
1170 Words
I lay in bed looking up recalling her in the kitchen . She was blinding my eyes and now my thoughts , how is she so fine and so young , I do know she had a baby at a very tender age but damn Mrs. Hunter is another whole new package of sexy . If they ever made a s*x toy looking like her I would sell my soul to the devil to have all of them . I am not the kind of guy that can go gaga over a woman but this time am caught hands down . I felt so hot I don't think even wanking could do much . I did something I often don't do and have never done ...ever. I got off from my bed and sneaked into her room I didn't think what would happen if she caught me in her room. I needed to see her before I slept , I could say I had a nightmare and got scared , I laugh at the thought of a muscular grown up man telling a gorgeous lady he's scared of a nightmare and crept to her room that would sound like a perfect candidate for a stalker . Her bedroom was large like a queen's bedroom .A massive bed , several portraits of her husband some shirtless , some in suits and hers in a lingerie and white dress. Her scent was all over . I never forget her scent , spices and strawberry at times cherry blossoms or fresh vanilla since I was a kid . I went to her bed I began to stroke her hair , she's a sleeping beauty. I laid on top of her ...goodness Tyson what the f**k are you doing ! I cant tell where the courage came from I just had to do all this . I looked at her she was asleep . 'Hash darling , its okay ' came a flashback I couldn't get the image but I could feel those words coming out of my mouth in the flashback . I leaned closer to her. I interlocked my fingers to hers and it felt so familiar and close to home its like I have held her like this before. My eyes shot at her lips they were full and pink , I was so used to seeing her in deep red matte lipstick , her lips are cute without the lipsticks still she's beautiful either way. I feel something soft and warm on my mouth , only to realize I was kissing her she kissed me back and held my neck . I broke off from the kiss shortly I didn't want to bang her while she was asleep . If Knight found out I was kissing his mom while she was asleep he will rip me to shreds . What of Mrs. Hunter she will rip by balls out , I just saw her single handedly rip a man's chest and crush his heart with her hands. "Tyson... "she said softly in her sleep , she called my name . Is she dreaming about me or is she aware I actually kissed her. I went back to my room unseen . I hated myself for having kissed her while she was asleep I felt its like I just raped her. What I can't understand is why do I get flashbacks then I have this weird feeling . When am with Knight I always have the feeling to take care of him , Marcos his boyfriend once said I sometimes treat him like he was my child . I felt so much anger when I saw a bully bullying Knight I beat him up bloody and made sure he and any other bully got the message Knight was nobody's toy he was my best friend, he was a part of me . When Knight tried to commit suicide for being gay I walked up to him as he stood at the edge of the rooftop . I felt a bitter pang thinking he could've died . I hugged him tightly when he came to my side . "I promise to always be here , I am here for you ."I said . "Thank you Tyson , thank you so much "He said . I would kill for him , anything for my best friend. I left for work early , I used a taxi but honestly am heading to work early because I am a little guilty to face Mrs. Hunter after sleep kissing her last night . I had a few court cases to deal with and a whole lot of paper work to file . I distracted myself the entire day with work . I took a taxi back to Mrs. Hunter's mansion. I arrived at ten . I closed the door . "Oh ! The f*****g hell ! Tyson how could you! “came Knight's voice from upstairs. Uh oh! Am in big trouble... they knew. " Tyson ."came Mrs. Hunter's firm voice ... am so dead . Knight came down and stood next to his mom. "I am sorry I didn't mean to” I said even when I knew an apology wouldn't spare my life . "Tyson , you shouldn't feel left out , you cant use a taxi when I have so many cars . Feel free to pick whichever you will feel is fit for you "she said . Huh ! What! "You are my brother , a family . I can't have my brother in some taxi . "Knight said This is about the taxi . "Am deeply sorry I didn't inform you both . I had to rush to the office but am so sorry "I said phew! "Its okay , anyway its dinner time "Mrs. Hunter said . Knight put his shoes on and took some car keys. "Am heading to pick Marcos from the airport, will be back in a few “he said . He kissed his mom on her cheek and tapped my shoulder . He left . I walked after Mrs. Hunter to the dinner table . I had dinner as she was on her IPad going through some work giving me ample time to look at her studying her features like fine piece of art .She looked up and our eyes locked like a magnetic charge, she blushed a little and sipped her wine . I went to work out a little then showered. I saw her playing pool and decided to join her . She looked even younger in shorts and a tank top . If I had a mom like that I would certainly wife her , incest ... my ass. 'Pedophile ..my ass..' came another flashback statement. I hope to someday understand why I get this random flashbacks especially when am near Mrs. Hunter and Knight. I have never told anyone including my dads . They will tell me to go see a psychiatrist and am not ready to waste months in an office sitting miserably on a couch saying my problems a dozen times to someone. All I need is patience ...
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