Chapter One

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ADRIAN I stared at the newspaper in my hand with so much anger and hatred. How dare she? How dare Mila do this to me? Throughout the relationship, she had gained more than I ever had! I had showered her with so much luxury than she could ever have dreamed about, and this was what she was paying me with! ADRIAN NIKALAUO GOT ME PREGNANT! How? We had been together for three whole months and only had s*x just one f*****g time, when I was drunk! And that was even the first time we met. After that it was endless dates and credit card appointments and visits that always ended in me not being able to get an erection! My c**k had laid down flat throughout the three months we were together. So how had she gotten pregnant? I was goin to deal with Mila and she wasn’t going to know what hit her. She could kiss her whole modeling career goodbye! I was done being good and always getting paid with rotten coins. I tossed the newspaper away, ready to pick up my phone when my two brothers, Leander and Theo, burst into my office. Leo had the newspaper in his hands so I already knew what they were here for. “I don’t know if I should pity you, or just laugh at how funny this situation is.” Were the words that left Leander’s lips as he took a sit on the comfortable couch in my office. Completely ignoring the chairs at the other side of my table. I shook my head. “If you guys came to mock me,go ahead. I deserve it for not listening to you both.” I said in resignation. They had warned me after I had told them of my first meeting with Mila at Leander’s birthday party four months ago. But I had refused to listen even after they had told me countless times, how much of a gold digger she was. “Oh, we haven’t come to mock you. As much as we would love to do that, we have an issue on ground.” Theo said, and set the paper on my table, before taking his own seat opposite me. I frowned. “What do you mean we have an issue on ground?” I asked, my ears peaking. I and my two brothers ran a footwear company that specializes in sports and cooperate shoes designing and production. We were all partners and shared our profits equally. Theo pointed at the paper as Leander stood up from the sofa and came to sit beside Theo. “Yiladas called. The news is everywhere. Kulkicks called too.” From his expression and tone, I didn’t need to ask him any question to know that whatever had been said in those calls were serious. “They said they cannot deal with a company that is full of scandals. It’s bad for their reputation.” It was totally understandable. I hated when things like these happened to me. It wasn’t even the first or second time. It felt like I was a magnet for gold diggers. “So two of my biggest investors have pulled out. What next? We go bankrupt?” The question was thrown more to myself than the two men across me. Leander sighed. “I tried to talk to them, but it was only Kulkicks who gave me an answer. According to them, if you can at least try to show commitment, then they could resume business dealings with you.” What? I looked at my brother. “Are you being serious? What does my relationship have to do with business? It’s one thing telling me that they can’t do business with me because of the scandals, and it’s another thing shading me and telling me what to do in a relationship.” I stated, flatly. It was Theo who spoke next. “Don’t you think it’s high time you do things our way? I mean, look for a suitable woman, make her sign a contract agreeing to be your mistress.” My eyebrows raised as he spoke. “Look at the bright side of things. The media is out for you, and people are beginning to speak ill of you. This could get you back in the good light, and also salvage the company.” “I see your point, brother, but at this stage, the last thing I need is a woman. I am done!” I was being brutally honest. Just thinly about going close to a woman again made shivers run down my spine. I shook my head. “I’m not taking a mistress.” I stated clearly, leaving no room for argument. Both Theo and Leander looked like they wanted to say something, but just stayed quiet, staring at me like I was being unreasonable. I wasn’t. Like hell was I going to take a mistress and put myself in another hellhole! I still had to clear my name for this non-existent baby Mila was having. My phone rang piercing through the silence that had come upon the room. I fished it out while Theo and Leander whispered to each other. Mother. “f**k! It’s mother.” I said and watched as they both Ross their hands in unison. It would have been funny seeing the expression on their faces at the mention of our mother, but the situation was serious. I wondered why she was calling so early in the morning. “Kalimera, Mama.” I said as soon as I picked up the call and pressed the phone to my ears. As expected, a torrent of curses in Greek rolled out of her tongues as she scolded me. Theo and Leander had their hands over their mouth as they stifled laughter. “Adrian Nikalauo! So you have chosen to continue bringing shame to this family! What is this I see on the news? It’s everywhere! Your father is mad, Adrian!” I could picture her as she placed a hand on her forehead in a bid to curb her anger. “I’m sorry, Ma. It’s just this woman blackmailing me. I swear it isn’t true_” I tried to explain, but she cut me off, not even wanting g to hear anything. “A woman is blackmailing you! Oh, I know you would never get a woman pregnant and deny it, but I am still disappointed and mad at you. You are ruining the name of this family, but at home, and across the world! I’ve told you and your brothers to get yourselves wives. If you had all listened to I and your father, you wouldn’t be having these kind of problems.” Oh dear! Not the wife card! “Ma, I promise I’ll sort it out!” I said, trying to reassure her. But she wasn’t having it. “Oh I know you would, but as soon as this has blown over, you would come back home and take Evangeline as your wife. We have given you enough time to get yourself one already, and we are fed up.” Wait what! “Ma_” I tried to speak. But she interrupted me once again. “Tell your brothers I can hear them snicker!” And with that, the hung up on me. Leander and Theo burst out laughing. “Oh, you getting it bad this time brother. Evangeline is a pretty girl anyway.” Leander said in between laughs. Like hell was I going to marry Evangeline. It didn’t take me time to come to a decision. “Tell me more about this mistress thing.” I said without thinking twice. I wasn’t ready to get married. Not after all I had passed through on the hands of those women!
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