Chapter 2:*Who could ever know*

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Miss Amanda is one of those unmarried ladies who could hardly spend a full week or even a whole day at home without having a date to hang out with at intervals. Sometimes, she spends months away from her flat, she would only call my Jaxon's Mom to help her close her windows, in order to prevent the heavy winds or storm of rain from entering her into her apartment and damaging futures in her expensive apartment. Mrs Gracie is always willing to render such kind of did you her, provided it within the scope of her moral percept. In appreciation for the help, Mr Gracie often renders to her when she is away. she will send to her us a $100, that had been of great help to Mrs Gracie and family during those periods especially when they had exhausted their money or food. Jaxon Family only get such amount of money at the end of the year, when his Dad receives his Christmas bonus or his Uncles sends them Christmas gift or cash to celebrate the season. Jaxon was surprised to find Miss Amanda at home that day, to the point that she forgot to even close her door. Which was unusual with her regular attitude. She doesn't bring her dates home but when she is home, her door is always completely shut from the inside bolt. Jaxon has now found himself inside her living room, without her aware that he is around. Jaxon stood still in anxiety trying to figure out what most have led to Miss Amanda getting drunk to this point. As he watched, he felt Miss Amanda was struggling with her breath, from the sound of her snoring. Would could have perceived Miss Amanda had fallen in love, Ooh yeah! She had fallen in love with one of her dates, Mr Sanchez Velox. Mr Sanchez Velox is the owner of the company where Jaxon's Dad works as a warfare house attendant. Sanchez Had met Amanda in one of the night clubs where she was a regular stripper. He loved the way she teased very much, so he approached her, got her phone number. They chatted, hanged out and Miss Amanda left off her business card with him to call or find her anytime he wills. That was never the last time they met, they talking for a while now and seeing each other too, little did we know that Miss Amanda had seen the kind of man she wanted to end up with and as a result had fallen in love with him. Miss Amanda never knew Sanchez had divorced his wife, because of his unreasonable attitude, he was always looking for the most sexist and pretty strippers from the city clubs to spend his money on. Miss Amanda was not the first and wouldn't be the last. Now she had fallen so deeply in love with him, this feeling is currently turning her world upside down. She would never ask Sanchez to marry her, that was not in the mode of her business. You can only get paid for whatever service you render and that's is the most to ask for. This was what she was thinking about last night and continued the morning, in order to subdue her emotions she had to begin drinking until she got drunken. She slept off completely naked in her sitting room and forgot her door wasn't shut. Now Jaxon had sneaked inside the sitting room of Miss Amanda, staring at her nudity. His sight catches up with her n****e, swelling through the towel placed she placed on her chest. Jaxon, I begin to get emotionally aroused and excited. He thought the feeling was going to end so abruptly, when it didn't he immediately took his eyes off her chest and then he stopped at her lower body part. She was extremely curvaceous, her butt barely contained the couch where she laid down. Jaxon eyes got hooked on her. Then he suddenly saw a slightly thick fluid dripping through her thighs, she was wet from s****l excitement. Jaxon had seen enough and was losing his sanity. This will be the most unbelievable thing his Mom should catch him doing, he could even be disowned or severely tongue slashed by his Mom. So He quickly tried to reach closer to Miss Amanda to close her lower body with her wrapper on the floor. He suddenly slipped as he got closer to her, as a result of the alcohol poured on the floor and he lost his balance. Jaxon tried to catch himself but he lost all control, and fell on her with his head in-between her thigh, face brushing her private part, then she woke up. She screamed in pain. He began to plead with her. "Sorry, it's was s mistake and this was not my intention", Jaxon said in a remorseful voice. Miss Amanda, was still wallowing in pain. Jaxon suddenly had lost enough words to describe what had just happened, he became so