Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen:You won, fair and circle. °°____________°° "Like I said already, I am just being kind over here. You are extremely painful to watch!" I furrow my brows immediately as the words leave his mouth. That is an insult.... That should qualify as an insult.. I cross my arms, consequently spilling the drink I have in my hand over my elbow. Thank goodness I did not choose to wear the dress with long sleeves because I would be regretting it right now. "You are exaggerating, are you calling me ugly now?" I question as I get closer to him and bob my head to express my sass. He just looks amused as he grabs the cup from me. "hey! Give me that!" I try to reach but he manages to hoist it high enough to me to have difficulty reaching. I am basically bumping into his chest trying to grab the cup of whatever cocktail that is ruining my life right now. It is not the alcohol I want.... I just want to show him that he cannot bully me just because he is taller than me. He quits looking as the cup and the height difference between the tips of my fingers while I am on my toe tips and his large hand, and bows his head to look back down at me. I almost sober up completely as our faces get way too close, and judging from his face, he was not expecting that to happen either. "Listen, Julia. This is not your kind of stuff. You will hate me now but thank me later." he uses my moment of distraction to spill the drink and drop the cup before watching with amusement as my mouth falls open. "You really think I am not capable of getting myself another drink?" I question before I storm off dramatically. Try to... Before I try to storm off dramatically. He stops me by grabbing my forearm and forcing me to take a few steps right back to him. "Your friends are taking things to the extreme, but you don't have to. Let me get you out of here for a second. Unless you want to prove it to me that you will forever be uptight." he lets go of my forearm only to grab it with his other hand and use the one he held me with before to ruffle his hair. I have no idea why he is doing that or why it looks so sexy right now but the alcohol is probably helping. I should have never even had a sip. I am not drunk particularly, I will just call it being rather unusually bold. "It has nothing to do with me being uptight. If you make a more tempting offer, I will accept it." I pretend I am not even tempted to take him up on the current one but that is far from the truth. He is actually making being here so much better. He is right, I must have been painful to watch, nobody to talk to and only alcohol as a distraction. Even just standing here with him makes me forget there are people around us. I am grateful, and will definitely be grateful if he just gets me out of here. "Well... You said you love a challenge, didn't you?" he has a half smile that leaves me wondering what to expect as he speaks. "I have a little game we can play and score ourselves favours while we are at it." I can't help the smile that lands oh my face as I try to imagine what he could possibly be talking about. "Favours from who?" I place my finger on my chin and pretend I have no idea what he is talking about. He just grabs the finger and pushes my hand down slowly. "Come on, you are clearly interested. And you ask too many f*****g questions, just come with me." he offers one last time and for once, I actually fear that the offer might expire if I do not take it. "fine. As long as you take me back here and we are not away for too long." I make him pinky promise, which he does with a weird look on his face, like he has never done anything even similar before. We get into his car and I notice he has opted for a black sedan instead. He starts the car and before I know it, before I even really think about this, he drives off and heads back downhill. "You look forced out of your comfort zone. That makes us both." he admits and I turn to face him. "Which comfort habit have I taken away by being here, Mr?" I question and he darts his eyes to me briefly like he is trying to read me and I have no idea how that alone manages to make me nervous. "I never make promises to anyone. Not even myself. And I do not let anyone sit in this car, ever." he finally replies and I am at a loss for words. I am not sure what point he is trying to raise with his statement but I hate the fact that I feel flattered already. Snap out of it! "what about your brother? Do you ever make him any promises?" the question makes his hands tighten around the steering wheel and his jaw clench. That was not the reaction I was expecting. "What do you know about my brother?" he suddenly sounds intimidating and I honestly asked one simple question. "so you do have a brother? Why have you never mentioned him?" I ask and he does not even look at me. "Did he come onto you?" I get confused. Why would he even think that? "I just found out about him.. My friends. Why are you getting so angry?" I have to ask but as soon as the question leaves my mouth, his features soften and he smiles at me reassuringly. "I am not angry. And we have reached our destination!" he quickly saves himself and my attention is also diverted as I try to look around us. "There is nothing here but plain field..." I try to look for something but all I see is dry lands over a long distance. Am I missing something? "You are already making a judgment before you give the place a thorough survey? You keep climbing on that Uptight scale." he jokes before he gets out of the car and I continue