Chapter 2

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Chapter 2Dinner at Bahama Breeze had been wonderful, and now Katelyn and Mike were sitting around the fire at the outdoor bar as Katelyn drank one of their fabulous pina coladas, laced with strawberry. She glanced sideways through her lashes at Mike. “Won’t you please tell me what my birthday surprise is?” “No,” he answered. “You’re going to have to wait until tomorrow.” Katelyn had trouble sleeping that night as her thoughts kept drifting to her birthday surprise which was supposed to arrive at 10 am. At first she thought that Mike had arranged a vacation for them, and his parents would arrive to baby sit at 10 am. But then she realized that couldn’t be it. Not that they didn’t need a vacation. They hadn’t really gone anywhere since moving from Chicago to Fort Myers, Florida a year before the twins were born. Of course, Katelyn had gone back to Chicago often with the kids while Mike was working, and she often wondered if she should have let him convince her to move south. However, Mike was the one earning all the money, and she felt it was appropriate that he should be happy. And she hated the cold Illinois winters and rainy springs. Mike was a computer consultant who traveled extensively for work and could live anywhere, and when he decided to pursue his slice of paradise, Katelyn was mostly willing to oblige. She had hated leaving her family and friends though, and although her in-laws lived in Fort Myers, she wasn’t close with them like she was with her own family. One plus was that the in-laws could occasionally watch the children, but normally they were pretty busy with their own activities. They resided in a 50-plus community and always had something going on, it seemed. Is that what life is all about Katelyn wondered as she stepped into the shower after giving up on trying to get more sleep. Stay home and raise kids for years and then get older and be excited about the next bridge party you’d attend with the other senior citizens? There had to be something more. As much as she loved Mike and the kids, she felt like something was missing in her life, and it wasn’t just missing her loved ones in Chicago. She knew she needed something, but she had no idea what that might be. Katelyn dressed quickly in a short black cotton skort with a white tank top and sandals. Going to the gym was impossible, but since they had a large home with extra bedrooms, Mike had set her up with a home gym. Katelyn tried to use it as much as she could, but some weeks she was just too tired to get in many workouts. However, she did manage to do enough to keep nicely toned, and she always felt better when she worked out. Thus, her thighs in her short skort looked very firm and shapely. Katelyn put gel in her hair and scrunched it. That was one good thing about hot Florida---she didn’t need to spend time drying her hair. Next, she applied her makeup. Makeup was the one concession she’d made to her appearance. She might not style her hair or take the time to put on her jewelry, but she always liked to wear makeup----at least some mascara, blush and lipstick, if she was rushed. Her lips were full and puffy and looked great with a bright lipstick. She felt it brightened her whole face----especially on those tired days. Breakfast that morning was a typical affair at the McKinley household. Connor got cereal in his brother’s hair; Carly spilled her orange juice-----nothing out of the ordinary. Katelyn was distracted, however, thinking about her surprise. Mike was closed in his home office, working, and said he’d pop out around 10:00 for the surprise to arrive. Katelyn watched the clock almost constantly, until finally it was 9:50. The kids were busily playing, and Mike came out of his office looking pleased with himself. At around 9:58 the doorbell rang, and he answered the door. A beautiful petite blonde girl walked through the door pulling a wheeled suitcase behind her. She was smiling and her face was radiant, Katelyn thought. Of course, Katelyn was completely confused. The girl said hello to Mike and then walked over to Katelyn and took her hand. She looked into the older woman’s eyes and smiled sweetly. “I’m Hayley Matthews. You must be Katelyn,” she said. Katelyn nodded, and found that she was staring at the girl’s eyes which were the color of the Gulf of Mexico in spring. Katelyn looked at the pretty face in front of her and found that she was thinking how appealing this girl was. She just stared for a moment, still almost mesmerized. “I’m your new nanny,” Hayley said. “How do you like your husband’s birthday present? I’m taking a semester off of school, so I’ll be here all summer and through December at least. Well? What do you think? I was dying to surprise you.” “Wow,” Katelyn finally responded. “I’m shocked. I don’t really know what to say, but I think I’ll end up getting used to this quickly,” she said with a laugh. “I feel more relaxed already.” “Good, well that’s why I’m here,” Hayley replied. She couldn’t believe this beautiful, sexy brunette was the exhausted, wiped-out mother that the husband had described during their interview. This lady was stunning and looked much younger than 32. Hayley couldn’t help it; she was instantly attracted to Katelyn and stole quick looks at her face, breasts and legs. “Let me show you to your room,” Mike said. “Please feel free to use our home like your own---just make yourself at home. After you get unpacked you can meet our little rug rats.” Hayley followed Mike down a long tiled hallway. She couldn’t believe what a large, gorgeous home they had. She knew Mike was successful in business but had no idea what to expect. About anything, I guess, she said to herself.
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