terrified. He thought how Miss Amanda has been so good to his parents, is this how he would decide to pay her back for her kindness she has always shown to his Mom. Jaxon got more frightened when the thought that Miss Amanda might tell his Mom about what had just happened. that would be a terrible situation for Jaxon to handle with his parents. Jaxon thought of how he would plead his innocence to his Mom if she gets to reports this incidence to her. "How will it sound when to my Mom, when she hears such aal things of about me". He thought. "This will be really upsetting and disappointing to my Mom".Jaxon said under his voice. "I would not allow my Mom get to hear this, I have to find a way to make all of this never to be heard by anyone it must be between me and Miss Amanda. I mostly try to ask her to forgive me", Jaxon thinking about the implication of the incidence. Jaxon continued to plead to Miss Amanda to forgive him, that he never meant to do this to her. I only tried to help her help when I found your naked and drunk. She kept on, moaning in pains, as Jaxon pled on. Miss Amanda then wailed his name. "Jaxon! Jaxon!, what have I done to you to be treated this way", she asked in fury. Jaxon began to sob "I wanted to try to help you Miss Amanda" I so sorry he said. Then she said, ... "I will have to let your Mom know about this. I took you to be like a son and brother but you decided to humiliate me by preying on my nakedness" "Jaxon screamed sobering", I am sorry!, I am sorry!, I am sorry! Miss Amanda immediately stood up when into her room. Jaxon wondered what she was going into the room to do, he was scared. But she came out in about 5 mins, dressed properly and said to Jaxon lets go to see your Mom. " I just can't take this lightly", She said. She quickly moved toward the door to open it and found it was locked from the inside. Jason heard had quickly rushed to lock it when he heard a knock at the door. But luckily for him, the knocking was on the other neighbour's door, not Miss Amanda's, if not he would have been caught by someone earlier. She asked angrily, "who locked the door"? Jaxon couldn't respond immediately, because he was so terrified. So she asked again, "who locked my door"? This time she was approaching him, As Jaxon perceived she might try to smash him and that would really elevate the whole dilemma. So He quickly responded out of fear. " I did lock the door Miss Amanda", He responded in guilt. Now she stares at him steadily. He was wondering what she was going through her mind. "Could Miss Amanda be thinking of something terrible to do to me? I thought", Jaxon thought. Is she thinking of not going to see my parent anymore, He was lost, he didn't know what to think of anymore. Jaxon was feeling really exhausted now, and just hoped all this could be a dream, but his hope would never come through because it was all happening in reality. Knock! Knock! Knock! He heard another knock on the door, Jaxon tried to stiff his neck to check where it was coming from but this time it was on Miss Amanda's door. He quickly set properly on her couch and cleaned his teary eye so neatly. Miss Amanda, went straight to the door to open it. It was Jaxon Mom on the door. "Mrs Alphonso Ruth, welcome", she greeted. "It's my Mom who just entered Miss Amanda's flat", He said with his face down in disguise. Jason was startled by his Mom entrance into her sitting room. "I didn't know if he should just keep quiet and act as if nothing had happened, or I should begin to confess my wrongs before Miss Amanda begin to narrate the whole incidence herself to Mom", He thought to himself. He decided to just keep mute in fear. Then, Miss Amanda said to Mrs Gracie, " please take your sit" "Thank you", she replied. Mrs Gracie sat on one of the couch, the sign of weariness expressed through her movement. She was tired as a result of hunger. Jaxon just sat still looking at the facial of Miss Amanda. "Mrs Gracie, hope all is fine, you seem to be really tired", Miss Amanda asked. "I am just fine, I thought to come and say hi to you", Mr Gracie replied. But had to lie to hide her shame. "Alright, Let me get you some drink and food to eat, then if there is any problem you can discuss it with me, " Miss Amanda said. "Ok, thank you, Amanda", Jaxon Mom replied. Miss Amand went straight into her kitchen to get her, some cold drinks and pepper sauce chicken. "Kindly her your meal Mrs Gracie", Miss Amanda said Jaxon helps to take the meal to the dining for his Mom to eat. Miss Amanda stare angrily at Jaxon as he took the meal to the