Chapter 4: Rejection

1593 Words
The day I turned eighteen. I walked around my room, grabbed my clothes, and prepared for school. After my shower i put on my favorite black top, paired with my favorite jean shorts and black leather belt. I put on the necklace dad got for me the previous year, I put on my knee high banana socks and combat boots. I put my hair in a side braid and walked out of my room. As I entered the kitchen Tanner threw herself at me. "OMG! you're eighteen how does it feel sis?" "Like any other day." I lied, Ira normally is calm, but she was going stir crazy. I just couldn't tell them that. "Are you ready to go?" "Lets goooooo!!!!" Tanner squealed, I just had to laugh at her excitement. We walked to the school, Tanner jabbering the whole way, about how she couldn't wait to turn eighteen and find her mate. As we entered the gates I smelt something amazing, It was the smell of worn leather and the forest after it rained. I looked around and my heart dropped, I started to feel dizzy. There was no way, the moon goddess couldn't be this cruel could she? Just then i saw him slink away and I felt relieved he hadn't seen me. I waited at the gates for Ella, after a few minutes my chest started to burn, the pain kept getting worse and worse. It eventually got so bad i fell to my knees. I was clutching my chest, when my entire body went up in flames. I could feel myself screaming, but i couldn't, hear over the sound of my own heart beat. The pain in my stomach got so bad i began to vomit, I tasted copper in my mouth, and felt my nose start running. I wasn't aware i was shaking. I could hear Ira howling and whimpering in my head. Soon the pain lessened, my stomach unclenched, and my heart rate started dropping.  It was over, or so I thought. I tried standing back up, but was knocked to the ground when another wave of pain crippled me. I screamed louder than i ever had before,  I started vomiting again, this time with more force, my nose started running again, this time i felt something run down the side of my face. I was curled up in a ball, my forehead against the grass, my arms wrapped around my stomach.  The pain stopped again and i slowly lifted my head. I took my arms from my stomach and placed them on either side of me, i sat back on my heels, and looked around me. I saw Ella, Oliver, my dad, Tanner and my rouge pack. I held my hands out to Mia and Dawson, they pulled me up and i leaned against them.I then caught of whiff of my mate. He came to see what the commotion was about, when i saw him i knew what had happened. I was in pain, because he just f****d a w***e. Without thinking I grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground. Before he could collect himself i sat on his chest and started beating his face in, while saying "I, Finn Dalton, member of Dark-river pack, reject you, Christian Gale, as my mate and partner." Chris started screaming as our mate bond fractured. I was hauled off of him, by Oliver and Dawson. "What the f**k Finn?!" I heard Chris shout at me. At this point Ira was pissed too. (HOW DARE HE!  LETS KILL HIM! ) I growled at him threateningly, when he growled back I lost it. "WHAT THE f**k FINN!? FINN!? WHAT THE f**k IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU HAVE KNOWN FOR WEEKS THAT I WAS YOUR MATE AND YET YOU STILL WHORED YOUR WAY AROUND THE SCHOOL! SO DON'T YOU DARE QUESTION ME, GOT IT?" I heard gasps all around me reacting to my outburst.  Just then the Alpha showed up, my adrenaline faded and i leaned back against the boys. While i was beating Chris, some hair got in my face, i wiped it away and felt the drainage from my nose and started wiping it away. When I looked at my hand i froze, where i had just wiped my nose, there was blood. I used my other and and felt my cheek where the warm fluid had run down my cheek, bringing my hand in front of my face I saw more blood.  "Dawson how bad is it?" I whispered up at him, but he was too busy trading loving glances with Oliver. Of course the sexy ones are always gay. "What the hell is going on here?" The Alpha shouted.  "Alpha, my daughter turned eighteen today and recognized your son as her mate, he obviously has known for a few weeks...." "And your man-w***e son decided to f**k some bimbo in a broom closet causing me to suffer extreme agony, the proof is the blood on my face which ran from my nose and ears. Also the bloody vomit on the ground. So when i saw him i beat his face bloody and rejected him." I spat out. The Alpha turned to his son, and looked at him, then walked over to me and lifted my chin with his hand. He inspected my face then turned around. Before anyone could do anything he turned back around and punched me. "I don't care what he did, you assaulted an Alpha, which is a crime, your punishment is banishment." "Fine by me, I wouldn't want a rapist Alpha anyway." I growled. "I, Finn Dalton, hereby reject and cut all ties, with the Dark-river pack, from this day forth I will known as a rouge." And just like that I was a free wolf. I looked at my family and shot them apologetic glances before turning on my heel and walking away. Then i heard them. My sister and father leaving the pack, I heard tires screeching as my mom pulled up in the jeep, then she too left the pack. I felt a hand on my arm, I looked the owner of the hand and saw my dad smiling at me.  "Come on rouges lets go." I said as i walked farther away from the school. Before we left I turned to Dawson. "Where in the hell is William?" Oliver and Ella climbed in their own car with Mia and Rose. "Finn, Billy got a call from his sister last night and went back to his old pack." "Why didn't he say good-bye?" I whispered. Instead of waiting for and answer i got in the jeep with my family and Dawson, Oliver and Ella climbed in their own car with Mia and Rose, then we pulled away. I stared out the window. "What do you guys think about Vermont? I hear they only have one pack there."  "Honey we don't have an Alpha." My mom said "When we stop for the night, I gotta show you guys something." I sighed as I thought about, all the memories I was leaving behind. The good and the bad. ....................................Seven hours later............................... We finally stopped at a campground, parking the cars for the night. We all got out of our vehicles and stretched our legs. I went and gathered sticks and logs for a campfire. Although she had packed fast, mom got all our family's money, which added up to around two million. She also got a bunch of our clothes, and blankets. Then the time came for me to tell everyone about Ira. I called everyone over to the fire, and waited for them to settle down. "Before I tell you guys just know, I never wanted to lie to you for as long as I had to. If anything go said to anyone on accident, i would've been killed on sight." I had their undivided attention and I told them everything, starting with the rape and the threat on Tanner's life, my fifteenth birthday, Ira and the unusual abilities i possessed and my plan to kill Chris. Saving Ella and ripping off Marks arm, to this morning and how my plans had changed once I found out about my mate. When I was done I shifted to show them i was deadly serious. Out of them all, my father looked the least surprised, other than Ella. I shifted back with my clothes on, earning some surprised gaps. "Finn, you are freakin' awesome!" Dawson said as he jumped up and crushed me in a bear hug. "Sooooo, now that you guys know everything, what do you think about setting up in Vermont?" I asked hopeful "Let'd do it Alpha." Mia said. As soon as she called me Alpha I knew this was my path. "Alpha Finn." Rose said, then the rest repeated. "Mia Henley, Rose Low, Dawson Lawford, Oliver and Ella Hereford, Tanner, David and Jennifer Dalton. I welcome you all to the Golden-moon pack!" When i was done, we all were connected.  (Ella: OMG I can mind link again!!!) (Oliver: We all can.Thank you Alpha) "Now a few more things to do before bed. Dawson, I would like you to be my beta, Mia my gamma. Ella I would like you to be co-head warrior alongside my dad. Oliver I would like you to help with the finances. Mom, you and Tanner, will be the doctors for now." "Yes Alpha." They all replied.  "Now lets get some rest we have a long drive tomorrow."  We all shifted and slept in our wolf forms, I couldn't help but feel like a piece of me was missing.  (The curse of the mate bond, i'm afraid.) So I layed there all night, missing the part of me that was gone.   
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