of the apartment that looked out over the gardens; they were impeccable. There were large black leather sofas and a huge flat screen TV next to the kitchen and five doors along the left side wall. Curious, I walked to the first and swung it open. There was a king-size bed against the far wall and the colour scheme was a dark blue, accented with gold. Even though I didn’t want to, I debated asking Selene for it to be changed, but changed my mind when I got to the next room. It also had a king-size bed but the colours were soft purple with white accents. It was perfect. I went to fetch my bag and wheeled it into the room. After placing the bag on the bed, I found that the room had its own adjoining bathroom and a closet that was half the size of the room; it was insane. I quickly unpacked, chuckling at my clothes barely taking up two shelves. Afterwards, I decided to keep exploring the house. The third door was another bedroom, this one grander than both the first one, and mine. The fourth door was yet another room, in dark blues and gold, and the fifth was, you guessed it, another blue bedroom. “What the heck is going on?” I say to myself as I pull the door closed. “I’d like to know the same thing,” a husky voice grumbles from the front door. I swing around, holding my hand to my chest as I try to steady my breathing. “What the hell are you doing in here, get out!” I try to yell, but it comes out all squeaky and breathless. “Excuse me, but you’re the one I caught coming out of my bedroom, so maybe you should get out. How did you even get in here? Did Serenity have the Scraps come up to change everything again?”   He sounded annoyed and I could guess that Serenity had taken it upon herself to change the whole apartment to suit me in the hopes that I would be her friend. “Who do you think you’re calling a Scrap?” I huffed, crossing my arms and glaring at the annoying, yet undeniably handsome stranger. “Well, that’s what you are, aren’t you? A dirty little thieving Scrap. I mean why else would you be snooping around my room?” I shook my head and laughed. This guy may be attractive but he was clearly not very intelligent, “I’ll be in my room when you wake up to yourself and want to apologize,” I say, walking into my bedroom and slamming the door. I couldn’t believe that I had been put into an apartment with such a foul-mouthed moron. Why would the headmaster assign me a room where I’d be around boys? Surely there was some kind of mistake here?    ****   I woke up later in the afternoon, after having decided to take a nap so that I was refreshed for my first class. The higher-level classes seemed to be later in the evenings, maybe to stop the students from partying in their dorm rooms at night? The guy from earlier still hadn’t come to apologise to me so I assumed that he hadn’t realised who I was yet; stupid men. I got myself showered and dressed in a pair of light grey jeans and a black singlet for class. I had my hair tied up in a bun on top of my head and a light coating of foundation to help dull the intensity of my freckles. Since I first got my wings, I had found out that I could control when they came out, so I preferred to keep them concealed; much like the whips. I didn’t need people whispering about me behind my back. When I left my room, the Television was on and the same guy was sitting there with a controller in his hand, playing some sort of shooting game. I tip-toed towards the front door quietly, hoping he wouldn’t notice me. I chanced a look back to check that he hadn’t spotted me, but he suddenly wasn’t there anymore. What the?    As I turned to face the door, I ran straight into a solid chest, winding myself, and stumbled back. I tried desperately to catch myself on the kitchen counter but missed and fell towards the ground. Warm, strong arms wrapped around my waist and I was suddenly swept off my feet. His scent was intoxicating and I couldn’t help but inhale, my body relaxing into him. “Gotcha!” he chuckled, tightening his grip. My brain finally caught up with the whole situation and I struggled to get out of his grasp. “What are you doing? I was fine!” I said, finally getting away from him. “Is that how you thank someone for helping you?” he asked crossing his arms over his chest. My eyes floated down his body, the sight of his muscles straining against his tight fitting t-shirt making my mouth water uncontrollably. I gulped loudly and looked back to his face, where a smirk was evident on his lips. “Why should I thank you for anything? You accused me of being a thief. I wasn’t told that I would be sharing a dorm room with an imbecile, so maybe you should apologize first and then I’ll think about saying thank you.” He laughed. Like a full-on bellowing laugh that shook my insides and made a wetness pool between my legs. “What’s so funny,” I grunted, crossing my arms in a huff. He stood up straight and tried to control himself, but excitement still jumped around in his crystal blue eyes. “Oh nothing, I just find it hilarious that a nobody like you, thinks you can tell me what to do. Do you even know who I am?” “I’m assuming you’re going to be upset when I say that I have no bloody idea who you are, and I honestly couldn’t give two shits. And for your information, I’m not a nobody, I’m actually more powerful than you, since you clearly aren’t very gifted at reading auras; so, don’t f**k with me,” I ranted, before turning and leaving the room. I crossed my fingers and hoped that he would leave me alone from now on so that I could just live and study in peace.    