Six: Eli?

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Danna was super excited that she had gotten a job as a minor chef in the hotel. "Uh Miss." someone called out to her, she turned around to see who it was. It was another staff who was walking towards her to congratulate her. She waited for him to reach her, she took out her hand and he brought his forward too. He had this embarrassed look on his, not knowing her name. "Congratulations Miss er." he stammered with a full smile on his face showing his set of teeth and his enlarged pupil. "Danna."she said, helping him out. She smiled "The name is Danna, Danna Alex." she added pulling some stands of hair off her face. "Yes Danna." he laughed " I am sorry I didn't know our name. I'm Greg, Greg Richard, I'm also a staff here in this very department." he said with a very large smile. Still holding on to her hand, he immediately released it. There was a sign of shyness written all over his face. "That is great Greg, it's a pleasure to meet you." she said as she released the breath she had been holding for a while now. "I guess I'll be seeing you round much often" she said and finally added. "It is really my pleasure meeting you today Greg, enjoy the rest of your evening." As she was turning around to go, she heard another familiar voice. This one was a bit deeper though "Danna? Are you leaving already" Dom asked her. Her eyes wanted to pop because she realized that she didn't take a proper thorough look at him when he first walked in. "Urrrr good evening Sir Dominic" she said. "Come on now, You can just call me Dom Danna."he said. "Okay Dom, I'm sorry."she responded. "Thats fine Danna, congratulations n your new job once again." he said. "As you know I'm he head chef here in this kitchen and the hotel at large and anything that happens here doesn't happen without my knowledge." he paused to look at her and get her reaction. She nodded. Then he continued "Since you'll be working here from now on, do well to get to know the other members of the kitchen and get familiar with the dishes and the quality around here." he exhaled. "Your uniform will be given to you the day you resume' he added, "Umh when will that be sir." she asked cutting him short in his sentence. "That will be tomorrow morning at 8am, we'll start with you with that shift." "Alright sir." she said. "Is that okay with you Danna?" he added asking. "Yes Dom."she answered smiling. "I will see you tomorrow then, enjoy the rest of our evening Danna."he said finally as he walked away farther into the kitchen as he went to attend to other issues in the kitchen. "Have a nice evening too sir Dominic."she replied raising her voice a little. She walked backwards toward the kitchen door, taking one last full glance at the majestic kitchen again with a smile on her face. As she got out and the door closed in front of her she exhaled for a few seconds on the same breath. She turned to head out of the area. She was bubbling, she was super excited she didn't now when she let out a scream. She pressed her hand against her mouth. She laughed heartily within her, she felt like a little child who had just been given a large sized teddy bear for Christmas. As she composed herself to continue walking then she heard footsteps. It sounded like heels against the tiled floor and it sounded like the person was in a rush. She kept on walking anyways, she was about taking the turn that led to the reception when She bumped into someone. "Ouch!"Danna yelled as she held her forehead. "Oh my God I'm so sorry Miss" The lady who bumped into her kept on saying repeatedly. Danna's head was still faced towards the floor as she was trying to regain herself because the collision was something else. Danna finally looked up and saw it was the lady at the reception. The receptionist. "It's alright" Danna mumbled as she began to compose herself and in an attempt to also calm the young lady down. She looked like some one in the same age range as she herself. "I am really sorry Miss." the receptionist began again. "ai heard a scream and it came from around here" she paused using her eyes to scan and scout the area for what could have possibly been the issue that brought up the scream but she found nothing, only then did she continue what she was saying. "So I immediately came here to check out the area." she paused and looked at Danna again before continuing. "And that wasnwhen I bumped into you, I'm so so sorry" she ended with the apology. There was a short period of silence as they both stared at each other, the receptionist breathing heavily and Danna just staring. "Its okay." Danna finally spoke up breaking the silence. "Are you okay miss?" The receptionist asked showing concern. "I'm alright."she smiled. "You are the lady who came by earlier for the interview right?" She questioned Danna. "Danna Alex right? You asked to see the CEO Mr. Daniel."she said with a glow on her face. Danna was a bit lost at her facial expression but still answered though "Yes I am." She managed to smile. "So how was the interview? Did you get the job?"she asked "Yes the interview was good and I got the job as a matter of fact." she said with a glint of pride. "Oh, congratulations to you girl" the receptionist said. "Forgive my manners I'm Susan, Susan Matthews."she said gesturing to her name tag which hung on her uniform as she speaks. "It is a pleasure meeting you Susan" Danna said. "Welcome to the family" Susan said excitedly. "I better get back to my duty post." she said and turned to go "Congrats once again, see you around" she said and winked. Danna was taken unawares by that very act. "I'm not a lesbian"she said to herself. She then continued to rearrange her clothes and head out toyhe parking lot where her car was parked. Danna took in the air as she stepped outside he door of the hotel. She felt fresh all over again. The feel of the new job and in an exquisite place under good working conditions. The feeling was heaven to her. She walked over to the parking lot to get her car and get home as soon as possible. She had her head held high, she was flying on invisible wings... She laughed inside her Danna got to her car and began searching for her car keys She couldn't find them in her purse. She dropped her resume file on the roof of the car and began to panic "Be calm Danna"she said to herself and took in deep breaths. Beads of sweat were already forming at her forehead. She moved strands of hair from her face. She was lost, she didn't know what to do, after all the happiness in the last few minutes and hours to be crushed by this...her missing car keys. She was shattered, she put her back against against the side of the driver seat of her car. She was restless. Her joy and happiness was crushed at the moment, out of frustration she began to gather her things. She put her lip gloss first then her card and her cell phone and her pen and picked up her resume and began to head out of the parking lot. She entered the parking lot with her face blooming but now she was leaving with sadness in her heart and written all over her face. She reached the door, she had already decided to take a taxi home and then call a tow truck to come and get her car and bring it home for her. She reached the gate of the hotel, she stared at the road waiting for a taxi. She became lost in thought, flashbacks of her relationship with Eli came to her head. How they met and started out as a loving couple and people even admired their relationship. But it all ended up as a disappointment, it broke her but then she was happy she left him. She thought she could be dedicated to him and truth be told she was going to be but she couldn't keep up with his attitude. And besides she missed being free, she missed the fun of visiting clubs and hanging out with guys and girls alike. So many thoughts like that popped up in her head "Danna Danna" someone called out to her. The voice sounded like it was coming from behind her. She turned to see who called her and her face beamed with a glow at what she saw.
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