searching to avoid being labeled uptight. Gosh! The door suddenly opens on my side and he leans in to un strap the seat belt. I immediately feel my stomach turning as I feel his warmth over me. "What are you doing?" I question after he has been looking at me for a few seconds without moving. He does not answer but quickly leans back inside and lifts me out of the car, carrying me bridal stile before kicking the door closed. "Ryan, please!" I plead with him to put me down but he seems to be enjoying himself way too much. I would be enjoying myself more if I did not feel like I was in a vulnerable position, he keeps looking down at me and I feel like he will soon see something that I am not ready to reveal to him yet. "put me down, come on. Where are you even taking me?" I try to wiggle myself free but he keeps me right where he wants me. "Stop whining already, Jules! Here is your challenge." he places ne down next to a mini Boulder. I can barely see its definition but it has weird colour. "What is this?" I actually want to laugh before even figuring out what he is on about. "like I said, we can score ourselves favours while playing a little game." I watch him intently, waiting for him to explain the whole thing and get to the part where this will make sense. "Do you think you can lift that?" he points to the mini boulder, the only thing that is interesting in this entire plain, dry field. "Ryan, you must think I am a serious child! Of course I can lift it!" I say confidently and he smirks at me. "I was hoping that confidence would emerge." He looks me in the eyes before crossing his arms. "If you fail, I get to ask for what I want." he leaves me curious about what that could be, but I do no digging. "and if I lift that tiny rock, what happens?" I cross my arms too and he shrugs before responding. "you ask me any question you have been itching to and I have to answer honestly." he finally admits and a smile creeps up on my face. "okay!" I walk to the little cute boulder and do some stretches like I am about to compete in a serious sport. He watches me looking amused and I finally bend over and place my hands underneath it. I try hard, over and over to actually lift it but the f*****g thing is basically glued to the ground. He already looks way too happy as well as I make my final attempt. Although I hate that I am about to give him the satisfaction, I give up while he is watching with a smirk. "I don't know what this thing actually is, but it is not moving! It is not a normal rock!" I complain before dusting off my hands and frowning. "you are right, it is not a normal rock. It's a meteorite. I don't think anyone else knows about it. At least not yet." he admits and my jaw is just on the floor. "you wanted me to... No.. That is not fair!" I storm off into the car and just cross my arms, leaving the door open. "I had no idea you were such a sore loser!" he jokes and I just give him a quick glare. He walks around the car and gets inside, taking his seat before he closes the door. I do the same before I continue to cross my arms like a child throwing a fit. "I do not think that was a fair challenge. How could you ever expect-" "The only thing I have been expecting you to do is ask me what I want. Why I initiated the game in the first place." his voice enters my ears like a serene breeze and it becomes hard to keep looking at him. "okay. You won, fair and circle. What do you want?" I ask and he does not say anything immediately. He lets my mind run as he keeps his eyes fixed on me. "there was nothing circle about that win." he replies before he goes into a brief moment of deep thought. "I want you to stop denying yourself things that you actually want. I know I don't even have to say it, sweet cakes." the nickname makes another appearance and I am not sure if it or his gaze makes me more nervous. I cannot even bring myself to say anything to him. The way he is looking at me like a dehydrated man should look at a spring of clean water is just driving me insane... "you should lock your door, it is not safe around here." he reaches forward and locks the door right next to me and that only brings his face closer to mine. Fuck! I forget to breathe as his eyes look up at me. They are the last weapon in my death. Or so I thought until I felt his hand behind my waist. "Sweet cakes...tell me.." he starts and I decide I have had enough. He clearly will not let me have the win and just kiss me. He should have asked for a kiss instead of going about it in this complicated way. I do not even let him complete that sentence before placing my lips on his...carefully. He does not go as sparingly as I did when that first contact is done with. His lips are moving against mind and he is an even better kisser than I ever imagined. My fingers lace through his hair as he pulls me towards him and I let him take me away. I manage to find myself on top of him, my armswrapped around his neck as his hands roam my body. I am aroused, and it I do not mean just a little. I feel his stiffy right on my crotch area and it takes a lot for me to not grind on it. "f**k, why do I want you so bad?" he breaks the kiss and I honestly do not have an answer for him, I just know his voice leaves me feeling weak in the knees. "I am serious, sweet cakes. I think..." he places gentle kisses on my neck as I keep my eyes closed. "I think you could be my mate." the words leave his mouth and as confused as I am, I feel the need to pay more attention to what he just said.
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