Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen: A surprise long awaited to I am here to crash your party: Part Three I am still very confused as we drive up the hill despite ne arguing against the idea, I thought since it was my birthday practically, still and due to the fact that this trip was meant for me, my opinion would be the most valued but I thought wrong. I was not about to get into a party with a bunch of strangers from a different school. Who will we say we are anyway to be out here crashing their party? "They crashed our party first, come on Julia!" Amelia responds to the last statement supporting my idea that we head back and I just let my face fall into my open palms. I should probably give up but something about me just loves a challenge even when I am lazy to give it my all. "A party that was yet to happen? I love the spot you chose, yes, it was going to make my night but it is going to ruin it now that that pompous school is here!" and I am serious, I am not just saying it because it is convenient for me in this argument! "No, sorry hun, we decided that we are taking you here and that is just what we will do no matter what is trying to stand in our way!" Jax keeps saying as she continues to drive up the hill. "Plus, a party would not be a bad idea for all of us, you need to get out of your f*****g shell that you protect yourself in before life forces you out of it. And by then, it will hurt like crazy!" Jax adds and I roll my eyes. I knew this was one big bad idea when Tracy whispered to me that it's the school Ryan and his apparent twin brother go to. I do not want to face him nor his brother if I will even be able to tell them apart, I am usually really bad when it comes to identical twins. "I would rather wait for that if it means that I get to enjoy my comfort for a few months longer!" I respond end she bursts out laughing. The other girls join her and I just shake my head and wait for the laughs to turn fake until they decide they have exhausted themselves enough. "Listen, how about we vote? You are not allowed to stay in the car when we get there and you will talk to at least two people that do not include any of us!" Jax has definitely read my mind because that is exactly what I was planning on doing as soon as the car came to a halt. "if anyone supports Julia in her definite plan to remain in the car, then please raise your hand to show support. If you are able to get more than two hands up, you win dearest Jules!" She concludes and I narrow my eyes at everyone except her. She is lucky that she is in the driver's seat because I do not want to know what I was going to do to her! Not even a single hand apart from mine goes up despite me looking around with pleading eyes. "looks like we have a définie winner, you win Jax!" Amelia tells and I roll my eyes. Whatever! As the popular saying goes, you can take a horse to the river, but you cannot force it to drink from the river! I will be that horse for as long as I can! "congratulations Jax, we will see what you can do to force me out!" I cross my arms as I state firmly. I totally believed that I could hold on for dear life once they began forcing me out of the car but I guess I was wrong... All it took was a threat to call Ryan over and they had me eating out of their palms... Almost! "I am coming, geez! If my mother could see this now, she would be so disappointed!" I am totally sulking right now but it is with good reason! "do not worry, we will not tell her if you don't!" I narrow my eyes at Amelia and she shrugs. "so if we do not leave you alone, you are definitely not going to socialise so we have to leave you now best friend, we love you!" Jax blows a kiss after she locks the car up and I am stuck with only one option because sitting by the car with multiple eyes staring at me with distaste just oozing from them is surely not about to be an option! I will f*****g do it! I tell myself as I trail strongly behind Jax, Amelia, Amber and Tracy. I realize that while everyone looks mean and selfish, they are at least not selfish about giving away the alcohol, which is where I head immediately! I grab whatever cocktail they have mixed in their f*****g container and chug it. I am glad it tastes good actually, but not so glad that I gulped it down and it has worked almost instantly! I do not learn my lesson but I just ask for one more glass, which is definitely going to be a bad idea but it is impossible for me to care! I step away from the drink station with my new cup of whatever I am drinking with my light weight head and begin to search for a friendly face. Results for my search turn out to be zero and I am not shocked! I am convinced that I am about to spend the entire night just drinking myself away but just then, I notice a pretty looking red haired girl looking awkward all by herself. Bingo! Just like me, she is in need of someone to talk to and is not exactly looking to talk to the mean faces around here! "heyy!" I smile and immediately her face turns from one cute little pig to a raging big bad wolf.. That is some freaky s**t, and I am seriously confused until I see her pull out a stash of white powder. Yup.. I cannot stick around here! "b***h I came here to get privacy..." she behind fiddling with her dearest white powder and I am about to turn around when a hand tapping on my shoulder alarms me. I turn around instantly and my heart sinks when my eyes are met by Ryan's. Shit! "so first you ghost me and then you follow me?" I don't know if not responding to his messages for a few hours counts as ghosting but okay.
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