My first two classes, English and PE, were pretty simple in regards to the work, but every single person I saw were either staring at me or whispering loudly about me to other classmates. I thought this school was supposed to be different from the human schools, we still had to do mandatory English, Math and PE, and they obviously had the same issues with idle gossip, so I guess it’s universal. I walked to the cafeteria, hoping to see Liam since we clearly weren’t going to have classes together. When I pushed the doors open, every single pair of eyes in the room landed on me. I slowly walked in, looking around at all the faces. Liam wasn’t here, maybe he had gone to eat in his room? I should go and find him. “Emerald! Over here!” Serenity’s shrill voice called from the other side of the room just as I was turning to leave. Everyone diverted their eyes to her, some looking jealous that she knew me, others just looked unsurprised by her behaviour. I walked over quickly, keeping my head down. As I sat in the seat beside her, she stood up, “You losers can go back to your boring lives now!” she yelled. Everyone went back to what they were doing before I came in, though the sounds of whispering echoed throughout the room. “Sorry about that, they’re all curious about you, but the lower levels are just trying to figure out how dangerous you are to them.” “I’m not dangerous to anybody. I just want to do my classwork and lay low until I finish here,” I said, drawing circles on the table with my finger. “Well you were put on the Elite’s floor, so surely you are dangerous in some way,” a girl with brown hair and glasses said accusingly from across the table. Serenity stood up again, “Let’s cut with the heavy and get you some food, I’m sure you’re hungry.” “Sure, thanks,” I whispered, still keeping my head down.    Once Serenity walked out of earshot, the same girl leant over the table, her large breasts nearly spilling from her low cut crop top, “So I heard you were roomed with the Pantheon, how’s that going for you?” I looked up at her, confused. “Pantheon?” “Yeah, the four Elites you live with, everyone here calls them the Pantheon. They’ve known each other since they were little, and their parents are powerful, high-levelled Effigy. They’re the closest thing we have to true gods here.” I swallowed loudly, kicking myself for stirring up trouble with someone that was clearly worshipped at this school. Serenity came back then, holding a tray with a sandwich and apple juice on it. “Here lovely, I didn’t know what you liked, so I just got you what I would choose.” It was clear to me that Serenity was desperate to make me one of her followers, to prove to everyone that she was desirable. “I have to go, sorry,” I rush out, getting up from the table. Again, everyone’s eyes came to me and I quickly ran out of the room. I wanted so badly to see Liam, to apologise for my behaviour and make things better with us, but I needed to go and fix the trouble I had caused with my house mate more, before he could tell the other guys about me.   Walking to my room, I grew more nervous as I thought of something to say to cut the tension and solve the issue that he clearly had with me. What I didn’t expect was to open the door and come face to face with not only him, but three other guys who were just as gorgeous. My mouth fell open, struggling to form a coherent sentence. “Hello,” I choked out. It was the only thing my brain could think to say. They all stood like statues, different looks on each of their faces. The one I’d had troubles with earlier looked smug, just as he did before I went to class, though his black hair was tousled and he looked like he’d just woken up. The next one, tall and slender, with fiery red hair and wearing black jeans, a dark grey button up shirt and black leather jacket, looked surprised. The third, with white-blonde hair, and also impeccably dressed, stood leaning casually against the kitchen counter, looking bored. When my eyes fell on the fourth, I swallowed back the saliva that had built in my mouth. He was the sumptuous boy I’d seen leaving the headmasters office earlier in the day. To say I was lost for words would be an understatement. I felt like a deer in the headlights, unable to move or form a coherent sentence. The boy that I’d had troubles with took a step towards me, his smile growing impossibly wider. “Aw, look guys, she’s scared,” he teased with a laugh. That comment was enough to snap me out of my momentary brain-fart. “I’m not scared of you,” I said, trying desperately to stop my voice from shaking. And it was true, I wasn’t scared. No, it was much worse than being afraid of them. Even though I couldn’t understand why- when I didn’t know any of them- I was absolutely captivated by each one. The rude one laughed again, breaking me from my thoughts, “Brave. I do like a challenge,” he chuckled, his eyebrows furrowing in a mischievous way.    “Leave the poor girl alone, Kaiser,” the white-haired boy said to him placing his hand on the moron’s chest as he went to pass him, heading for me. “She’s obviously new here, with time she will learn who her superiors are.” Even he had a slight smirk on his face as he spoke about me, which turned my fascination with them into anger. “Superior? So, you’re clearly as deluded as your little friend over here,” I said pointing towards Kaiser, “I’m not some dumb, scared little thing that you can tell what to do. Who do you think you are? Oh wait, I know, you call yourselves The Pantheon, what is that supposed to be code for? You might as well just call yourselves the Egocentric Bone-heads.” The eyes of the red-haired boy lit up as I finished my rant and he actually looked less bored by my presence, clearly, I had struck a nerve. “Egocentric? Who the f**k do you think you’re talking to, you lowly scrap,” Kaiser basically growled, his silver eyes swirling with threads of blue. “That’s enough Kaiser,” the black-haired boy, from this morning, said, stepping forward to block Kaiser’s path to me. “We knew how she would react when we decided to goad her, now take control of yourself or I will do it for you.” Kaiser’s eyes were still swirling and I could see his hands shaking with his rage. He darted to the side, trying to side step the black-haired boy, but he wasn’t fast enough. “I said, it’s enough, Kaiser. Last chance,” the guy said, blocking him once again. Kaiser looked at me, then at his friend, “Just let me by, Cerberus. I won’t do much damage, just enough to teach the scrap a lesson,” Kaiser whined, practically begging Cerberus to give him permission to attack me. Cerberus crossed his arms over his heavy chest and shook his head, “No.” Kaiser’s hands stopped shaking and he looked fed up with the situation, “Fine, then let me by so I can leave. I have better things to do that play around with you pansies.” Cerberus stepped back towards me, until his back was less than an inch from my face, then gestured towards the open to door with his left hand, “By all means,” he said, not taking his eyes off of Kaiser.    Kaiser stormed out of the apartment, his fists balled at his sides, not even bothering to close the door behind him. Cerberus pushed it closed before turning to look at me, a cheesy grin pulling at his lips, “Well, I had hoped for some excitement tonight but you clearly don’t value your life, little girl.” It was my turn to get angry now, “Just FYI, if I hear any of you call me a ‘little girl’ or ‘scrap’ one more time I’m going to end your miserable lives while you’re asleep. I didn’t come here to be accosted by the likes of you four and I’m sure as hell not going to lie down and take your crap. Now, it’s obvious you’ve all had your fun getting a rise out of the new girl, so if you don’t mind, I’d like to get some sleep.” Cerberus’s smile faded at the mention of being murdered in his sleep, and the other two took on serious frowns also. I walked straight past them, feeling their eyes on my back until entered my room. I quickly snapped the lock into place before heading for a much-needed shower. I wasn’t usually so aggressive but for some reason I felt the need to assert my dominance over them. With the whole time I was out there, I had been able to get a pretty good read on their aura’s. Of the four, Cerberus was definitely the strongest, but I still didn’t know what powers he held. Kaiser was still quite powerful, along with the other two, but there was just something different about Cerberus’s aura that intrigued me.    I let the warm water calm me as I stood under its soothing stream. Not even an entire twenty-four hours in this place and the power struggle had already reared its ugly head. Mrs. Green was right, I’d already experienced first-hand, all of these strangers trying to push me in to submission. Serenity was going about it a different way than my room mates have, and I commend her on her efforts, but I could see straight through the fake persona that she so gladly flaunted. I knew she was just trying to make me one of her friends so that she could say she had acquired me, just like I could tell she had done with the other girls who followed her around like lost puppies. Kaiser, Cerberus and the other two had also tried to assert their dominance over me, trying to force me into submission by tearing me down with their words. I wouldn’t let them though, I could feel my power coursing through my veins, just like I had every single day of my life, and there wasn’t a chance in hell that I was going to bow down like some disciple. I honestly didn’t care who they were or how extraordinary they thought they were, they were never going to break me. 
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