Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: after sending me out to be eaten by the wolves °°_______________°° I basically stormed my ass into the school campus and wanted nothing but to find myself inside that dorm room! The distance has never looked longer now, and I thought it looked really long each time I was dying to return from an annoying last class of the day, but I stand corrected! I feel like someone is watching me, Ryan in particular because his face just keeps flashing in my mind and I feel like the image of him from my head might just pop up and start following me. I hope he was not motivated enough to pretend to drive to wherever his house and come back to follow me. No! I am just being dramatic, why would he have that much motivation? That is not how the cocky bastard should be acting, and I am certain there is no way he is getting out of that shell anytime soon. Not without a big push... Which he will not be getting from me! I convince myself before walking into the dorm house. The building is three stories and my dorm is on the far left on the very top. The school is quite choosy with students so we do not have enough seniors to fill up a bigger building. In fact, this year, a lot of the rooms are not occupied. I open the main door which leads into what should qualify as the foyer before leading to the kitchen area on the left and laundry area on the right. It is unusually quiet, no students are rummaging through snacks in the middle of the night, which is quite surprising. I quickly remember that it is Friday and only a few students want to be tied down here on Friday night. My phone vibrates in my pocket and I feel my heart skip a beat instantly. I guess he does have a bit of motivation in him... I hesitate to take it out of the pocket, scared of what he could possibly be saying to me, but I snap out of it fast. Moving the paper bag with the carrot cake that I will be definitely enjoying after such a night, I reach for the phone. A sigh escapes my lips when I see my mother's contact name on the screen. Shit! I have not told her even a bit of the shenanigans that have gone down tonight and how they came into existence and now she must be either really worried such or feeling way too left out at this point. My mum and I are super close, I can literally open up to her about anything at all, I just choose to keep the things that will give her some trauma or things that will give her worry to myself and out of her head. I wish I could go home actually! This was the perfect time for me to do so because I just want to escape all of this and sit with my thoughts for some time and figure out why I am so worked up about this encounter when not I should be over guys and their annoying tricks! But I cannot do so because it is too late to begin with and I do not have any more passes for the week. The remaining that I had to leave the campus I abused by going on walks and then the awesome foursome completely depleted then by taking me out so much for my birthday week! And thanks to them again, I just wasted one of the last two that I had remaining. I had to cancel the usual visit I gave for my birthday weekend for that reason, and knowing Rachel Rowan, she must have been ready to go all out for me. It was not easy letting her down. I could easily use the last pass on the visit but that would be really pushing it. I cannot be without even one! I open her message and as expected, she is curious to know if my week ans specifically birthday has been worth missing the birthday lunch. I reply, letting her know that there is absolutely nothing that beats the family lunch but give her assurance that I still had a lot of fun. Nothing about Ryan Engler! I am finally able to shove the phone back in my pocket after concluding the conversation with my mum. Heading up the stairs, the urge to crack my knuckles is almost impossible to resist. They have a whole lot of explaining to do and I am not going to let them get away with this! I hear laughter calling me from the beginning of the hallway and I am certain it is my crazy friends. I confirm my suspicions when I twist the door handle and throw the door open before giving them all narrow eyes. They are still huddled in my room, I am already going crazy thinking about the amount of cleaning I am going to have to do once this madness is finally over. "No! No! No! That is not a good sign, what are you doing here? You should be in Ryan's bed getting a good lay!" Jax quickly rushes to the door and stares at me like I am a ghost. "Oooh! She got take away though!" she yanks the paper bag away from my hands faster than I can process that she has caught sight of it. I expect her to be the one going crazy for food, but she is insane if she thinks I am going to let her just steak my reward carrot cake for surviving this night just like that! "oohhh... They are having a slumber party after sending me out to be eaten by the wolves!" I cross my arms over my chest before walking into the room and shutting the door behind me. "we sent you out to just one sexy Lycan, relax!" Jax retorts fast. It takes me being inside the room to realise that Tracey is not even here, and that only confuses me. Not really. "Where is Tracey?" I ask with a flat tone and Jax waves me off with her hand before taking a peek into the paper bag. "Do not touch my f*****g cake, Jax! Nobody is eating anything until you realise what you have done!" I warn and Amelia and Amber quit focusing on the movie playing on their laptop to divert their attention to me. "I am not doubt laundry, please no!" Amber, the spoiled brat in the group complains and I laugh to myself. She thinks laundry compares to setting me up with what could have been a Forty year old bald creep? "Stop freaking out, I know Julia, she lost the bet... Right?" Jax smirks at me and I just take a deep breath before finding the perfect way to avoid the question. "Where is Tracey? I am not saying a thing until she gets here!" I make it clear and Amber just shakes her head before crawling off the far corner of my bed that is pinned against the wall and just sits on the edge. "She is not here." I want to face-palm myself when she says the most obvious thing but I decide to grab my phone and start searching through my contacts. The phone rings for a long while till I have to drop the call. Trying her again only leads to the same result and it is only on my third attempt that she finally shamelessly declines the call. She totally has another thing coming if she thinks that she is going to ignore my calls and get away with it! The phone rings for some time before she picks up and I take a deep breath before I start breathing fire like the dragon on Ryan's chest. "J-Julia, do you...know what you are interrupting?" she questions and I furrow my brows to avoid a full on frown. Her voice cannot even come out clearly enough as she breaths hard. "Oh god, yes!" she pants heavily and the slapping noises fill my ears. Really? I do not need this Right now! I am finally able to make sense of how she was able to breath hard and talk at the same time... It was not her breathing like a dying whale! "What do you waa-" she is not even able to complete the sentence before she starts moaning and I have to pull the phone away fr my ear for a few seconds. Oh god, seriously?! "Told you not to call her!" Amelia laughs and I cannot even pay her lies any attention. "Ew, Tracey! Who the f**k are you with even? You need to get here right now!" I basically scold her with a strict mum tone, but even that does not work. "Call later!" she moans out "yeah, call later, c**k blocker!" a male voice agrees with her before they both begin giggling! The audacity! I know exactly what to say to get her attention, it would not fail me, especially if the guy she is with is as unattractive as his voice and heavy breaths! "Tracey, tell the imbecile you are with that he is going to deal with serious blue balls because you are going to choose Ryan Engler over him! We talked about you and I showed him pictures of you, i told him you would be down for a shag! Should I seriously turn him down?" and just like that, as expected, I got her attention!
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