+CHAPTER 18+ A Spineless Luna

1913 Words

"Father the bastard is deceiving Rebecca. He told her that she is his mate when he already had a mate. We have to save her." Aron growled. He was visibly shaking with anger while sitting across his father in his office. Aron barely resisted the urge to slam his fists on the table between them. "We are werewolves son. You know that we have no say in the matters of Lycans." Simon's tone was so relaxed that it made Aron even more furious this time not just with the bastard lycan prince but with his own father too who seemed too unbothered by everything related to Rebecca, his own granddaughter. "It is not the matter of the Lycans when a part of our family is involved." Aron let out between gritted teeth. "That girl isn't a part of us son. And besides that who is informing you with all this

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