Chapter 5:*Dawn*

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As Jaxon Mom yawned for a while, he stood beside her room door and watched. He prayed she doesn't wake up this night, he was not ready for all her nagging Eventually, She slept off again until the dawn. This time Mrs Ruth couldn't wake up as usual because she was tired and lacked energy as a result of being hungry before she slept, hence the slept on. Jaxon was still asleep in the morning at about 7 am when his Mom screamed his name. Jaxon! "Come on wake up its morning already if you were going to school today, would you still be asleep by now", she inquired. Jaxon was not going to school anymore because of a ridiculous hike in his school fees, so his Dad asked him to stay at a while he makes some more money to pay up his new fees. Then Mrs Ruth asked this all-important question which would definitely infuriate her and she was aware already. "Jaxon why did you make me not to eat before going to be last night, as a result, I couldn't wake to do my devotion in the middle of the night", she lamented. "Jaxon what have I done to you to deserve this from you. I try as much as I can to take care of you so well as my son, but you are not being so helpful to me" she sobbed. "You know very well how I love to eat before I got to bed at night, especially when we have some money to make my favourite night meal", she continued to lament. "But you continue to make me suffer for no reason, do you want to destroy my life Jaxon", She asked sorrowfully. "No Mom I don't want to destroy you", He replied remorsefully He knew he dare not try to explain further to his Mom why such a thing had happened last night because that will intensify her nagging and may lead to more sorrow, so Jaxon was very careful about talking much. Because Jaxon didn't talk much anymore, that ameliorated his Mom's anger. So she asked him to go and get the cooking utensil ready so she can prepare the sandwich for breakfast this morning. Immediately, Jaxon heard his Mom requesting that she want to go prepare the sandwich herself, he began to have a high fever. He became so uncomfortable. he didn't know how to tell his Mom that he has already prepared the sandwich last night. As his Mom stood to go into the kitchen. He quickly said," Mom I have made the meal already last night" "Ooh you did Jaxon", she asked. "Yes, Mom, I have made the sandwich", he answered. "Ok then, go and serve me some from the meal, I am really hungry", she begged. "Ok Mom", Jaxon replied. Jaxon quickly went into the kitchen so nervously, his worries were they he didn't know how the sandwich tasted. He knew very well how delicious his Mom prepares hers but she had not prepared this one, so he felt uncomfortable in anticipation that his Mom might not like it. Jaxon dishes the meal and brought it to his Mom. "Mom this is the sandwich", he said "Ok Jaxon put it on the table, I will come to eat it immediately", she replied. Jaxon places it on the table. When his Mom got to the table, because the sight of the sandwich looked so appealing she took a huge bite from the sandwich chewed it for a while and took another bite. This time she noticed there was much salt. she got really irritated and threw up all the remaining from her mouth. She couldn't imagine all this was happening to her because of Jaxon's carefree attitude and inability to learn from her. She called out on Jaxon. "Jaxon, come here immediately", she yelled. Jaxon quickly came to her call, feeling so worried. he knew he was in trouble anything his Mom calls him in that way. "Jaxon did you eat from this sandwich", she asked. "No Mom I hadn't", he responded troubled. "Why didn't you eat from it," she asked so furiously "Mom I couldn't eat from it because I was very tired and feeling sleepy when I finished preparing the dinner", He said. "Jaxon you mean you didn't notice that the sandwich was too salty and now I am terribly hurt inside", she complained "No Mom, I never knew it was too salty, I am so sorry Mom", he pleaded. Jaxon! Jaxon! Jaxon! "How many times did I call you", she asked. "Three times Mom", he replied "Don't ever try to waste any meal in this house again due to your ability to learn how to cook from me, we wouldn't be looking for money and when we get it then we just waste it all on cooking bad foods", she warned. "Okay Mom, I will be very careful and learn how to cook from you, I so sorry", He pleaded. "It Alright", she frowned at him. Miss Amanda car horn blew from the outside apartments main gate. Jaxon heard it and ran outside to check if it was really her, he ran back into the house. Indeed it was Miss Amanda who just returning in her classy Mercedes Benz and was about entering the main gate. Miss Amanda frequently opens the gate herself, so Jaxon just watched from his parent's apartment as she opened the gate and drove in. Immediately she got down from her car, Mrs Ruth Alponso was already outside her apartment to say greetings to her as usual. They both greeted warmly. "Hello Mrs Ruth hope all is going well with you and your son today", She asked. "Yea Miss Amanda we are just doing quite fine, thanks for the money you gave to Jaxon last night, it was really helpful as usual", she replied. "Ooh don't worry about that, it is a token from me", she responded "Yea I just remembered I have some burger in my car and it tastes really good. I am sure you will like it", she said. "Ooh really", thank you Miss Amanda went into her car, brought out the burger and she gave it to Mrs Ruth. "Thank you so much", Mrs Ruth said to Miss Amanda. Miss Amanda had to give her the burger she bought to eat because she was already having some funny emotional feelings and her attention was on Jaxon to satisfy her. Miss Amanda gave her the burger because she didn't want Jaxon Mom to begin suspecting her with her son anything soon. Then, She asked, " where is Jaxon"? "He is inside the living room", Mrs Ruth answered. "Ok, can you ask him to come and pick some foodstuff I also got for you, Miss Amand said"? "Ok, I will call him to come over to your apartment", Mrs Ruth replied "Alright, Mrs Ruth, I will be waiting for him", Miss Amanda replied. Mrs Ruth gladly goes into her apartment and called on Jaxon joyfully. "Jaxon, are you awake, Mrs Ruth has asked you to come over to her apartment to pick up some foodstuff she bought for me", She said to him. Jaxon said", Ok Mom I will go at once to get it" Jaxon cleaned up his faces with some warm water, opened their door and approached Miss Amanda apartment. As soon as he got to her door he knocked. Knock! Knock! He heard Miss Amanda's voice. "Come in I know who is at the door, it is open," she said in her romantic expression. As Jaxon opened the door, his eye couldn't believe what had just seen...
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