dinning. Miss Gracie ate so fast in about 5mins, she was so hungry that was the reason she came to see Miss Amanda. Miss Amanda watched her ate and felt so much pity for her Then she asked, " can I get you more pepper sauce chicken", As if she knew Mrs Gracie would need some more. Mrs Gracie said, "yes, of course, bring it on", then Miss Amanda got some more meal her, this time she asked Jaxon to join his Mom to eat if he was hungry too because she brought enough for both of them. Jaxon hesitated in responding to her, he couldn't believe she had forgotten all that has just happened between them. Her face had become so bright and friendly like it used to be, prior to this time they had never had a quarrel with Miss Amanda. They have been really friendly to her and she was too kind to them. Jaxon wouldn't tey to be the troubling one between Mrs Gracie and Miss Amanda. Jaxon had become so hungry now and totally exhausted, so he had to join his Mom to eat from the meal that was brought to her Miss Amanda. They ate Miss Amanda stared at the TV screen steadily without trying to catch a face contact with Jaxon. She could only laugh or smile when Miss Gracie say anything humorous to her but not Jaxon's. Miss Gracie, looked around the corner where she was sitting and saw that it was dusty. Then she said to Miss Amanda, "your living room is really dusty you will clean it up" Miss Amanda concurred that it was really dusty. "I will find some to clean up the place", she said. "You wouldn't need to border yourself Jaxon will have to help your so the cleaning, Mrs Gracie turning to Jaxon and said wouldn't you clean it up for her", she said. "I will do the cleaning for her", Jaxon replied. Miss Amanda, smiles and says thank you to Miss Gracie. They continued with their meal. As they were about to finish eating, Mrs asked Jaxon begin to dust the living of me, Amanda. But Miss Amanda retorted and said, "Jaxon take a rest because of the meal you just had" Jaxon stared, without having a word an interrupt their deliberation over him. "I will be going out this evening so you can do the cleaning while uh am away", Miss Amanda said. "Alright Miss Amanda", she replied. Jaxon and his Mom both thanked Miss Amanda for the meal once again and left for their apartment. Miss Amanda quickly took her bath and left for her business for the evening in the club. He went to Miss Gracie and gave her the key to her apartment, for Jaxon to use in opening her door when he wants to clean up the place for her living room. When it was evening Mrs Gracie reminding Jaxon about going to cleaning Miss Amanda's living room. So, Jaxon got the keys from his Mom and went straight to Miss Amanda's flat to open it. He was so happy that she was away now, but the thought of the incidence today between him and Miss Amanda could not leave his mind. Nonetheless, in other to try to please Miss Amanda she can forgive and not report the incidence to his Mom. He acceptable wholeheartedly to clean her apartment Jaxon opened her apartment with the key he had. As soon as got into the flat he began to admire the beautiful and expensive furniture and living room accessories in Miss Amanda flat. He moved from one room to another as he loved the very things he saw. Then Jason goes into the kitchen went to the refrigerator opened it and saw a lot of things in it but his taste draw him to the chocolate bar. Jaxon took from the Chocolate bar and had a huge bite from it. He went ahead and continued with the duty he came to do in Miss Amanda apartment, he finished at around 8 pm approach into the night. He became so exhaustedly, switched on the TV screen to relax watching a few plays. Jaxon gets a mood swing as a result of the chocolate bar he took from the refrigerator, this was a medical chocolate bar Miss Amanda took to stimulate her hormones for constant s*x actions with her clients. He begins to get sexually excited, it really became terrible for him to control. He quickly tries to get himself together, looked for where he came Miss Amanda keys. He had to leave the flat to go relax at his own home. Jaxon tries to face off his faces with some cold water from the refrigerator. Keys turning on the doorstep. He tries to pay attention to the door. "Who is at the door", Jaxon asked. The fan stops rolling, the light goes off, the power electricity has just been interrupted. Darkness becomes evident, Jaxon fears a thief is about to bulgar Miss Amanda apartment. "Who is at the door", he screams this time so frightened.
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