Nine: What have I want

1525 Words
Ever since she left the hotel that night, she knew she was being stalked. She could feel it in her gut that, yes indeed she was been followed. After parking the car at the apartment parking lot, she waited for a while then brought out her bag and removed a face pepper spray from it. She held tightly to it before exiting the car. Actually it was not only a pepper spray but below it, a knife was attached and she was grateful that she had purchased it at the market sales that day. She walked faster to the elevator and turned in fear when she felt as if someone was behind her. She was only met by a few breezes and she heaved a sighed before she continued to walk to the elevator. She was glad that the elevator closed safely with only her in it. But her only wish to see herself in the comfort of her, then she will forever be grateful. The elevator dinged and the metal door opened only for her come face to face with Phoebe. She has been seeing her coming out from Tristan’s apartment and to say, she hates that. If she is to say then she knows her life is pathetic more than anyone could imagine. And for the fact that she hates Phoebe without even knowing her for a second or long enough, an hour. That must be how pathetic she is to be with Tristan even once. “Hey.” Phoebe said to her with a smile. Danna began to hate herself for hating Phoebe when the lady seems totally fine and nice. But would she mind if she gets a taste of Tristan? Of course, she won’t because he is entitled to do whatever he wants to, regardless of what she thinks. “Hi” she replied nervously. There was something she was unsure of; she could feel it in her. She hurriedly left for her apartment and fiddled with the key to open it which phoebe thought as an odd behavior. Finally, she was able to open the door and closed it with a loud bang. “God, what is this feeling?” she uttered. For an atheist like her, she does know that the God exist but she is not just going to believe that because of the responsibilities it comes with, she is not ready to be committed into that so she never attempt to believe. She dropped the tote bag she took to work before stripping out of her clothes, she would love to become a stripper but finding her will be an easy task to Eli and she is not ready for that. And sadly she could not chase her dreams of becoming a stripper even with her hour glass figure because she knows that out there, there would definitely be men that are like Eli; Monster. She tiptoed to the bathroom getting a different type of feeling. For almost a week or more, she has not been laid and the anticipation of her getting f****d from the behind by Tristan kept flashing on her mind. If only dreams could come true. After filling the bath tub, she dropped a bubble bomb into it and waited for it to dissolve. Then she dragged opened a chest drawer and brought out a brand new vibrator. She slowly slipped in the vibrator into her cunt; she felt it to the core. Ever since she was with Eli, she had gotten it as birthday gift for herself but she wasn’t able to use it as Eli warned her against. He clearly told her that she belongs to him and her cunt too, to even prove that, he had s*x with her vigorously that night that she thought she was going to pass out and it was good for her to deny. If not for the s*x and the money Eli made sure she never lacked, then she has nothing to do with an abusive and inconsiderate man like him. And she is happy that she boldly walked out of it or not, she knew the worst would have happen. The atmosphere was getting more intense and the air was stiffed. At anytime, she could get her orgasm but she was not ready. She felt like she was missing something at the moment. Of course, it has to be Tristan and his long finger as they stroke her cunt and the other hand choking her down on her breathe. Instantly, she remember a funny situation where Eli had choked her down and he mistakenly blocked one her arteries, causing her to be unconscious for a day. It was indeed an embarrassing day for her when the doctor had asked Eli to stop choking her while they have s*x. At the same time she was sad, because she was into b**m and she had never showed it to Eli seeing how abusive he became when she found out she loved been spanked and choked down. When she was tired of holding her orgasm down, she pulled out the vibrator and winced at the lost of the contact. She moaned loudly as her orgasm came and her cunt dripped with her juice. She was happy that the apartment was sound proof so she doesn’t have to worry about someone or anyone hearing her pleasuring herself and the end, doing that was not bad at anyway. She cleared her body by the shower stand before using a clean towel to clean over her skin. She then moved to the walk-in closet and chose out lingerie that she loves wearing. When she was dressed, she moved to the kitchen to find something to eat. She decided to microwave the remaining Pizza she had gotten the other day from an eatery called ‘TheHouseHut.’ Apart from her, then it is the second best pizza she had ever tasted. That was why she doesn’t buy any other pizza than that or she makes her choice with no one to eat it with her. After microwaving it, she ambled to the living room to watch some new series released by Netflix recently. She was busy with how to break up with Eli without being harm and also the interview stuff that she was not able to finish the series she was watching. That today she was going to pull an all-nighter and finish it. She is challenging herself to that. --- Tristan had heard everything that going on Danna’s mind and he didn’t how to act. He was not ready to give into humans and have anything to with them. But ever since that day that she had jumped into his car, he felt as if he was tangled into her web. He couldn’t even thinking of her using magic on him because she is a pure human and the witches don’t even work with the humans, except they are under some circumstances or they are traitors to the werewolves. One day he knows for sure he will make her dream comes true if he keeps acting like he is indebted to her when he clearly is not. Everything was happening so fast that he can’t think straight, he was also beginning to hope that he will have Danna in his hold while he played with her c******s, even when he was having s*x with Phoebe, he could only see her face. To make everything worst was when he heard her thought about him pulling her down while he f****d her from the behind and his hands plays with her cunt, he almost lost it and he had to hold himself together before he will marched to her side and pin her down the chairs while he have his way with her. To clear his thought about him and Danna, he went to the kitchen to brew himself some coffee and at the same time, the door bell rang. He could hear the person’s heartbeat and he knew for sure it was not Phoebe or Danna. It was too fast for them. Without any fear, he opened the door, only to see Harold standing in his casual wears and he was holding his first child, Jason. “Man, what are you doing here this late? And why do you have to drag Jason with you?” He questioned letting them in. “Well, let assume I was escaping from Matilda and the boy missed his Godfather, I offered to bring him here to pass the night since tomorrow is Saturday.” Harold answered kicking his palms shoe to the side, and Jason did the same. They occupied the chair while Jason turned on the television and played his favorite cartoon on Netflix. It left Tristan puzzled because he had never imagined that a child his age could operate technology like that when he had to suffer for awhile before he got used to it. “I promise the world had changed that I can’t even imagine how fast.” He muttered making Harold to laugh at his words. He will never get used to it, even for a day.
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